DDS / Provider Trades Meeting Minutes: J Wilcox, CT Nonprofits Page 1 of 3

Department of Developmental Services / Provider Trades Meeting

Draft Trades Meeting Minutes: December 7, 2011

Meeting Venue: Ability Beyond Disability, Bethel, CT

Opening Remarks: Commissioner Macy provided openingremarks and updates regarding recent developments related to staffing responsibilities and changes and within the ‘leadership team’ of the Department of Developmental Services as follows:

Appreciation to Pat Berdnick, retiring Executive Secretary, for her years of dedicated service. Incoming Executive Secretary: Michelle Bacry.

Appreciation toShannon O'Brien and Thomas Dailey for their willingness to step in to their acting Regional Director positions. The feedback from providers has been overwhelmingly positive (as reflected in the ‘round of applause’ during the Trades Meeting.)

Mary Fuller has been appointed incoming Chief Fiscal Officer.

Upon approval, DDS will post the two Regional Director positions as well as our Autism Director and the newly developed position of Individual and Family Advocate. DAS is currently assembling the tests for the latter two positions. Commissioner Macy plans to develop a small stakeholders group to assist in the interview process.

DDS Five Year Plan:

Commissioner Macy reported that the DDS Five Year plan is nearly complete, with the expectation of submission to the legislature by the end of December. The Commissioner expressed appreciation to Linda Goodman and Christine Polio Cooney, DDS, for their tireless efforts to complete this extensive process. The plan is the Department's ‘blueprint for the future.’ The detail of its implementation will be developed by achieving its nearly 30 goals. The plan includes approximately thirty goals, many of which will be accomplished through the input of "Stakeholders Groups".

The Commissioner once again expressed appreciation to the Trades for their Testimony regarding the plan. However, concerns remain regarding the significant amount of opposition to the plan that has been received by DDS, primarily related to SouthburyTraining School. Providers agreed that there is a need for the private sector, consumers and families to assist whenever possible, to support DDS’ efforts on their behalf.

Trades Meeting Agenda-Specific Items:

1. Legislative Updates:

1ADDS’ 2013 Mid-term Budget Adjustments: Anticipated Impact Upon Consumers & Providers:

Commissioner Macy discussed the process by which DDS determined the areas for budget reductions related to impact upon public vs. private. DDS is ‘cautiously optimistic’ that the legislature will not act upon the proposed 5% cut to providers. While the DDS has a history of proposing reductions that would impact administrative services and/or the public sector to a larger extent, the increasing percentage of the budget for programs provided by the private sector (vs. public) has resulted in a decreasing opportunity to continue further cuts to the public portion of the DDS budget. In addition, the fact that under the current bargaining agreement, the DDS may not lay off staff in the process of closing programs has an impact upon the budget adjustment process.

J. Wilcox and providers commented on the ongoing need to assist legislators and the public to understand the number of individuals served within the budget for each sector, and the true impact of the level of need of each individual, upon the overall funding structure. In addition, DDS was commended for their efforts to include relatively detailed statements to the legislature, regarding the true impact of all proposals.

N. Duncan and providers commented on the support demonstrated by the current administration, and the potential for positive impact upon the budget adjustment process.

1BProposed Budget Adjustments of 11 Residential Closings: Anticipated / Required Timeline:

The DDS has proposed six residential closings to take place this year: Five within the regions, and SouthburyTraining School. Additional information regarding the timeline will be forthcoming.

The primary impact of the proposed closures is upon the DDS’ total residential capacity. Some individuals will move to other public residentialsettings, but some will use capacity in the private sector that would otherwise be used to respond to people living at home who have an emergency need for residential placement

1CProposed Budget Funding Delays and Reductions for School Grads: Anticipated Impact upon providers & individuals:

Commissioner Macy discussed the need to protect the Respite and Family Support aspects of the budget, as any further reductions would be ‘devastating’ to families.

DDS proposed to delay the average starting date by four months, for the FY13 budget.

DDS has been clear in their impact statement to the legislature, that if implemented, the reduction would have a serious impact upon both the families and individual school graduates. There is additional concern that this would lead to more emergency requests for residential placements.

Some of those indicated within the proposed reductions, shall receive services through a new IFS Waiver.

  1. DSS Waiver & Regulation Amendments (CT Law Journal): Anticipated Impact:

Commissioner Macy led a discussion regarding the November 15th CT Law Journal posting re: Amendments to the DDS Individual and Family Support Waiver.

Commissioner Macy thanked the Trades for related comments submitted to Deborah Duval, DDS.

A Public Hearing of the Appropriations & Human Services Committees related to the DDS Waiver, is scheduled to take place: Friday, December 9th at 1:30 at the LegislativeOfficeBuilding.

  1. Rent Subsidy Process – Discussion:

3A Potential to re-evaluate requirement for monthly submission:

J. Wilcox and providers discussed concerns regarding the Rent Subsidy Process currently in place. Providers have reported that the process appears to be unnecessarily onerous and cumbersome. A recommendation was made to explore the potential to move away from a monthly reporting process, to either a six month or annual submission.

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding examples of some of the negative impacts of the current system, as well as recommendations moving forward. DDS and Providers acknowledge that improvements to the overall process would be extremely worthwhile, and DDS is interested in additional input regarding both examples of issues and recommendations for improvement.

It is important to note that while providers expressed that they have done so in the past, it remains essential for Providers to continue to follow protocol regarding issues as they occur.

3B Impact upon placement process:

Providers expressed some concerns related to the potential for impact upon the placement process, and ramifications regarding true ‘freedom of choice’ for individuals involved.

3C Inconsistent implementation / expectations among DDS Regions:

DDS and Providers will continue to explore this area of concern, regarding Rent Subsidy, and additional areas where improvements may be achieved regarding consistency.

4. DDS Stakeholder Groups – Discussion:

4AStatus of Development of Stakeholder Groups and Forums

Commissioner Macy continues to develop the concept of a ‘Community of Providers,’ to include ALL stakeholders. Depending on the goal, these stakeholder groups will take on different designs.

The first goal: to redesign the agency's Mission and Vision, will be achieved through the guidance of a 60 to 65 person stakeholders group.

In the near future, DDS will post a "Call for Partners" for this overarching working group. This format will be used for most all of DDS’ goals. The participants will be nominated from several interest groups that will range from self advocates and families to public and private providers to statewide councils to other governmental agencies.

The Trades will assist in development of the process for appointments, etc., moving forward.

This first group will create a Mission and Vision draft that will be posted on our Five Year Plan website for review by our entire DDS Community. At this point, DDS does not anticipate every goal will have such a diverse membership but they will try to create working groups that will include all effected members of our larger community.

4B & 4C: Anticipated system that will allow workgroups to coordinate agendas and the dissemination of informationand Process for Integration of Families into Stakeholder groups

The posting of 5 year plan working groups work on the DDS web site will be ongoing. DDS will make an effort to be as transparent as possible as each group completes phases of their project. The postings will be accompanied by an opportunity for readers to submit their input.

5. DDS Website - Discussion Regarding Dissemination of Information:

DDS and Joan Barnish, continue to develop the ‘Community of Providers’ section of the DDS website. As DDS moves forward with plans to strengthen the web-based component to the communication process, additional applications and formats will be developed.

The‘Community of Providers’ website page is another avenue to share thoughts and ideas about the best way to continue to serve the people in our collective care.

(Refer to Agenda Item #4 above, for additional information.)

For clarification on any of the enclosed information,please contact:

Julia Wilcox, Senior Pubic Policy Specialist, CT Nonprofits:; 860-525-5080 ext.25

Next DDS / Provider Trades Meeting: January 4, 2012

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