Burnett Shire Council
Urban Residential Zone Code
Development complies with the code if it is consistent with—
(a) if code assessable — the specific outcomes for the relevant development code; or
(b) if self assessable — the acceptable solutions for the relevant development code.
The following are the overall outcomes for the Urban Residential Zone—
Overall outcome / Description of how proposal complies with the code / Council comments (Council use only)a) Housing is the predominant land use in the Urban Residential Zone.
b) Non-residential uses, including—
(i) community uses;
(ii) recreational, and
(iii) low-scale businesses that serve local community needs;
(iv) occur where they do not compromise the amenity of the area.
c) Housing—
i) is available at a range of densities and styles to meet the needs of different households; and
ii) is affordable, safe and secure.
d) Higher-density Housing in the Higher-density Residential Precinct at Bargara——
(i) is predominately multiple dwellings or motels up to three storeys high;
(ii) is characterised by a high standard of amenity as a consequence of its proximity to the coast and coastal reserve, and accessibility to business, retail, entertainment, recreational and public transport opportunities;
(iii) occurs at the highest dwelling intensity and building height intended within the local government area, in recognition of the availability of reticulated infrastructure services and its proximity to and potential support for business activity in the Bargara Recreational Business Precinct.
e) For the Medium-density Residential Precinct situated at Moore Park Beach, Burnett Heads, Bargara, Coral Cove and Elliott Heads, Higher-density Housing and similar accommodation up to two storeys high predominates close to shopping or recreational opportunities.
f) The Small Lot Detached Dwellings Precinct at Bargara next to and opposite the Bargara Central Shopping Centre provides opportunities for detached dwellings on small lots.
g) The Large Lot Residential Precinct provides opportunities for detached dwellings on larger lot sizes in proximity to or within coastal towns with lot sizes suitable for the character of the individual location.
h) The Large Lot Residential Precinct at Moore Park Beach, has predominantly low density residential development on 4000m2 lots with vegetation being retained over the majority of each lot.
i) The remainder of the Urban Residential Zone, not included in one of the above precincts is characterised by detached dwellings.
j) Areas characterised by detached dwellings display a high level of residential amenity arising from—
(i) low traffic volumes;
(ii) a quiet acoustic environment;
(iii) a leafy appearance; and
(iv) buildings whose scale are compatible with each other.
k) Uses and works respect and enhance the character and residential amenity of the neighbourhood.
Specific outcome for inconsistent uses in the Urban Residential Zone
Inconsistent Use / Description of how proposal complies with the code / Council comments (Council use only)The following defined uses and use classes are inconsistent uses and do not locate in the Urban Residential Zone—
a) General Business;
b) Industry uses;
c) Rural uses;
d) Tourist Park.
Table 3.17 Specific outcomes and probable solutions— effects of use in the Urban Residential Zone
Column 1—Specific outcomes / Column 2—Probable solutions / Description of how proposal complies with the code / Council comments (Council use only) /SO.114 The High Density Residential Precinct provides residential uses for short term or permanent occupation—
i. within walking distance of business uses; and
ii. entertainment; and
iii. recreational; and
iv. public transport stops. / No probable solution identified
SO.115 The most intense residential development in the local government area is located in the High Density Residential Precinct. / No probable solution identified
SO.116 The High Density Residential Precinct contains predominantly three storey Higher-density Housing.. / PS.116.1 Building height complies with the maximum building height identified in Table 3.19.
Note — in assessing development which does not comply with the provisions of Table 3.19, Council will have regard to the matters contained within the Satisfying Assessment Criteria Relating to Maximum Building Height, Bulk and Density Planning Scheme Policy.
SO.117 Development of detached dwellings and Higher-density Housing development of 2 storeys or less occurs in the Medium Density Residential Precinct. / PS.117.1 Building height complies with the maximum building height identified in Table 3.19.
Note — in assessing development which does not comply with the provisions of Table 3.19, Council will have regard to the matters contained within the Satisfying Assessment Criteria Relating to Maximum Building Height, Bulk and Density Planning Scheme Policy.
SO.118 Detached dwellings on lots less than 600m2 but more than 360m2 are located in the Small Lot Detached Dwellings Precinct next to or opposite the Bargara Central Shopping Centre. / No probable solution identified
SO.119 Development in the Large Lot Residential Precinct is comprised of detached dwellings on lots suitable for the character of the location. / PS.119.1 Lot sizes and dimensions are in accordance with Schedule 5.
SO.120 Development in those parts of the Urban Residential Zone that are not included in the Medium or High Density Residential Precinct is predominantly detached dwellings of 2 storeys or less in height. / No probable solution identified
Residential Character
SO.121 Development provides a dwelling density that is not detrimental to the amenity of the locality. / PS.121.1 If located within the High Density Residential Precinct or a Medium Density Residential Precinct, development intensity is not greater than that identified in Table 3.20.
