The Resolutions listed below (October 1966 through March 1993) are not yet posted
Please contact the Academic Senate CSU
Staff for a copy
562-951-4010 or
AS-2142-93/TESupport for "Educator Preparation for California 2000: Draft of an Accreditation
(Approved)Framework," (January 1993)
AS-2141-93/AAAssembly Higher Education Committee's Draft Report on Proposed Master Plan Revisions:
(Approved Unanimously)Reaffirmation of Intersegmental Transfer
AS-2140-93/FAOpposition to the Creation of a New Campus at Fort Ord
AS-2139-93/FAMaintaining Access to Full Range of Degree Programs for Place-Bound Students in the CSU
AS-2138-93/FAFaculty Role in the Establishment of Charter Campuses
AS-2137-93/FAInitial Staffing of the New CSU Campus at Fort Ord
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2136-93/AAOpposition to Duplicate Degree Tuition [SB 1972 (Anonymous) and AB 39 (Archie-Hudson)
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2135-93/AADraft Advisory Statement on Contract Degree Programs with Corporations of the Western
(Approved Unanimously)Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) (October, 1992)
AS-2134-93/AAThe Necessity of Lower Division Education to the CSU
AS-2133-93/FASFaculty Issues Related to Technology-Mediated Learning
AS-2132-93/GAFee and Financial Aid Policy for CSU Students [Replaced with AS-2148-93/GA, 2149, 2150, 2151,
AS-2131-93/EXAcademic Senate CSU Calendar of 1993-94 Meetings
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2130-93/CSIPFacilitation of CSU International Education Computer Bulletin Board
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2129-93/FAOpposition to Salary Setting Practices Which are Inequitable to Women in the CSU
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2128-93/CSIPFederal Communications Commission's Proposal for Local Multipoint Distribution Service
(Approved Unanimously)(LMDS) – Educational Frequencies
AS-2127-93/TEAn Expression of Concern About "A Vision of the New California High School - Second
(Approved)to None (March 1992"
AS-2126-93/FA Impact of Special Provisions of the 1992 Early Retirement Incentive Legislation on CSU Hiring
AS-2125-93/FARepayment Policies for Forgivable Loan Participants
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2124-93/FAEndorsement of the Statement in Attachment B of the January 1993 Board of Trustees' Agenda
(Approved Unanimously)Item "Procedures for the Selection of Presidents"
AS-2123-93/FAPrevention of Further Erosion of Educational Quality in the CSU
AS-2122-93/AASupport for CSU Instruction in English for CSU Students Whose First Language is Not English
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2121-93/AAProject DELTA, Library Buildings, and Technology
AS-2120-93/AAAssessment of Perceptions of Campus Climate in Student Needs and Priorities Survey
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2119-93/FAImpact of Special Provisions of Golden Handshake Legislation on CSU Hiring Practices
AS-2118-93/FAFaculty Professional Responsibilities
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2117-92/FloorConcern Regarding the Project DELTA Workshop
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2116-92/FloorConsultation With the Chancellor
AS-2115-92/AALibrary Planning in the CSU
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2114-92/FABudget Reduction and Layoff Notices at SDSU
AS-2113-92/CSIPCommendation for the Commission on Extended Education
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2112-92/FANote-Taking Businesses in the CSU
AS-2111-92/FAAcademic Freedom and Artistic Expression
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2110-92/AADefinition of Supplementary Criteria in Impaction
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2109-92/AADraft Policy Statement (August 30, 1992) on Diversity of the Western Association of Schools
(Approved)and Colleges (WASC)
AS-2108-92/Floor (Heisch, Censure of President Day
Baker, Barrena, Hegstrom
Jenson, Kelly, Marshall, McNeil
Miller, Pincu, Randolph, Seleski,
Silvers, Thobaben, Young)
AS-2107-92/FAProtecting the State's Investment in the CSU Faculty
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2106-92/CSIPProject DELTA Proposal: Course Offerings
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2105-92/AAProject DELTA Proposal: Reconsideration of Timeline
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2104-92/AA& CSIPProject DELTA Proposal: Faculty Participation in Curricular Design
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2103-92/TEEffects on School Personnel of Implementation of Duplicate Degree Tuition (SB 1972)
(Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2102-92/GACommendation for the California State University Governmental Affairs office
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2101-92/Pomona Del.Resolution to Honor the Services of Patricia Zambell
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2100-92/Pomona Del.Resolution of Appreciation for Carl Rathmann
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2099-92/Long Beach Del.Commendation for Russel E. Orpet
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2098-92/Stanislaus Del.Commendation for Susan Middleton-Keirn
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2097-92/San Francisco Del.Resolution in Honor of Senator Margo Kasdan
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2096-92/ San Jose Del.Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Phyllis Connolly
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2095-92/ Los Angeles Del.Resolution of Appreciation for Dale Carter
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2094-92/ San Jose Del.Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Stephen Achtenhagen
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2093-92/FAControl of Note-Taking Businesses in the CSU
(No Action Taken)
AS-2092-92/GARelief from Budget Reductions
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2091-92/AASupport for Journal on Teaching and Learning
(No Action Taken)
AS-2090-92/GACalifornia Postsecondary Education Commission's Analyses of Options and Alternatives for
(Approved Unanimously)California Higher Education
AS-2089-92/AAConcerning the Statement on Preparation in the Visual and Performing Arts Expected of
(Approved Without Dissent) Entering Freshmen
AS-2088-92/AAAcademic Implications of State-Supported Year Round Operation (YRO) Within the CSU System
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2087-92/CSIPOpposition to AB 3320 (Hayden)
AS-2086-92/GAOpposition to Policies Mandating Any Expenditures of Lottery Endowment Funds
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2085-92/GASupport for Proposition 153
(Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2084-92/TEOpposition to Removing Unit Limitations in Teacher Credentialing Programs, SB 1422 (Bergeson)
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2083-92/TESupport for Projects Aimed at Building Career Ladders for Paraprofessionals
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2082-92/ Los Angeles Del.Commendation for Francesca (Kiki) Alexander
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2081-92/AASupport of the Statement of Competencies in Languages Other Than
(Approved Unanimously)English Expected of Entering Freshmen, Phase II Chinese, Japanese, Russian
AS-2080-92/FARevision and Reaffirmation of Statement of Faculty Professional Responsibility
AS-2079-92/EXPolicy Position Regarding 1992-1993 CSU Budget Requests and Proposed Student Fees
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2078-92/TEEndorsement of New Teacher Support and Assistance Projects
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2077-92/AASupport for AB 2364 (Farr): Sales and Use Tax Exemption
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2076-92/AASupport for AB 2276 (Cortese) Libraries: Fines and Fees: Sales and Use Taxes
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2075-92/AASupport for AB 2399 (Woodruff) California State University
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2074-92/GAOpposition to AB 3319 (Hayden: Postsecondary Education
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2073-92/CSIPThe Importance of International Students Being Educated Within the CSU
AS-2072-92/CSIPStandards for Distance Learning Courses
AS-2071-92/EXAcademic Senate CSU Calendar of1992-93- Meetings
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2070-92/FAReview of Sexual Harassment Policies
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2069-92/AA"Draft Statement of WASC Commission Policy on Diversity" by the Accrediting Commission
(Approved Unanimously)for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
AS-2068-92/FARecruitment and Retention Incentives for Maintaining a High Quality and Diverse Faculty
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2067-92/EXDealing With Reduced Funding: Maintaining the Quality of the Educational Program
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2066-92/AASupport for SB 1115 (Leonard)
AS-2065-92/CSIPSupport for Increased Number of Tuition Scholarships for International Students
AS-2064-92/AASupport for Executive Order on CSU General Education-Breadth Requirements (Supersedes
(Approved Without Dissent)Executive Orders 338 and 342)
AS-2063-92/AAS-Factor Course Classification
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2062-92/AA& FAThe Student-Athlete in the CSU
(Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2061-92/FAFull Funding of Year Round Operation (YRO) Within the CSU System
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2060-92/AA& CSIPElectronic Access and Information Resources in CSU Libraries
(Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2059-92/TEOpposition to Combining the Life Science Teaching Credential and Physical Science
(Approved)Teaching Credential Into a Single Science Credential
AS-2058-92/FAIssues Raised by the Recent Layoff of Faculty in the Faculty Early Retirement
(Approved Without Dissent)Program (FERP) at Two CSU Campuses
AS-2057-92/FAAffirmative Action Recruitment and Retention Incentive
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2056-92/FAEncouraging Open and Non-Threatening Discourse in an Increasingly Culturally Diverse
(Approved)Campus Community
AS-2055-92/AAOpposition to Assembly Bill 633 (Hayden): Postsecondary Education: Financing
AS-2054-91/FloorThe Oakland-Berkeley Fire of October 20-21, 1991
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2053-91/TESupport for the Proposed Design for the Preparation and Credentialing of Teachers for
(Approved Unanimously)Limited-English-Proficient Students
AS-2052-91/CSIPImplementation of Instructional Technologies Within the CSU
AS-2051-91/CSIPEndorsement of Priorities Number 1, 2, 4, and 5: 1. Educational Outreach to Under- served
(Approved Without Dissent)Populations, 2. Technical and Professional Education and Reeducation, 4. International
Programs, and 5. Distance Approved Without Dissent Education Technologies in the Report,
Extended Education in the CSU: a Framework for Action. May 1991, Prepared by the
Commission on Extended Education.
AS-2050-91/FAFaculty Professional Development: An Urgent and Timely Request
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2049-91/GASupport for Budget Proposals from the CSU That Appropriately Reflect the Needs of California's
(Approved Unanimously)Citizens
AS-2048-91/CSIPImplementation of Distance Learning Pilot Projects as Provided by AB 2033 (Doris Allen)
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2047-91/AALegislation on Tax Exempt Status for CSU Libraries
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2046-91/GA& AAReauthorization of the Higher Education Act: Support for Student Financial Aid Provisions
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2045-91/GA&AAReauthorization of the Higher Education Act: Support for Early Intervention Provisions
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2044-91/GA&AAReauthorization of the Higher Education Act: Support for Graduate Fellowships for Minority
(Approved Unanimously)Graduate Students Interested in Becoming Professors
AS-2043-91/AAEditorial Change in the Definition of Critical Thinking for General Education- Breadth Program
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2042-91/AASupport for California Conference on Foreign Languages
(Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2041-91/AANon-Credit for Beginning Foreign Language
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2040-91/GASupport for the Establishment of Campus Public Policy Networks
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2039-91/FAImprovements in the CSU Forgivable Loan/Doctoral Incentive Program
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2038-91/FASupport for Efforts to Obtain Judicial Review of AB 702 (Frizzelle)
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2037-91/AASupport for an Education Satellite
AS-2036-91/AASupport for "Policies and Standards for CSU Campus Library Facilities" (September 15, 1991)
AS-2035-91/FAFaculty Responsibility for Campus Discussion on Issues of Critical Importance to Higher Education
AS-2034-91/FAThe Definition of "Indirect Instruction" in the 1991 Memorandum of Understanding Between the
(Approved Unanimously)California State University and the California Faculty Association
AS-2033-91/AASupport for Policies and Programs Which Serve Underrepresented Groups Within the CSU
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2032-91/AAResponse to the Board of Trustees CSU Agenda Item on the Report of the Asian Pacific American
(Approved Unanimously)Education Committee
AS-2031-91/AASupport for the Authorization of the Degree of Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2030-91/FAUse of Difference-in-Pay Leaves to Supplement Full-Time Fellowships
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2029-91/FAFlexible Difference-in-Pay Leaves
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2028-91/GAOpposition to AB 2134 (Polanco): Graduate Programs and Studies
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2027-91/GAOpposition to SB 976 as Amended (Hart): Education
AS-2026-91/TEOpposition to SB 215 (Craven), Teaching Credentials: Instruction in Self-Contained Classrooms
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2025-91/FAReorganization of the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2024-91/AACommendation for Sally Casanova
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2023-91/CSIPCommendation for Harold Hellenbrand
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2022-91/San Bernardino Del.Commendation for Harry Hellenbrand
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2021-91/Fullerton Del.Commendation for Thomas Klammer, Senator from CSU, Fullerton
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2020-91/Hayward Del.Commendation for Arthur Simon
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2019-91/CSIPCommendation for Jay P. Christofferson
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2018-91/Chico Del.Commendation for Susan Gardner
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2017-91/San Diego Del.Posthumous Resolution of Commendation for Senator Lynn H. Peters
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2016-91/Christofferson Commendation for Jacqueline (Jackie) Johnson
Stanislaus Del.
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2015-91/EXCommendation for Chancellor Ellis E. McCune
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2014-91/EXCommendation for Trustee Lyman Heine
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2013-91/GAOpposition to SB 1091 (Hill): PERS Investments
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2012-91/GASupport for SB 1115 (Leonard): Speech and Other Communications on Campus
(No Action Taken)
AS-2011-91/GASupport for SB 974 (Hill): Student Athlete Due Process
No Action Taken
AS-2010-91/TEOpposition to SB 762 (Johnston): Single Subject Credentials in Drama and Dance
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2009-91/TEQualified Support for the Concepts Contained in the Preliminary Report of the Commission
(Approved)on Teacher Credentialing Advisory Panel for the Study of Ways to Streamline the Credentialing
AS-2008-91/TESupport for AB 929 (Archie-Hudson) to Continue the Bilingual Teacher Grant Program
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2007-91/TEOpposition to Provisions of AB 795(Vasconcellos) That Are Likely to Lead to the
(Approved Unanimously)Requirement that Coursework in Self-Esteem be Included in Teaching Credential Programs
AS-2006-91/TEProposed Modification in Administration and Provision for Alternatives to Taking the
(Approved Unanimously)State Basic Skills Proficiency Test (CBEST)
AS-2005-91/GASupport for AB 2150 (Brown), Post- secondary Education: Educational Equity
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2004-91/GASupport for AB 617 (Hayden), Master Plan Omnibus Legislation
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2003-91/CSIPEndorsement of Recommendations in Final Draft "Extended Education in the CSU:
(Tabled)A Framework for Action" Prepared by the Commission on Extended Education
AS-2002-91/AAProposed Revision of WASC Standard 4.B.7
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2001-91/AABudget Cuts and Intercollegiate Athletics
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-2000-91/AAProposed Title 5 Revisions to Implement the Intersegmental General Education Transfer
(Approved Unanimously)Curriculum and Reciprocity between the California State University and the University of
AS-1999-91/FARemoval of Upper-Age Limits for Teachers
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1998-91/FAProfessional Responsibility and Sexual Harassment
AS-1997-91/GASupport for SB 121 (Hart): Public Post-secondary Education Transfer Function
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1996-91/EX1991-92 California State University Budget Shortfall
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1995-91/ AA/FA/TESupport for Recommendations B, E and F in "Articulation of Assessment in Writing:
(Approved Unanimously)Intersegmental Recommendations"
AS-1994-91/AAEngineering Programs in the CSU
AS-1993-91/ AA/FA/TEIntersegmental Efforts to Improve the Quality of Instruction for Teaching California Students
(Approved Without Dissent)Who Have Limited English Language Skills
AS-1992-91/AAProposed Change in the Content/Use of the ELM Examination
AS-1991-91/ AA/CSIPPolicies and Practices to Meet the Needs of Older, Part-Time Students
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1990-91/AAC Grades in Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1989-91/GASupport for AB 257 (Hayden) and for SB 119 (Hart), Higher Education Facilities Bond
(Approved Unanimously)Act of June 1992
AS-1988-91/AAQualified Support for Enriching California's Future: Asian Pacific Americans in the CSU,
(Approved Without Dissent)A Report of the Asian Pacific American Education Advisory Committee
AS-1987-91/AARecommendations on Study of Graduate Education
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1986-91/EX1991-92 Schedule of Academic Senate Meetings
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1985-91/Fullerton Del.Recognition for George Watson, Senate Member from CSU, Fullerton
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1984-91/AASupport for Admissions Advisory Council Recommendations
AS-1983-91/GASupport for Proposed Legislation to Allow Tax Deductions for Donations of Computer
(Approved)Software and Maintenance
AS-1982-91/CSIPCommunication Process
AS-1981-91/AACSU Policy on Collegiality and Consultative Procedures
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1980-91/AACSU Policy on Non-Discrimination and ROTC Programs
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1979-91/AAModification of General Education Certification Policy: Full- and Subject Area Certification
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1978-90/FASecurity of on-Campus Professional Property of Faculty and Retired Faculty
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1977-90/FAThe Educational Implications of the Use of Temporary Faculty in Faculty Positions in
(Approved)the CSU in 1990 and Beyond
AS-1976-90/FALeaves of Absence for California State University Faculty to Serve in the California
(Approved)State Legislature
AS-1975-90/FASupport for "Campus Climate: Toward Appreciating Diversity, "A Report Prepared for
(Approved Unanimously)the CSU by the Panel of Experts on Campus Climate
AS-1974-90/AA & FAStaffing Formula Work Group
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1973-90/CSIPRecommendation to Suspend CSU Israel Study Program
AS-1972-90/CSIPProposed Revisions to Executive Order No. 486, CSU Policy on Student Air Travel
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1971-90/AAProposed Policy for Testing Students With Disabilities in the EPT/ELM/EEE and GWAR
(Approved Unanimously)Programs
AS-1970-90/TEOpposition to Non-Germane Requirements in the New Single Subject Waiver Program
(Approved)Standards Being Developed by Advisory Panels to the Commission on Teacher
AS-1969-90/TEEndorsement of the Draft "Report of the Accreditation Advisory Council" Prepared
(Approved)by the CTC Accreditation Advisory Council
AS-1968-90/CSIPHealth Insurance for International Students
(Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1967-90/AAReorganization of (CCR) Computing and Communications Resources Office
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1966-90/EXOn September 7th a Star Was Born (Deborah Hennessy)
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1965-90/GAResolution of Commendation for Senator LeVell Holmes
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1964-90/AASupport for "A Framework for Implementation of the Intersegmental General
(Approved)Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)"
AS-1963-90/FACommendation of Dean Judith Hunt
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1962-90/EXAmendment to CSU Academic Senate Constitution
AS-1961-90/ACSPA Resolution to Honor Joseph Weatherby
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1960-90/San Luis Obispo Del.Commendation for Joseph Weatherby
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1959-90/Fresno Del.Commendation for Ganesha Visweswaran
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1958-90/San Diego Del.Resolution of Appreciation for Professor William Phillips
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1957-90/ERFACommendation of Leonard Mathy
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1956-90/Sacramento Del.A Resolution to Honor the Service of Jo Lonam
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1955-90/Northridge Del.Resolution of Commendation for Senator Kenneth Jones
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1954-90/Pomona Del.A Resolution to Honor the Service of Gene L. Houser
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1953-90/Los Angeles Del.Resolution of Commendation for Howard P. Holladay
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1952-90/Humboldt Del.Resolution of Commendation for Senator Simon Green
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1951-90/EXCommendation of Ray Geigle
(Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1950-90/TESupport for AB 3143 (Hughes): California Teacher Corps
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1949-90/GAResolution Opposing AB 3993 (W. Brown)
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1948-90/TESupport for AB 4321 (Lempert): The California Teaching Career Exploration Program
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1947-90/TESupport for AB 3120 (Lempert): to Change Teachers' Eligibility to Take the
(Approved Unanimously)State Approved Language Development Specialist Examination
AS-1946-90/GASupport for AB 3237 (Chacon)
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1945-90/TESupport for AB 4308 (Hayden): Project Teach Program
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1944-90/EXThe CSU Central Administration in Transition
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1943-90/AAAccreditation: a Statement of Principles
AS-1942-90/ACSPInventory of Credit-Bearing, Campus-Based Study-Abroad Programs
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1941-90/ACSPCriteria for the Suspension or Restoration of CSU International Opportunities for
(Approved Unanimously)Faculty and Students
AS-1940-90/GAOpposition to AB 3464 (Hayden): Higher Education Assessment Act of 1990
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1939-90/AACSU Policy on Non-Discrimination and Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Programs
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1938-90/EX1990-91 Schedule of Academic Senate Meetings
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1937-90/ACSPProcedure for the Use of Faculty Exchange Program Travel Funds
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1936-90/ACSPResolution to Facilitate Student Services for Students Participating in Programs Off
(Approved Unanimously)Campus (Domestic and Abroad)
AS-1935-90/ACSPSupport for the Report, "Mission, Challenge, and Opportunity: The California
(Approved Unanimously)State University in the Information Age"
AS-1934-90/FA& AATuition Waiver or Reduction for Nonresident and Foreign Students
AS-1933-90/FAFaculty Housing and Faculty Recruitment
(Approved Unanimously)
AS-1932-90/GA& AASupport for AB 2543 (Tanner) College Preparation and College Admissions Test Preparation
(Approved Unanimously)Program
AS-1931-90/FAPrevention of Sexual Harassment