Minutes of DWR Community Council Meeting held on

Tuesday 28June 2016 in Rudry Parish Hall at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. Terry Hall (in the Chair), Margaret Jones, Lynda Lee,Jayne Garland, Joe Farace, Andrew Diplock andthe Clerk Sally Chick.

Apologies: KevStanworth

Declaration of Interest: None

07.Police Report

Claire had sent her apologies and forwarded an update or Councillors. PCSO attended the meeting. There was a general discussion about crime levels in the area.

08.Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read and accepted as a true record.

09.Chairman’s Report

New Councillors were welcomed to the meeting. It was reported that the campaign to get speeds of 20mph outside the school has been successful – a celebration will be planned.

10.Clerks Report

Audit – this has now been signed by the Internal Auditor and needs to be signed off by Council and forwarded to the External Auditor.

Grants – Applications have been received from:

Ruperra Castle Preservation – Agreed £100

Rudry Riding Club – Agreed £15

Rudry Festival – Agreed £300

11.Councillors Reports

Draethen–Margaret reported that she is taking a step back from the situation with the compost toilet at the church. Information will be direct from the Church in future.

The missing bus stop on the main road to Newport has now been replaced.

The damage to the bridge has still not yet been repaired.

An incident has been reported and Mr D Barnes has requested that newsletters are no longer delivered to his property.

Waterloo – Lyn informed Councillors that in general the level of support for the Community Voice Project b Councillors was disappointing. Concerns were raised as to whether the Annual Fete will go ahead next year – it was suggested it might be worth trying to organise this in conjunction with the Rudry Folk Festival next year. Joe suggested a planning meeting for the Fete be scheduled for early next year to give time to make arrangements.

The lane at the back of Waterloo Terrace is very overgrown. Sally to report to CCBC as this used to be an access lane and could be their responsibility.

Rudry – Jayne reported that a Gwern Y Domen Groups sign had been pulled down and damaged. The Police are investigating.

12. Planning

16/0568 – No Objection

16/0269 – No Objection

16/0259 – No Objection

16/0365 – No Objection

16/0499 – No Objection

16/0442 – No Objection

16/0463 – No Objection

Next Meeting date

The next meeting is 26July 2016