2011-2012 CMS ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide
1st Quarter
LA Objective:Text Structure and Organization, Text Arrangement, Significant Details in Informational Text
2.01: Respond to informational materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Making connections to related topics and information; Generating questions; Monitoring comprehension; Determining the importance of information; Making inferences; Summarizing information
1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal
Visions C
*Informational Text:
-“The Loch Ness Monster” p.5 (Make Inferences)
-“Yawning” p.29 (Make Connections Between Works and Self)
-“To Risk or not to Risk” p.105 (Fact/Opinion)
-“The Next Great Dying” p.133 (Cause/Effect)
-“Why We Can’t Get There from Here” p.195 (Monitoring Comprehension)
-“The Elements of Life” p.267 (Main Idea/Details)
-“What Will Our Towns Look Like?” p.395 (Summarizing to Recall Ideas)… Informational Text From World Wide Web
*Excerpt From a Textbook:
-“Mystery of the Cliff Dwellers” p.17 (Main Idea/Details)
*Historical Narrative and Speech:
-“The Gettysburg Address” p.303 (Summarizing Information) / Bridges III
*True Account:
-“A Slave”p.40 (Chronological Order)
-“Wilma Mankiller” p.48 (Details)
-“Roberto Clemente: Hero and Friend” p.68 (Chronological Order)
-“Growing up in a World of Darkness” p.304 (Main Idea)
- from “Anne Frank: Child of the Holocaust” p.406 (Patterns of Organization)
*Informative Article:
-“Earthquakes” p.252 (Main Idea/ Supporting Details)
-“”Weapons of War” p.340 (Patterns of Organization)
- from “California Gold Days” p.370 (Main Idea/ Understanding Visuals)
1st Quarter
LA Objective: Vocabulary6.01: Model and understand the conventional written and spoken expression by: Determining the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words using context clues, a dictionary, a glossary, a thesaurus, and/or structural analysis (roots, prefixes, suffixes) of words.
1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal
Visions C
*Informational Text:
-“Mystery of the Cliff Dwellers” p.14 (Grouping Words in Context)
-“To Risk or Not to Risk” p.102 (Determining the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words)
-“The Next Great Dying” p.130 (Using a Word Wheel)
*Science Fiction/Myth:
-“The Time Bike” p.178 (Using Context to Understand New Words)… SF
-“Persephone and the Seasons” p.238 (Using a Dictionary)… Myth
*Short Story/Play:
-“The Circuit” p.250 (Studying Word Origins/Determining Meaning)… Autobiographical Short Story
-“Mr. Scrooge Finds Christmas” p.350 (Distinguishing Denotative/Connotative Meanings)… Play / Bridges III
-“Cesar Chavez: Civil-Rights Champion” p.60 (Context Clues)
- from “Anne Frank: Child of the Holocaust” p.406 (Context Clues)
*Short Story/Drama:
-“The Prince and the Pauper” p.128 (Context clues)… Drama
-“The Lady or the Tiger?” p.232 (Context Clues)… SS
*Chinese Folktale/Legend:
-“High as Han Hsin” p.176 (Context Clues)… Chinese Folktale
-“Fa Mulan” p.204 (Context Clues)… Chinese Legend
*Informative Article:
-“Acceptance” p.294 (Context Clues)
-“Weapons of War” p.340 (Context Clues/ Definition Clues)
1st Quarter
LA Objective:Author’s Purpose, Evaluating Impact, Propaganda Techniques, Loaded Language/ Word Choice
4.01: Analyze the purpose of the author or creator by: Examining any bias, apparent or hidden messages, emotional factors, or propaganda techniques; Exploring and evaluating the underlying assumptions of the author/creator
4.02: Develop and apply appropriate criteria to evaluate the quality of communication by: Using knowledge of language structure and literary or media techniques; Drawing conclusions based on evidence, reasons, or reasonable information; Considering the implications, consequences, or impact of those conclusions
2.01: Respond to Informational materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Making connections to related topics and information; Generating questions; Monitoring comprehension; Determining the importance of information; Making inferences; Summarizing information
1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal
Visions C
*Informational Text:
-“To Risk or No to Risk” p.105 (Author’s Purpose)
-“What Will Our Towns Look Like?” p.395 (Summarizing/ Author’s Purpose)… Inf. Text From World Wide Web
-“Island of the Blue Dolphins” p.119 (Author’s Purpose)… Fiction Based on a True Story
-“The Time Bike” p.181 (Author’s Purpose)… Science Fiction
-“The House on Mango Street” p.367 (Author’s Purpose)
*Historical Narrative and Speech:
-“The Gettysburg Address” p.303 (Evaluating Impact) / Bridges III
*Informative Article:
-“Mudslinging” p.94 (Author’s Purpose)
-“Acceptance” p.294 (Author’s Purpose)
*Historical Fiction:
-“The Invaders” p.334 (Author’s Purpose)
2nd Quarter
LA Objective: Story Elements5.01: Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive reading program by: Reading literature and other materials selected by the teacher; Analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, tone, and style; Analyzing theme and central ideas in literature and other texts in relation to personal issues/ experiences
