Regular Meeting Minutes May 21, 2012

I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Public Comment:

Dottie Watkins, VP Bus and Paratransit Services, presented to the Board of Directors all Capital Metro Roadeo Winners and each winner was presented with an award of recognition by the Board.

Michael Zitz-Evancih commented that everyone should watch their speed in his block because of cameras. Michael acknowledged the National Day of Prayer. Be careful at the bus stops because some of the landscaping may include a large core of rocks, make it greener without making it dangerous.

David Patterson talked about the UT shuttle service is decreased by about 30%. However, David believed that the Sunday evening route could increase by changing the times of the shuttles to accommodate the people going to church and to also accommodate those using the UT Library because the Library is open until 2:00 a.m. Some areas do not have alternatives on fixed routes.

Sandy Seekamp announced that she had a nice thing to say; she was very appreciative of the bus stop that was put in on Riverside right across from the HEB. Sandy recommended that a handicapped individual be added to CSAC. After the recertification program in March we had about 40 people that are now conditionally eligible that are using the regular fixed route. Coming to the meeting today, the bus passed up an individual in a wheelchair because there was no room to accommodate another wheelchair even though the bus was not very full. Also, Sandy suggested that because there is more staff in management, staff should take a closer look into scheduling rides/pickups instead of the Trapeze system. Trapeze many times fails to schedule properly when customers are just a couple of blocks from each other.

III. Advisory Committee Updates:

1. Update on the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC)

The CSAC report was given by Jace Deloney. The minutes were approved from the April 11th meeting. The McDonald general manager was introduced to CSAC. The general manager gave some historical background on the labor structure decision to CSAC. The committee discussed real time information on the trains and buses.

Vice Chair John Langmore questioned whether the committee had addressed any handicap issues that Sandy had discussed earlier. Jace responded that the CSAC has not addressed those concerns but was willing to discuss the issues at the committee meeting.

Vice Chair Langmore stated that the Board would have to contemplate this issue more.

Board Secretary Frank Fernandez commented that a discussion of the two committees should have some type of crossroads regarding this matter.

President/CEO Linda Watson suggested that staff could bring back a recommendation.

2. Update on the Access Advisory Committee (AAC).

The AAC updates were given by Boone J. Blocker. Updates were given on the IT system and accessible information on the websites. Individuals cannot give input if they cannot see the information. A pocket riders guide is needed to stick in the pocket or backpacks, not a 40 page document for customers. Reduction or increase of service areas surveys were shared with individuals to give input to improve the service. The Smart Card that was expected to come out in April have been delayed on the fixed routes.

Chair Martinez asked what was the staff's response regarding the availability on the Smart Cards. Boone responded that staff will let us know as soon as the Smart Cards are up and running.

President/CEO Watson added that the policy is not complete. We are still finalizing the policy on Smart Cards at this time and that is the reason for the delay.

Chair Martinez asked when should the policy be ready. President Watson responded that the policy should be available in about 60 days.

Board Member Beverly Silas asked about the diversity on the committee, I know about the challenge of the visually impaired Boone, please give us your suggestion.

Boone responded that Mary Faith Price is a trainer, she is highly qualified and will be able to help the committee with the visually impaired challenges. Mary Faith was the appointee of Board Member Silas.

Board Member Ann Stafford asked if the committee has any suggestions or recommendations regarding the Access-A-Ride program making it more accessible. Boone responded that they are going to get suggestions from the City of Austin and work with staff concerning the accessibility. There are about 38 cabs in Austin but all of the cabs cannot be assigned only to the Access-A- Ride program.

Board Member Stafford concluded that one of the issues is the availability of the stock of accessible vehicles to serve the people, whether the other side of the equation is available or not. Boone stated that the plan is to broaden the scope of the program.

Board Member Justine Blackmore-Hlista questioned if there was a way of tracking how often individuals are being passed up.

Boone stated no that there is not a good way of tracking, right now the only way of tracking is the reduced fare card but that includes so many other things such as seniors, military, and students. The swipe of the card only tells us that it is a reduced fare. There are only 2 wheelchair spaces on the buses now, but the Rapid Buses will have the availability of 3 wheelchair spaces with the capability of a seat to be taken out to make space for an additional wheelchair.

IV. Executive Session of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: legal advice -labor structure and pending litigation

1:21 PM ended at 3:21 PM

Section 551.072 for real propery issues - Real Estate - Downtown Rail Property. Section 551.071 for legal advice- Labor Structure and pending litigation.

V. Board Committee Updates:

1. Operations and Planning Committee

Operations and Planning Committee Report was presented by Board Member Chris Riley. There were 6 actions addressed and all are listed as consent items on the agenda today under VIII. Chair Martinez stated that Item 3 service changes was pulled because of a public speaker and item 7 was pulled at the request of a Board Member. There was an update on the contractor mobilization plan, analysis of 2011 fall route progress and on safety measures, an update on bus stop accessibility efforts, and the quarterly update on BRT. A Pilot bus for the BRT project will be delivered in October and the rest of the buses will come in May. The committee also got an update on the North Central Corridor alternative analysis and an update on capital projects. All updates were good.

Finance, Audit and Administration

Finance, Audit and Administration Committee presented by Secretary Frank Fernandez. The following items were discussed in the committee meeting; updates on the audit; the Debt Management policy had a few things that the committee wanted to add to the policy before bringing it to the Board. This item will be brought to the Board next month. A discussion on personnel satisfaction performance indicators moving forward was held.

