Planning Collaboration with Families

Title: Planning Collaboration with Families
Description: Participants will explore methods or procedures that will best build and/or sustain collaboration with families. They will learn multiple ways to successfully bring diverse segments of the local families and community together, and to engage the families in collaboration to benefit the child and school programs. The application focus is that participants will develop a plan for improving collaboration in their school.
·  PD hrs: If you are interested in facilitating this workshop for “Professional Development Hours” through ASU, please contact us at for details (including an Attendance Roster Form and a Participant Feedback Form)
·  FEEDBACK: We would appreciate feedback regarding the quality of this PD Facilitator Kit and/or suggestions for improvement (including participant feedback and/or recommended changes to the Facilitator PowerPoint and/or Facilitator Guide). Please email feedback, comments, or suggestions for improvements to (be sure to include the exact name of the workshop).
NOTE: It is recommended that the objectives, guiding questions, and key vocabulary be posted during the workshop.
Targeted Objectives (What is to be learned? How will it be demonstrated? Using Observable verbs & Learning outcomes with Evidence):
·  The principal will develop and plan coherent policies, practices and procedures for supporting collaboration with families.
Guiding Questions (Task analyze the lesson/objectives, consider the sequential steps, and then write questions that guide participant thinking)
·  How do you bring diverse community families to the table in the true spirit of partnership?
Key Vocabulary (List words that may need to be defined for clarity; this list may become a poster in the workshop)
·  coherent
ISLLC Standard (based on Leadership Standards Rubric aligned with ISLLC Performance Expectations, Elements, or Criteria)
·  ISLLC #4 Collaborating with Families: An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
·  4a.Collaboration with Families and Community Members
Research-Based Critical Behaviors (Vanderbilt University research identified principal behaviors; VAL-ED workshops)
·  Key Process: Planning
·  Core Components: Connections to External Communities
Agenda and Segment Titles / Slide Numbers / Time in Minutes / Notes
Introduction and/or Overview of Workshop / 20 min
Planning Collaboration with Families / 40 min
Conclusion & Developing an Application Focus (or other) / 10 min
TOTAL TIME: / 70 min (1.3 hrs)
Materials, Handouts, Readings, Videos, and other items needed
General Materials (items used throughout whole workshop, and office supply items needed)
·  Facilitator Guide for Planning Collaboration with Families
·  Facilitator PowerPoint for Planning Collaboration with Families
·  Agenda (facilitator makes this on chart paper)
·  Poster Paper and markers
Handout (list exact title and name of electronic file; add APA format in the Resources section)
·  Community Partnership Resources Worksheet
·  Community Resources Action Plan Worksheet
Readings (list exact title and name of electronic file; add APA format in the Resources section)
·  Auerbach, S. (2011). Learning from Latino Families. Educational Leadership, 68(8), 17-21.
Retreive from URL
·  Project Helps Spanish-speaking Parents
Retrieve from URL
Videos (list exact title and provide URL; add APA format in the Resources section)
·  WakeCountySchools (Producer). (2009, October 21). Latino outreach: the school connection, march 2008 [Video]. Retrieved from
Other technologies or resources that are used
·  none.
·  Auerbach, S. (2011). Learning from Latino Families. Educational Leadership, 68(8), 17-21.Henke, L. (2011). Connecting with Parents at Home. Educational Leadership, 68(8), 38-41.
·  Stitt, L. (2012, June 27). Project Helps Spanish Speaking Parents. Sedona Red Rock News, p. 9A.
·  WakeCountySchools (Producer). (2009, October 21). Latino outreach: the school connection, March 2008 [Video]. Retrieved from
·  Zimmerman-Orozco, S. (2011). A Circle of Caring. Educational Leadership, 68(8), 64-68.
·  Agirdag, O., & Van Houtte, M. (2011). A Tale of Two Cities: Bridging Families and Schools. Educational Leadership, 68(8), 42-46.
·  * See Needs Assessment Surveys for Title 1 Schools on ADE Website
Other General Resources:
·  Instructional Leadership: Core Components & Key Processes (if workshop is connected to VAL-ED)
·  ISLLC Standards Rubric (if workshop is connected to ISLLC Standards)
Content Experts: Susan Simon; Carol Copp
Presentation Notes
Management Considerations, Notes, etc
Management Notes:
·  Directions / Notes relevant to each individual PowerPoint slide are listed in the PowerPoints notes section
·  Ask the superintendent in advance to prepare a welcome and remarks regarding WHY this workshop is important for participants.
·  Check with the superintendent in advance to see if s/he prefers to use established district administrative team norms.
·  Typically, each segment of the workshop begins with a slide entitled “Segment Guiding Questions”
·  Closure for each segment and/or the end of the workshop should be adjusted/adapted to the facilitators style
Notes to Inform Pacing/Adjusting Lesson (FACILITATORS: After studying this workshop, you may make additions to these items)
·  Principals might need to be made more aware of the “how to get to the key parents.” Maybe an introduction to the presentation with ways to start identifying parents who are bi-lingual and seem to come and talk to other parents. Suggest that they be on site council and PTA.
Follow-up Strategies for the Introduction
Suggestions for Follow-Up:
Individual Reflection Questions for Coaching (reflecting on workshop concepts, understandings, options, or application)
·  How do you show people that you value the differences they bring to the table?
·  What strategies do you use to help families feel safe coming to events/meetings at school?
·  What are some of the most important things you’ve learned from working with diversity?
Group Discussion Questions for Online Forum (sharing what he/she is “doing” in his/her school)
·  Has anyone on the forum participated in an interfaith council that has been affiliated with the school? If so, share your experieces.

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