501 c(4) organization (our money - INTERNAL)
Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2017 at 7:15 am
Office of Mike Steven, Main St, Bethel
- Call to Order and Determine Quorum Michele
2017/2018 Board and Officers
President: Michele Varuolo Cole
President-Elect: Mike Steven
Vice President: TimLeConey
Treasurer: John Poole
Secretary: Steve Smith
Sergeant-at-Arms: Irene McGrew
Service Committee Chair: Ellie Andrews
Membership Committee Chair: Scott Hynek
Foundation Committee Chair: Steve Wight
Public Image Committee Chair: Kathy Ruby
Youth ServicesCommittee Chair:Tim LeConey
Past President: Robin Zinchuk
Absent: LeConey and Zinchuk
A quorum was achieved with all but those highlighted above in attendance.
- President’s Comments
- Board Notebooks Additions
Michele distributed RI Risk Management information and RI New Member Application forms for addition to the Board Notebooks. She also noted that we have a Bond to cover the treasuryexcluding the Monahan Fund.
- Committee Composition and Goals
We need to work on getting all members to commit to a committee.
- Rotary Year – August is Membership Month.
Scott noted that we are moving forward with recruitment and that a Fireside Chat is scheduled for 8/30 for perspective members.
- New Business
- Yard Sale/Auction Storage
Board members suggested several options including: upstairs at Cole Black; John Head’s barn; Former Bethel Furniture site; Kendal Dowell site. Steve, Ellie, and Bruce will follow up. Scott suggested seeing how it works if we announce that we won’t pick up items until close to Yard Sale time. He also suggested that we approach the town to see if we can use Bisbee from April to June if they don’t have a buyer on the hook. Also we need to be more selective in the items that we accept. Scott will generate a list of restrictions. Kathy noted that we really need to publicize what we will take and when we will take it.
- Member Logo wear – club contribution
The Board agreed to subsidize $7.00 of any shirt purchase for each member.
- May Day 5K Event
- Ashley Oliver $400 request, she will attend a Club Meeting to discuss her program. It was the Board consensus to approve the 5K Committee’s recommendation to approve the request.
- Disbursement Process
The Board approved the continuation of the current disbursement process
- Beneficiary Policy(ies) Review – task force
The existing committee will work on cleaning up the policy and will report back to the Board.
- Gotomeeting – a computer “conf call” workshop for instruction and Rotary website(s) access and basic knowledge
- Programming
- Steve W. and Kathy left at 8:40 therefore no longer a quorum. The following items need to be ratified at next meeting.
- Reports
- Secretary Steve Smith
Approved as written and to be ratified at Sept. meeting
2.Honorary Members – status
No Action
3.Electronic “Sign-up” Options – update
Deferred to next meeting
- Treasurer John Poole
1. Balances
2. Income & Expenses
3. Disbursement Requests
4. 2017/2018 Member dues invoices distribution
5. Update closing 16/17 and starting 17/18
C. Membership Committee Scott Hynek
1. Goals
2. Corporate Membership Committee Feedback
Committee was not enthusiastic about having corporate members
3. Fireside Chat – August 30 – and proposal for
4. August 29 – 5th Week Social Meeting
Location not yet selected
5. Other
- Public Image Committee Kathy Ruby
2.Club Publicity – Club Photo
3.People of Action Campaign
- Other Committee Reports (as applicable)
1.Club Re-Visioning – Team Leader: Bob Laux
- District 7780 Items(as applicable)
1.FYI – Red Sox game opportunity
- Area 9 Items (as applicable)
1.5-Club Governor’s Social – Club Contact: Robin
- Old Business
- Governance Committee Update (Michele, Steve S, Robin, Scott H) – rescheduling date
- FoR (Friends of Rotary) Recognition
- Adjournment: 9:15 am
DATES:Fireside Chat – Wed Aug 30
Next Board Meeting – Wed Sept 13