2. Motion To CAMPO

Board Member Justine Blackmore-Hlista presented the updates on CAMPO. The committee is still trying to figure out how to use the $136 million of TxDot funding and to work out a way to use $130 million on the Mopac Improvement and use the remaining $6 million for project development. CTRMA has consultants working with them for planning on how to repay the funds. As moneys come back to CAMPO the funds would be used for IH-35 Improvements. The plan is to improve the corridors on both IH-35 and MoPac, which requires a strong transit component. Board Member Blackmore-Hlista stated that President Watson sent a great letter to the Chair and the Director of CAMPO requesting three elements be included;

1) Revenue that comes back from CTRMA be available for the support of transit;

2) The $6 million to be set aside for project development should also be available for transit projects which should be a part of the equation;

3) Mopac Improvements express lanes should have all components including park and rides.


AYES: Chafetz, Silas, Langmore, Fernandez, Stafford, Blackmore-Hlista, Martinez, Riley

VI. Reports:

1. Planning/Development

Planning/Development presented by Todd Hemingson, VP Strategic Planning and Development.

2. Operations

Dottie Watkins, VP Bus and Paratransit Services, gave an overview of Operations.

Board Member Blackmore-Hlista questioned the reason behind the fundamental cause of the phone outage for 5 hours. Joseph Iannello, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology, responded that it was the network switches and now we are getting new network switches to prevent this outage from happening again.

3. Finance

Billy Hamilton, Interim EVP, Finance and Administration, gave an overview of finance.

Board Member Norm Chafetz stated that last month he requested a separate accounting of cost per passenger on the Express Bus service and wanted to know the status of that reporting. Billy stated that staff is still working on getting that information to the Board.

Secretary Fernandez asked where he thought our cash situation will end up in 201 and 2014 according to what we have forecasted. Billy responded that we should end up ahead of our budget in 2012 because right now we are running below the numbers that were anticipated in our budget. For 2013 we are working on a re-forecast and increasing our budget by several million dollars. On the expenditure side we will not see a lot of savings on the labor structure, but we will be struggling because of the capital finances and the IT purchases and the repairs on the freight line. We don't know yet.

Secretary Fernandez wanted to know as we move forward, what is the plan and what should be built into the anticipated long term financials.

Billy responded that as long as riderships is up there should be some marginal increases. However, to get to a 20% ratio, this may imply a fare increase but we would have to do a study and in this case a policy change would also need to be done.

Vice Chair Langmore stated that he appreciated the more detailed information that's in the report this month and he looks forward to the future reports showing more indicators.

4. President's Report

President's report presented by President/CEO Linda Watson. President Watson gave the results of the Pecan Street Festival. Cash sales were used and volunteers were there to help with ticket vending machines. The process seemed to have run a lot smother this year.

Advertising sales are doing very well. We have already made $521,000 in revenue in the first 6 months of this year which is the amount that was done all last year.

Triennial review was just completed. It is to see if we are in compliance with federal guidelines. The consultants are hired by the FTA. The review was excellent and there were positive comments regarding maintenance department, procurement and some other areas. The Finance Department received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association, this is the highest award given to a government agency. Three Capital Metro employees were named officers of the COMTO Austin Chapter. Three Capital Metro employees received their master's degrees. Congratulations to each of them. Additionally, Dan Dawson completed the Leadership Austin Program.

VII. Action Items:

1. Resolution-CMTA-2012-36 Approval of board minutes for April 23, 2012.

Kerri Butcher, Interim Chief Counsel gave a general update on the changes in the April, 2012 minutes.


MOVER: Ann Stafford, Board Member

SECONDER: Justine Blackmore-Hlista, Board Member

AYES: Chafetz, Silas, Langmore, Stafford, Blackmore-Hlista, Martinez, Riley

AWAY: Frank Fernandez

2. Resolution-CMTA-2012-37 Approval of a resolution authorizing the president/CEO, or her designee, to exercise a one-year renewal and extension to the existing contract with HNTB Corporation for statutory professional design fees in an amount not to exceed $1,150,000.


MOVER: Ann Stafford, Board Member

SECONDER: Justine Blackmore-Hlista, Board Member

AYES: Chafetz, Silas, Langmore, Stafford, Blackmore-Hlista, Martinez, Riley

AWAY: Frank Fernandez

3. Resolution-CMTA-2012-35 Approval of a resolution authorizing the August 2012 Service Changes.

Roberto Gonzalez, Manager Short Range Planning, presented for Action Item 3, August 2012 Service Changes.

Joseph Thornton a citizen in the Barton Springs neighborhood stated he is against changing the route of bus # 30. Now he has to walk further down Barton Springs' road to catch the bus. Also, Joseph gave his condolences on some of the accidents that had occurred with transit.

Carmila Mimms, Everest University, commented that the students along this highway come to class beginning at 6 am.-10 pm. There are no sidewalks. Students use the buses all of the time, there have been accidents in this area, therefore, Carmila was requesting that the change in the route include the pickup of students at the campus.

Board Member Silas questioned staff whether the university is outside of our service area. Roberto replied that the university is within our bus route area. Vice Chair Langmore asked Roberto whether the route change that the Board was scheduled to vote on includes the route that involves the Everest University. Roberto responded that the requested change by Carmila at Everest University is included in the proposed service change in the action item.

Roberto also explained that the Barton Springs #30 bus will alternate for the neighborhood; it services about 20 riders on weekends and about 30 riders during the week. This route has been in effect for about 2 years now. The walk would be an issue for some and other riders implied that the hill is an issue. The service change does include Saturday and Sunday service.