Grafton Public Schools- Office of Special Education

30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA 01519

Phone: (508) 839-5421 Fax: (508) 839-7618

November, 2016

Dear Parent:

Per state regulations, 603 CMR 28.03(1)(d), the Grafton Pubic School District conducts screening for three and four year olds. Such screening is designed to review a child’s development and to assist in the identification of those children who should be referred for an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. Participation in the screening process for three and four year olds is optional on the part of the parent.

Throughout the school year, preschool staff is available to screen your child if you have concerns. This free screening procedure may include an interview with you concerning your child’s development, assessments of your child’s level of developmental and speech/language functioning, and a hearing and/or vision test. Soon after the screening, we will contact you to discuss the results and determine if further evaluation is needed. Please note that if your child is currently receiving services through Grafton Public Schools, screening will not be necessary.

If you feel that your child is in need of preschool screening and may require special education services, please complete and return the bottom portion of this letter by mail. Should you have any questions, feel free to call me at Grafton’s Special Education Office at (508) 839-5421.


Arnold Lundwall

Administrator of Special Education


If you are interested in having your child screened, return this portion of the letter to:

Nicole Macdonald, Preschool Team Chairperson

South Grafton Elementary School,

90 Main Street, South Grafton, MA. 01560

CHILD’S NAME: ______Male or Female

CHILD’S BIRTHDATE: ______PHONE # (_____) ______


(circle one) North Grafton 01536 South Grafton 01560 Grafton 01519


Briefly describe your area of concern: ______


Is your child currently receiving Birth to Age 3, Early Intervention Services? YES or NO

Is your child currently receiving services from Grafton Public Schools? YES or NO

-if yes to either of above, what type of services are received? ______