College Academic Senate

of the


General Session Agenda

Wednesday, April 9th 2008 Rm 1 4:10-5:30 p.m.

1.1  Call to order by Steve Natoli @ 4: 14 p.m.

1.2  Approval of minutes from March 26th, 2008 -M/S/A

1.2.5  Guests – Ron Johnson – Program Review

1.2.6  Jan Woodall – Institutional Planning and Program Review Changes. Handout provided via email. Highlights: committee has been working on revisions to take the planning into the 21st century. Dr. Johnson has been working with them with regards to implementing a new charge for the committee, although the mission has not changed. First change: 4 sub-committee - (accreditation standards, institutional effectiveness, strategic planning, institutional program review (under institutional planning). Committee will be renamed – ‘institutional planning and effectiveness’. List of new charges (please refer to handout). Membership of the committee will change to co-chairs (VP of AS and VP of Senate). 3 faculty members, classified, confidential, ASB, etc…Interested person/s to sit on the committee will apply and be interviewed by the co-chairs (see handout for requirements).

Changes to Program review – Name change to ‘Institutional Program review committee’. Mission is relatively the same. Reports to institutional planning committee. Co-chairs – VP of AS (or designee) and faculty representative from instructional council (or college council – Jan to investigate and communicate back her findings). Committee will be bringing in Title V and accreditation standards as criteria for growth and review. Will also be using the evaluation process. Question – is Senate responsible for program review? How are they involved in terms of leadership? Response – discussion to have with Dr. Johnson. Understanding (Jan’s) is that program review is a responsibility of all academic entities. Ross Rueger to sit on the committee which will review the committee documents. *Steve – please take documents to the respective divisions for review and forward any comments to Michele Hester-Reyes.

1.3.  a. Faculty/staff comments concerning those items not on the agenda


b. Faculty/staff comments concerning those items on the agenda


1.4  President’s report – (Steve Natoli) –Cabinet report via email

No report.

1.5 Committees:

a. Curriculum Committee report – Joni Jordan * action item. Committee met and discussed CurricuNet (140 courses in the process). Courses must be in to Senate by May 8th. Committee looked at the DL addendum. Catalog committee was created to review the COS catalog and make decisions accordingly).Request to approve courses forwarded via email. M/S/ * Note – add comma to Math 77 5th line down (green, ..). Approved. Joni discussed the resolution (handout – addendum). Resolution on repetition of courses (learning studies students only). Joni gave a brief history and elaboration of the addendum. *First reading (recommendation of the curriculum committee).

Joni reported on the approval of transfer studies/liberal studies with areas of emphasis (handout provided). Greg Keen reported – current transfer studies degree in the 07-08 catalog. Chancellor’s office has changed requirements for degree, so the transfer studies major was no longer compliant. Can not grant a degree based solely upon GE patterns. Now, 18 units of focus or 18 units in area of emphasis (this is being discussed but basically a broad group of courses that meet the 18 unit requirement but must be intelligently combined). Liberal Arts and Liberal Studies differ from transfer units versus non-transfer units. Greg has met with Dr. Scroggins on numerous occasions regarding this issue. As a result of his attendance at workshops and dialogue with individuals through the Chancellor’s office, he has created a proposal regarding this matter (informally approved by the Chancellor’s office and endorsed by Dr. Scroggins and Dr. Johnson). * note - Courses can be added to the majors once this has been approved. 4 emphases in the area of GE pattern, Business, Teaching Prep and Ag and Environmental Sciences. Non-transfer major difference – health and physical education is included to accommodate athletes who are pursuing transfer. Question – why English 1 is listed as a selection choice versus a requirement? Response – based upon courses that are already approved in the CSU GE. There are many specifics that you can contact Greg about if any Senator has further questions. Question – transfer studies questions regarding history (arts and humanities versus social science). Why in two different patterns? Response – depends upon where it has been approved previously. Can be counted as one or the other. Question – why can’t we call this a lower studies transfer degree? Response – idea is to not deny transfers based upon titles (change in thinking with regards to particular individuals working on this matter). * First reading (to be considered for vote on April 23rd).

b.  Facilities Committee report – Steve reported that the committee has been discussing lighting and extra blue phones.

c.  Equivalency Policy – Steve Houk. Will be discussed below.

d.  Governance/Professional Matters (Committee A) – Linda Amaral. Committee has wrapped up the committee charge of establishing the honors program. Will be forwarding an official request for an honor’s program coordinator (handout). *First reading – to be voted upon at the Senate April 23rd meeting. All faculty email to be forwarded.

e.  Bylaws/Election Process (Committee B) – Jesse Wilcoxson

Committee conducted polling of instructors who may be interested in the book rental program. Received quite a bit of positive feedback (more than could be started, but is a good indicator of support). Steve and Jesse met with Kristin Hollabough regarding foundation support. A proposal will be created to forward for financial support, etc.. Thus, Dorianna is compiling a couple of different plans which will be given to Kristin for consideration. Kristin would then forward the proposal to the Board for generalized support.