5.02: Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama) through: Reading a variety of literature and other texts (e.g. mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, newspapers, skits, lyric poems); Analyzing what impact literary elements have on the meaning of the text such as the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution
Visions C
*Mystery/ Legend/ Myth:
-“The Sneak Thief” p.41 (Plot)… Mystery
-“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” p.53 (Images/Setting/Tone)… Legend
-“Persephone and the Seasons” p.241 (Plot/Chronology)… Myth
*Excerpt From a Novel:
-“How I Survived My Summer Vacation” p.75 (Plot)
-“Island of the Blue Dolphins” p.119 (Themes)… Excerpt From a Novel Based on a True Story
-“The Voyage of the Lucky Dragon” p.165 (Mood)
-“So Far From the Bamboo Grove” p.319 (Plot/Character Motivation)… Excerpt From a Novel Based on a True Story
-“The House on Mango Street” p.367 (Point of View/ Characterization)
-“The Pearl” p.379 (Plot/ Problem Resolution) / Bridges III
*Horror Story/ Suspense:
-“The Tell-Tale Heart” p.4 (Plot)… Horror
-“Two Were Left” p.216 (Suspense)… Suspense
*Modern Day Fairy Tale/ Chinese Legend/ Native-American Oral History:
-“Cinder Edna” p.14 (Characterization)… FT
-“Fa Mulan” p.204 (Climax)… Chinese Legend
-“Rabbit Foot: A Story of a Peacemaker” p.380 (Theme)… Native American
*Historical Fiction/ Novel Excerpt:
-“The Invaders” p.334 (Point of View)… HF
-“Trombones and Colleges” p.80 (Theme)… NE
- from “Hiroshima” p.388 (Plot)
*Short Story/Drama:
-“Another April” p.98 (Setting)… SS
-“The Prince and the Pauper” p.128 (Plot)… Drama
-“The Stolen Party” p.282 (Theme)… SS
2nd Quarter
LA Objective: Making Judgments3.01: Explore and analyze argumentative works that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Identifying the arguments and positions stated or implied and the evidence used to support them; Recognizing bias, emotional factors, and/or semantic slanting; Examine the effectiveness of style, tone, and use of language; Summarizing the author’s purpose and stance; Drawing Inferences
1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal
Visions C
*Informational Text:
-“To Risk or Not to Risk” p.105 (Evaluating Information) / Bridges III
-“Wilma Mankiller” p.48 (Making Judgments)
*Informative Article:
-“The Roswell Incident” p.264 (Fact/ Opinion/ Author’s Perspective)
*Short Story:
-“The Stolen Party” p.282 (Making Judgments)
2nd Quarter
LA Objective:Developing a Critical Stance; Impact of Author’s Attitude on Tone, Mood, and Style; Making Inferences, Predictions, Drawing Conclusions, Making Generalizations, and Foreshadowing
5.01: Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive reading program by: Reading literature and other materials selected by the teacher; Analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, tone, and style; Analyzing theme and central ideas in literature and other texts in relation to personal issues/ experiences
5.02: Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama) through: Reading a variety of literature and other texts (e.g. mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, newspapers, skits, lyric poems); Analyzing what impact literary elements have on the meaning of the text such as the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution
2.01: Respond to informational materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Drawing inferences and/conclusions.
Visions C
*Myth/ Science Fiction:
-“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” p.53 (Setting/Tone)… Myth
-“The Time Bike” p.181 (Predictions/ Foreshadowing)… Science Fiction
-“Persephone and the Seasons” p.241 (Foreshadowing)… Myth
*Excerpt From a Novel:
-“How I Survived My Summer Vacation” p.75 (Making Inferences)
-“The Voyage of the Frog” p.89 (Tone/Mood)
-“The Voyage of the Lucky Dragon” p.165 (Mood)
-“So Far from the Bamboo Grove” p.319 (Predictions)… Excerpt From a Novel Based on a True Story
*Autobiographical Short Story/ Biography:
-“The Circuit” p.253 (Comparing to Own Knowledge)… Autobiographical SS
-“Rosa Parks” p.287 (Style)… Bio. / Bridges III
*Novel Excerpt/ Drama:
-“Trombones and colleges” p.80 (Making Inferences)… Novel Excerpt
-“The Telephone” p.116 (Making Inferences)… Drama
*Chinese Folktale/ Native-American Oral History:
-“High as Han Hsin” p.176 (Style)… Chinese Folktale
-“Rabbit Foot: A Story of a Peacemaker” p.380 (Making Inferences)… Native-American Oral History
2nd Quarter
LA Objective:Elements of Drama; Identifying and Analyzing the Elements of Drama and the Impact of the Elements of Drama
5.01: Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive reading program by: Reading literature and other materials selected by the teacher; Analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, tone, and style; Analyzing theme and central ideas in literature and other texts in relation to personal issues/ experiences
5.02: Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama) through: Reading a variety of literature and other texts (e.g. mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, newspapers, skits, lyric poems); Analyzing what impact literary elements have on the meaning of the text such as the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution
Visions C
-“Mr. Scrooge Finds Christmas” p.353 (Elements of Drama)… Drama/Play / Bridges III
*Drama/Reader’s Theater:
-“The Telephone” p.116 (Dramatic Form)… Drama
-“The Jade Stone” p.270 (Conflict)… Reader’s Theater
3rd Quarter
LA Objective: Cause and Effect and the Relationship to Problem/Solution3.02: Explore and analyze the problem-solution process by: Studying the problems and solutions within the carious texts and situations
5.01: Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive reading program by: Reading literature and other materials selected by the teacher; Analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, tone, and style; Analyzing theme and central ideas in literature and other texts in relation to personal issues/ experiences
Visions C
-“The Sneak Thief” p.41 (Problem Resolution)
*Excerpt From a Novel:
-“The Voyage of the Frog” p.89 (Problem/Solution)
-“So Far From the Bamboo Grove” p.319 (Problem Resolution)… Excerpt From a Novel Based on a True Story
-“The Pearl” p.379 (Plot/ Problem Resolution)
*Informational Text:
-“The Next Great Dying” p.133 (Cause/Effect) / Bridges III
*Short Story/Chinese Legend:
-“The No-Guitar Blues” p.26 (Cause/Effect)… SS
-“Fa Mulan” p.204 (Problem/Solution)… Chinese Legend
*Allegory/Informative Article:
-“Terrible Things: An Allegory of the Holocaust” p.222 (Cause & Effect)… Allegory
-“Acceptance” p.294 (Cause & Effect)… Inf. Article
*Biography/True Account:
-“Growing Up in a World of Darkness” p.304 (Problem/Solution)… Bio.
-“Black Whiteness: Admiral Byrd Alone in Antarctica” p.426 (C & E)… True Acct.
3rd Quarter
LA Objective: Evaluating Through a Critic’s Stance4.03: Develop the stance of a critic by: Considering and presenting alternative points of view or reasons; Remaining fair minded and open to other interpretations
Visions C
*Historical Narrative and Speech:
-“The Gettysburg Address” p.303 (Analyzing/Evaluating) / Bridges III
*Short Story:
-“The Lady or the Tiger?” p.232 (Evaluating)
3rd Quarter
LA Objective:Compare and Contrast; Primary and Secondary Sources; Comparing Story Elements Across Texts; Similes and Metaphors for Comparison; Classifying and Organizing for Comparison and Contrast; Analogies
2.01: Respond to informational materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Making connections to related topics and information; Generating questions; Monitoring comprehension; Determining the importance of information; Making inferences; Summarizing information
2.02: Develop informational products and/or presentations that use and cite at least three print or non-print sources by: Identifying and using appropriate primary and secondary sources; Comparing, contrasting, and evaluating information from different sources on the same topic; Evaluate information for extraneous details, inconsistencies, relevant facts, and organization
5.02: Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama) through: Reading a variety of literature and other texts (e.g. mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, newspapers, skits, lyric poems); Analyzing what impact literary elements have on the meaning of the text such as the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution
Visions C
*Informational Text/ Novel Excerpt:
-“Island of the Blue Dolphins” p.119 (Compare Themes and Characters Across Texts)… Novel Excerpt Based on a True Story
-“The California Gold Rush” and “Dame Shirley and the Gold Rush” p.208 (Compare/Contrast Characters Across Texts)… Informational Text and Historical Novel Excerpt
*Poem and Autobiography:
-“Alone” and “Samantha’s Story” p.334 (Compare & Contrast Two Texts/ Similes) / Bridges III
*Modern Day Fairy Tale:
-“Cinder Edna” p.14 (Compare & Contrast)
*Informative Article:
-“Weapons of War” p.340
(C & C)
*Novel Excerpt:
- from “Hiroshima” p.388
(C & C)
3rd Quarter
LA Objective: Literary Devices, Figurative Language, Poetry5.01: Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive reading program by: Reading literature and other materials selected by the teacher; Analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, tone, and style; Analyzing theme and central ideas in literature and other texts in relation to personal issues/ experiences
5.02: Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry) by: Reading a variety of literature and other text (poetry).
Visions C
-“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” p.53 (Images/ Imagery)
-“I Have No Address” p.155 (Figurative Language/ Metaphor)
-“Water Dance” p.229 (Mental Images)
-“Alone” p.334 (Imagery) / Bridges III
*Poem/ True Account:
-“In a Neighborhood in Los Angeles” p.90 (Speaker)
-“Dust of Snow” p.160 (Rhyme)
-“Elevator” p.162 (Form)
-“Haiku” p.164 (Haiku)
-“Happy Thought” p.166 (Mood)
-“Daybreak in Alabama” p.168 (Imagery)
-“Some People” p.320 (Theme)
-“Almost Human” p.322 (Speaker)
-“Point of View” p.326 (Point of View)
-“Nikki-Rosa” p.328 (Free Verse)
-“Black Whiteness: Admiral Byrd Alone in Antarctica” p.426 (Fig. Language)… True Account/ Poem
-“The Ballad of John Henry” p.364 (Narrative Poetry)
4th Quarter