Through the supreme loving kindness of our Heavenly Father, we are inestimably privilegedto meet in an association compact, to aid in the great work of the intellectual, moral and religious culture of the denomination; to unreservedly cooperate in the sublime work ofpromoting:

1)the purity of thedoctrine,

2)the endorsement and promotion ofeducation,

3)the advancement of all functions of association work in keeping with the spirit of the ageand the denomination, we do hereby ordain the following constitution, towit:


This association shall be known as "The Consolidated Baptist DistrictAssociation".


This association shall meet annually on Tuesday after the second Lord's Day in July, and continue through the following Friday. The association shall meet in a mid-year adjourned session when called for by theModerator.


This association shall be composed of messengers from Missionary Baptist Churches that do not license women to preach; life and annual members of Missionary Baptist Churches that do not license women to preach. Female messengers are not eligible to hold the office of Moderator, 1stVice-Moderator, or2ndVice-Moderator.

1)Each church shall be entitled to the pastor and two (2) messengers upon payment of one hundred dollars ($100.00), which shall be theminimum representationfee.

2)Any member of a Missionary Baptist Church my become an annual member by paying of five dollars ($5.00); a life member by the paying of ten dollars ($10.00), which shall give that member the privilege of speaking and voting except in the electionofofficers.Onlyaccredited messengersmayvoteintheelectionofofficers or holdoffice.


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This association shall be competent and have the authority to determine the qualifications of its members.


All questions of grievances involving membership shall be referred without debate to a committee of five (5) agreeable to the accuser and accused, who after an impartial finding shall report to the Association. There shall be no debate from the floor, except, the accuser and accused shall havefive

(5)minutes each to address the Association; the Association will then vote without debate and, the vote of Association shall befinal.


1)The officers of the Association shall be: Moderator, 1sc Vice-Moderator, 2°ct Vice-Moderator, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary andTreasurer.

2)Their duties shall be as the officers in similar organizations. They shall hold office until their successors are duly elected andinstalled.

3)All officers shall be elected annually by ballot unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members present at the time to elect the officers of the Association.

4)All officers shall be subject excluding the Recording Secretary. No officer shall succeed himself more than four consecutive years. He may be elected to another officebut, notto the office he presently holds. Any officer who has completed his time in office may be eligible to be elected to the same office after one year hasexpired.

5)Only accredited messengers are eligible to hold office or vote in the election of officers. Life and Annual members are not eligible to hold office unless they are accredited messengers.


The Association shall not exercise any ecclesiastical authority overany church.


The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers of the Association and eleven (11) members at large; elected annually by the Association. All former moderators are voting members of the Executive Board. They shall elect their chairman as soon as possible, following their election. The Corresponding Secretary shall be the Secretary of the Executive Board.

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1)The Executive Board shall have the power to conduct the Business of the Association during the intervals between the annual meetings of the Association.They cannot undo anything done, by the association, unless such matter has been referred to by the Association, with power to act by a majority vote of theAssociation.

2)The Executive Board shall fill all vacancies of officers and the Executive Boardbetween sessions.

3)The Executive Board shall determine the time and place of annual meetings in case of an emergency.

4)Seven (7) members shall constitute aquorum.

5)The Executive Board shall make an annual written report to the Association.


The Moderator shall appoint the following committees at the beginning of each annual session: Credential, Finance, Executive Board, Time and Place, Annual Sermons, Education and Periodicals, Temperance, New Churches, Destitution, Obituary, Resolutions, Program and Printing ofMinutes.


Three accredited messengers shall be elected annually as Trustees when deemed nece4ssary, either by the association during the annual session, or by the Executive Board if the Association is not in session. They shall report annually to the association or to the Executive Board when so ordered.


A Ministers and Messengers Meeting shall be held in the connection with the Association, governed by the Association, for the consideration of such business and program as directed by the Association.They shall elect their own officersannually.

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There shall be a Laymen's League, which shall meet during the Association, at such hours as the Association shall designate. The messengers of the Laymen's League shall bear credentials from the church said Laymen represents. They shall formulate their own program and, elect their own officers.


Kerfoot's Parliamentary Rules shall govern the deliberations of the Associations in matters not otherwisestated.


This constitution may be amended at any annual session by a two-thirds vote of messengers present,providing a written notice is given during the first day of the annual session, setting forth the article or articles to be amended, and also stating the intended change.


There shall be a Women's Auxiliary, which shall meet during the Association, at such hours as the Association shall designate. The messengers of the Women's Auxiliary shall bear credentials from the church said Women represents. They shall formulate their own program and, elect their own officers.


There shall be an Usher's Auxiliary, which shall meet during the Association, at such hours as the Association shall designate. The messengers of the Usher's Auxiliary shall bear credentials from the church said Ushers represents. They shall formulate their own program and, elect their own officers.


The Consolidated Baptist District Association voted to amend ARTICLE III of its constitution concerningmembershipofMessengersduringthe130thAnnualSessionattheShilohBaptist Church, 237 East 5th Street, Lexington, KY. 40508, onFridayJuly17,2009 duringtheBusinessSession:

The motion was made by Dr. C. B. Akins, Sr. and seconded by Dr. T.H. Peoples that membership and voting privileges in the Consolidated Baptist District Association beextended to both male and female messengers from Missionary Baptist Churches that do not license women topreach.



Dr. H. E.Bolton called for the Secretary to do a standing count of the Messengers for therecord.

Twenty (29)votedforTwo(2)OpposedOne(I)AbstainedThe Motion wasadopted

Constitution RevisionCommittee

Rev.Dr.BishopE.Carter,III,Chairman CommitteeMembers:

1.Dr. BishopCarter





On Friday July 16, 2010 , the Consolidated Baptist District Association voted to amend ARTICLE Ill of its constitution concerning membership of Messengers during the13!51Annual SessionattheConsolidatedBaptistChurch,1625RussellCaveRd,Lexington,KY40505.

See below foramendment.

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This association shall be composed of messengers from Missionary Baptist Churches that do not license women to preach; life and annual members of Missionary Baptist Churches that donot license women to preach. Female messengers are not eligible to hold the office of Moderator, pt Vice-Moderator, or 2ndVice-Moderator.

3)Each church shall be entitled to the pastor and two (2) messengers upon payment of

fifty dollars ($50.00), which shall be the minimum representation fee.


4)Any member of a Missionary Baptist Church my become an annual member by paying of one dollar ($1.00); a life member by the paying of five dollars ($5.00), which shall give that member the privilege of speaking and voting except in the election of officers. Only accredited messengers may vote in the election of officers or holdoffice.



This association shall be composed of messengers from Missionary Baptist Churchesthat do not license women to preach; life and annual members of Missionary Baptist Churches that do not license women to preach. Female messengers are not eligible to hold the office of Moderator, pt Vice-Moderator, or 2ndVice-Moderator.

1) Each church shall be entitled to the pastor and two (2) messengers upon payment of

hundred dollars ($100.00), which shall be the minimum representationfee.

2) Any member of a Missionary Baptist Church my become an annual member by paying of five dollar ($5.00); a life member by the paying of ten dollars ($10.00), which shall give that member the privilege of speaking and voting except in the election of officers. Only accredited messengers may vote in the election of officers or holdoffice.

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