Senate Officer Elections – committee B is responsible for holding the election. To be held April 21st and April 22nd (Sierra Rm 805). Jesse passed around a sign up list for voting coverage. Slate announcement: Pres: Michele Hester-Reyes, V.P. – Jeff Basham, Secretary/Treasurer – Jacqueline Kamberg, Curriculum Committee – Joni Jordan, FEC – Chris Knox, SLO – co-chairs Marla Prochow and Jeanette Rollinger

f.  Distance Learning/Committees/Professional Ethics (Committee C) – Janice Brown. Intellectual Property Revisions – will be presented at the next meeting. Also, looking for a representative for the hiring committee for the Director of the Business Industry and Community Services position - Chris Knox and Janele Spencer nominated. M/S/A on Chris Knox with a strong desire for COSTA to utilize Janele Spencer as the COSTA representative.

g.  COSTA Liaison Committee – Steve Natoli. No report

h.  FEC – Chris Knox. Report on the email and attachment with regards to recently offered FLEX workshops (80 attendees). No negative comments, therefore, well received. Committee is working on new faculty orientation and new models. If comments/input, please contact Chris. The committee is also addressing the mission statement and board policies regarding sabbaticals.

i. Student Learning Outcome – Carol Enns. Reported that Gail Robinson is collecting

data for the annual review reports. At the last meeting, Tim Garner attended and will be

conducting mapping for the ILO’s. Carol hopes to focus upon one ILO per year.

j. Adjunct Faculty report – Warren Sargent or Brandon Sanderson. No report

k. DECOS – Deborah Nolan. Reported that the committee met and discussed guidelines with regards to Senate given input. Will be coming back in the Fall with a revision. DECOS has been asked to look at the addendum/resolution presented by Joni. As well, DECOS is beginning discussion of proposal/recommendations for evaluations of faculty who teach online. This is a negotiable item, so the committee is working with the appropriate individuals. Will be forwarding information regarding this as it comes about. Handout regarding a recommendation of online office hours. *First read. To be voted upon at the April, 23rd Senate meeting. No current language that discusses specific, static or how online hours are held. California Academic Senate is considering language regarding online office hours. Joni will showcase her new course through EPISLON at one of the last DECOS meetings.

l. ASB – Student Rep. – Naloor See. Steve announced that there is ‘rock the vote’ in

quad from 10-2. ASB would like the faculty to circulate the announcements that are

forwarded in the instructor mailboxes.

1.6  Unfinished Business

a.  ELI mission Statement – (handout).

Valerie reported that recommendations were forwarded to the steering committee and the committee voted to leave the document as it was. Seeking Senate approval as authored. Committee felt the considerations were appropriately covered. Valerie reported that it is very clear what demographic of student that the ELI is serving. As well, it is well documented on the web site. Moved to the ELI mission statement as is. Second. Approved.

1) ELI Planning Matrix and Budget – Sasha Anderson to report. PowerPoint (ELI self-assessment). Brief overview and background (4 strands, each strand completing a self-assessment, which lead to a planning matrix). Seeking Senate support to vote upon proposed budget based upon the committee’s planning matrix. Available for review at the ELI web-address. M/S *Question – how much has been spent. Response – only a few hundred but will have roughly 340, 00.00 at a later date. Committee is hesitant to spend monies until the budget is approved. Seeking approval of 07-08 budget which releases about 100k. Senate is well-represented on this committee, so there is a great deal of understanding and knowledge regarding this issue. Approved.

b.  BP equivalency policy – Steve Houk. Handout. Second reading. BP is now 7211. (Steve to be deleting two commas from the policy). This BP was previewed at a past retreat. Now up for Senate approval. M/S/A

1)AP Equivalency Policy 7211 – Steve gave a brief review of the old BP 5001 (breaking out past administrative procedure). Steve took the old AP and cleaned it up based upon a discussion with Dr. Scroggins and intertwined Title V qualifications and part of the equivalency process (old 5001 BP). Broke this part up into responsibilities. Considerations were in the old 5001. However, the Community College League had a section on special circumstances and he also intertwined those as well. Old forms are still being used but have to be changed slightly (still has single form equivalency). Steve N. spoke to a new section that protects Senate rights (please see handout). Steve N. commended Steve H. on his work. *First reading. Will be forwarded to Cabinet before Senate approval/vote April 23rd. Discussion regarding if inclusion of a particular number of members should be included (under make up of committee). Suggested that ‘a minimum’ number may be beneficial. Steve H. will include ‘3-5 Senators’ as an included number.

c.  BP 4225 – Joni Jordan. Handouts. Committee met and created the new BP. *Amendment - First read (to be included with the BP forwarded at the last Senate meeting). Will be voted upon at the Senate April 23rd, meeting. BP 4225 reiterated Title V requirements.

1.7  New Business

a. Senate Plenary – Carol Enns. Handout – State Academic Senate Resolutions – Spring 2008. Carol will be attending the Area A meeting in place of Michele Hester-Reyes. Carol briefly spoke to a few of the resolutions (e.g. minors on campus, etc..). Please refer to the handout for review of the resolutions.

Please contact Carol if you would like additional reading materials regarding

these resolutions.

Adjourned @ 6: 08 p.m.

Members present: Hester-Reyes, Jordan, Haycock, Brand, Basham, Erhlich, Beltran, Enns, Wilcoxson, Nolan, Amaral, McDonnel, Houk, Brandis, Rueger, Spencer, Knox, Brown

Guest – Greg Keen, Sasha Anderson and Kathie Lewis