Social Studies 4th grade

Native Tribes of Texas

Reading TEKS

4.23C Express ideas orally based on research and experiences

4.22 B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause and effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main ides, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions

4.22 B Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and visual including graphs, charts, timelines and maps


4.10L Represent text information in different ways such as in outline, timeline, or graphic organizer

4.14B Determine distinctive and common characteristics of cultures through a variety of reading

4.13B Use text organizers including heading, graphic features and table of contents to locate and organize information

Social Studies TEKS

4.1A Identify Native American groups in Texas and the Western Hemisphere before European exploration and describe the regions in which they lived.

4.1B Compare the ways of life of Native American groups in Texas and the Western Hemisphere before European exploration

4.7B Describe a variety of regions in Texas and the Western Hemisphere

4.9A Describe ways people have adapted to and modified their environment in Texas, past and present

4.9B Identify reasons why people have adapted to and modified their environment in Texas, past and present, such as the use of natural resources to meet basic needs

4.9C Analyze the consequences of human modifications in Texas, past and present

4.15A Compare how selected Native American groups governed themselves.

4.20B Identify customs, celebrations, and traditions of various culture groups in Texas

4.20C Summarize the contributions of people of various racial/ethnic/religious groups in the development of Texas

Activity 1: Caddo Tribe

Student Expectation : Students will be able to read, understand, and chart information about the Caddo Tribe

Procedures and Materials:

Show students chart of Native American tribes of Texas.

Tell them they are going to listen to information related to Caddo tribe, region of Texas, housing, food, artifacts, customs, and government.

Read page 97 from S.S. book about the Caddo tribe. Point out structure of text including titles, bold print, and picture captions. After reading the text, guide students to fill in Native American Tribes of Texas chart and have them justify answers. Ask students to review each paragraph to fill in chart.

Pull out map of Texas. Shade in the region of Texas where the Caddo settled in Texas and label the Caddo tribe name on the map.

Activity 2: Karankawa Tribe

Student Expectation : Students will be able to read, understand, and chart information about the Karankawa Tribe

Procedures and Materials:

Show students chart of Native American tribes of Texas. (See Native American Tribes of Texas chart) Tell them they are going to listen to information related to Karankawa tribe, region of Texas, housing, food, artifacts, customs, and government.

Read page 98 from S.S. book about the Karankawa tribe. Point out structure of text including titles, bold print, and picture captions. After reading the text, guide students to fill in Native American Tribes of Texas chart and have them justify answers. Ask students to review each paragraph to fill in chart.

Pull out map of Texas. Shade in the region of Texas where the Karankawa settled in Texas and label the Karankawa tribe name on the map.

Activity 3: Jumano Tribe

Student Expectation : Students will be able to read, understand, and chart information about the Jumano Tribe

Procedures and Materials:

Show students chart of Native American tribes of Texas. (See Native American Tribes of Texas chart)

Tell them they are going to listen to information related to Jumano tribe, region of Texas, housing, food, artifacts, customs, and government.

Read page 103 from S.S. book about the Jumano tribe. Point out structure of text including titles, bold print, and picture captions. After reading the text, guide students to fill in Native American Tribes of Texas chart and have them justify answers. Ask students to review each paragraph to fill in chart.

Pull out map of Texas. Shade in the region of Texas where the Jumano settled in Texas and label the Jumano tribe name on the map.

Activity 4 Comanche Tribe

Student Expectation : Students will be able to read, understand, and chart information about the Comanche Tribe

Procedures and Materials:

Show students chart of Native American tribes of Texas. (See Native American Tribes of Texas chart)

Tell them they are going to listen to information related to Comanche tribe, region of Texas, housing, food, artifacts, customs, and government.

Read page 104 from S.S. book about the Comanche tribe. Point out structure of text including titles, bold print, and picture captions. After reading the text, guide students to fill in Native American Tribes of Texas chart and have them justify answers. Ask students to review each paragraph to fill in chart.

Pull out map of Texas. Shade in the region of Texas where the Comanche settled in Texas and label the Comanche tribe name on the map.