Our Lady of Lourdes Newsletter – Friday 13th October 2017

Open Afternoon for prospective new parents Tuesday 17th October at 1:45pm.

Please see the flyer on the website or around the school for further information.

‘Parent Drop In’ Session 3:30pm to 4:30pm Wednesday 18th October

The staff would like to invite parents in to view their child/children’s booksalong with their child this coming Wednesday 18th October from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. There is no appointment necessary for these sessions, just drop into the classroom to view your child/children’s books up to 4:30pm. Following on from this early next term there will be Parent/Teacher Evenings on Tuesday 14th November and Thursday 16th November. At these meetings in November there will be the opportunity for you to make an appointment with the class teacher to discuss how your child has settled into the school year and what their targets are.

Year 6 Residential Trip to France

The Year 6 pupils and teachers have had a wonderful experience in France this week. They are due back this afternoon, no doubt exhausted but full of exciting stories about their learning and adventures. We know a number of parents have enjoyed following their activities, and seeing their photos, on the school Twitter feed. Well done to the Year 6 pupils who were extremely well-behaved and open to their new experiences. Thank you to the staff for their extrahard work and commitment across the week to keep our Year 6 pupils safe.

Year 4 trip to St Albans Cathedral

Year 4 had an informative visit to the St Albans Cathedral on Tuesday as part of their study ofthe Roman Empire and its influence on Britain.The children had the opportunity tocarry outrole play and drama and also to make a mini Roman mosaic, using tiles, grout and wood. Thank you to all the parents who accompanied them.

SILVER level accreditation: Transport for London STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe)

Our Lady of Lourdes School has just had confirmation this week that we achieved the SILVER level accreditation as part of the Transport for London STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) accreditation scheme.Thank you to Mrs Bryant for all her efforts in helping us secure this wonderful achievement.

Fireworks Safety

Last Friday our school had a visit from the Police to talk about Firework Safety in preparation for fireworks night in a few weeks. She reminded the pupils how to stay safe, while enjoying the fireworks.

Individual and Family Photo Orders

Please have your photo orders in before the end of next week, as the orders will be collected on Friday 20th October. Don’t miss out.

World Space Week

Last week, Our Lady of Lourdes celebrated a successful 'World Space Week'. The challenge was set for each class to make a space rocket, and as a lot of the parents saw in the playground last Friday, there were a variety of rockets designed by our classes, including one big enough for a pupil to enter!

Across the week the pupils also had the opportunity to study space across the curriculum. Space-themed work was completed in maths, writing, art and technology. Each class has also studied one of history’s great scientists.Do look out for these displays in our school hall!

Parents of Reception Children

Thank you to all the parents of the reception pupils who were able to come into school and experience a cooked school lunch with your child or children. There were a lot of happy children who enjoyed hosting their parents for lunch!

Guardian Photo of Reception Children

Do look out for our Reception 2017/2018 cohort in your Local Guardian on Thursday 19th October 2017, this photo is part of the papers New Starters picture supplement.If you want to see your child's picture in thelocal newspaper, do buya copy of the Guardian next Thursday morning.

Rosary – School Chapel

As part of the month of the Holy Rosary the school chapel is open for KS2 pupils to come and pray the rosary during Friday lunchtimes.

Cycle to School Challenge: 2ndto 13thOctober 2017

To encourage smarter and more active travel to school by our students and parents we took part in the Redbridge Cycle to School Challenge. It has been great to see anincrease in the number of pupils cycling to school. Pupils, and their parents, have shown greatenthusiasm in taking part in theCycle to School Challenge. The raffletickets that the pupils have been awarded will be entered into the prize draw for a chance to win many wonderful prizes!

The prizedraw will be drawn at the assembly on Monday 16th October. Good luck to everyone!

October Holiday: Child‘Cycle Confident’ Training

Most parents are already aware that Cycle Confident provide various cycle training on behalf of the council and is made free to those who live/work/study in Redbridge.They are providing more free cycle training for your children this coming October holiday. The holiday cycle training will be based at Valentines Park, Ray Park and Fairlop Waters. Parents can find all info on the leaflet on the website and then book onto courses online.

Lost Property

All unnamed items of clothing will be disposed of next Friday 20th October, so do please check lost property before this day. Please do take the time to ensure that your child/children’s clothing is named, as clearly named items have a greater chance of being returned to the owner.


Please remember that school finishes for the half-term holidaynext Friday 20th October at our normal timeof 3:15pm.

Have a great weekend,

The Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes