Arthur Township
Town Board Meeting
Minutes ofDecember 11, 2017 APPROVED
Present were: Fred Sawatzky, Lisa Holcomb, Matt Johnson, Julie Fore andTeri Bentler.
Visitors present were: Fred Holm, Attorney
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Holcomb moved to approve the minutes of November27, 2017,as presented. Johnsonseconded. All were in favor.
Holcomb moved to approve the agenda as presented. Johnsonseconded. All were in favor.
Fore gave the Treasurer’s report as stated on the agenda. Holcomb moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, general claims 10157-10166 in the amount of $7,354.21, payroll claims 3173-3179 in the amount of $7,477.83 and recycling payroll claims 3180-3181 in the amount of $808.28. Johnson seconded. All were in favor.
1. ZA Report
A.There was discussion with Fred Holm regarding the Minor Subdivision Request made by Roger and Gerri Teich. Holcomb moved to approve the Minor Subdivision Application as recommended by the Planning Commission. Johnson seconded. All were in favor. There was additional discussion with Fred Holm regarding the fact that there should be an irrevocable access easement upon any future transfer of the remaining 15.08 acre parcel.
2. Road Report
A.There was discussion regarding snow removal on Shore Drive and the issues created because of the fence along the north/south line of 1704 Shore Drive. Holcomb will contact the attorney to see what our options are at this point.
B.Sawatzky reported that the wells that were put in the road right-of-way on Imperial Street have been removed and sealed. Sawatzky and Johnson attended the ECSWC Meeting on December 11, 2017, to discuss the wells and the water runoff. ECSWC will be doing a typography by drone and the engineering company will provide us with their plan regarding the water runoff.
C.The Gravel RFP and Chloride RFP were reviewed. Sawatzky moved to approve the Gravel RFP as presented. Holcomb seconded. All were in favor. Sawatzky will have the Chloride RFP reviewed by others prior to publishing. Once approved, both RFPs will be published and the same time.
D.Letters will be sent to property owners along Old Hwy 23 informing them that the Township will be brushing in the right-of-way as weather permits.
3. Recycling – Nothing to discuss.
4. Safety Issues
A. The November Safety Report was reviewed.
5.The Annual Report for Noxious Weed Control was completed and signed. The County will train the township employee on weed inspections in the spring.
6. There was discussion regarding Shore Drive. Holcomb will contact the attorney to see where everything is at.
The next Town Board meeting is December 27, 2017, at 5:00 PM.
Sawatzky moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 PM. Johnson seconded. The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Teri Bentler, Clerk