Note — in assessing development which does not comply with the provisions of Table 3.20, Council will have regard to the matters contained within the Satisfying Assessment Criteria Relating to Maximum Building Height, Bulk and Density Planning Scheme Policy.
PS.121.2 If not in the Higher Density Residential Precinct or the Medium Density Residential Precincts, the dual occupancy or higher density housing does not result in more than one lot with a dual occupancy or higher density housing within—
i. 50 m of a boundary of a vacant lot or a lot with a detached dwelling in a declared service area (sewerage) as identified on map series INFRA 1; or
ii. 80 m of a boundary of a vacant lot or a lot with a detached dwelling if in an area not included in the declared service area (sewerage) as identified in map series INFRA 1.
Residential Amenity
SO.122 The acoustic amenity of the Urban Residential Zone is maintained and enhanced through the appropriate location of uses that impact adversely on the acoustic environment / PS.122.1 Hostel accommodation is located a minimum of 100 metres from any detached dwelling that is not in the Medium-density Residential Precinct or High-density Residential Precinct.
PS.122.2 Hostel accommodation is not accessed from residential streets in the Urban Residential Zone except if in the High Density Residential Precinct of the Medium Density Residential Precinct.
Non Residential Development
SO.123 Non-residential development is at a scale and design that reflects the residential amenity and character of the area. / No probable solution identified
SO.124 Community uses support local residents’ needs. / No probable solution identified
SO.125 New business premises and shops are located in existing commercial centres. / No probable solution identified
SO.126 Local community need is demonstrated for business premises and shops proposed on sites other than in existing centres. / No probable solution identified
SO.127 Any building used to promote and sell houses or land in an estate in which it is located does not interfere with the amenity of the locality. / PS.127.1 Display homes revert to a residential use within 2 years of their commencement.
PS.127.2 Real estate sales offices are removed from the estate within 12 months of commencement of use.
Table 3.18 Specific outcomes and probable solutions—works in the Urban Residential Zone[1]
Urban Residential Zone
Column 1—Specific outcomes / Column 2—Probable solutions / Description of how proposal complies with the code / Council comments (Council use only) /SO.128 Building height, bulk and density—
i. are of a scale and design that reflect the urban residential character of predominately detached dwellings up to 2 storeys in height; and
ii. make a positive contribution to the streetscape. / PS.128.1 Building height, site cover and density comply with the solutions in Table 3.19 and Table 3.20.
Note — in assessing development which does not comply with the provisions of Table 3.19 or Table 3.20, Council will have regard to the matters contained within the Satisfying Assessment Criteria Relating to Maximum Building Height, Bulk and Density Planning Scheme Policy.
SO.129 Landscaping work retains existing vegetation, particularly established trees where appropriate and contributes to the “leafy” character of the area. / No probable solution identified
SO.130 At Coral Cove, buildings are setback not less than 60m from the foreshore. / No probable solution identified
SO.131 Vehicle loading or unloading, refuse storage areas and other utility spaces are not visually obtrusive from adjacent roads. / No probable solution identified
Table 3.19 Probable Solutions—Building Size (for development other than detached dwellings)
Precinct / Maximum site cover(% of site area) / Maximum building height
High Density Residential Precinct / 35 / 9.0
Bargara Medium Density Residential Precinct / 40 / 6.0
Burnett Heads Medium Density Residential Precinct / 30 / 6.0
Moore Park Beach Medium Density Residential Precinct / 25 / 6.0
Elliott Heads Medium Density Residential Precinct / 30 / 6.0
Coral Cove Medium Density Residential Precinct / 40 / 6.0
Otherwise in the Urban Residential Zone / 40 (if sewered)
30 (if not sewered) / 6.0
Table 3.20 Probable Solutions—Maximum Development Intensity (for development other than detached dwellings)
Precinct / Dwelling DensityHigh Density Residential Precinct / 1 dwelling per 150 sqm of site area
Bargara and Coral Cove Medium Density Residential Precincts / 1 dwelling per 250 sqm of site area
Burnett Heads and Elliott Heads Medium Density Residential Precinct / 1 dwelling per 375 sqm of site area
Moore Park Beach Medium Density Residential Precinct / 1 dwelling per 425 sqm of site area
Otherwise in the Urban Residential Zone / 1 dwelling per 500 sqm of site area
Urban Residential Zone Code Page 7 of 8
Burnett Shire Planning Scheme
[1] The specific outcomes and probable solutions for works in this table apply to a material change of use involving works.