Policy/Procedure Title: Special Case Managed Members / ☒ External Policy
☐ Internal Policy
Original Date: 04/25/1994 / Next Review Date: 03/13/2020
Last Review Date: 03/13/2019
Applies to: / ☒ Medi-Cal / ☐ Employees
Policy/Procedure Number: MCUP3039 (previously UP100339) / Lead Department: Health Services
Policy/Procedure Title: Special Case Managed Members / ☒External Policy
☐ Internal Policy
Original Date: 04/25/1994 / Next Review Date:03/13/2020
Last Review Date:03/13/2019
Applies to: / ☒ Medi-Cal / ☐ Employees
Reviewing Entities: / ☒ IQI / ☐ P & T / ☒ QUAC
☐ OPerations / ☐ Executive / ☐ Compliance / ☐ Department
Approving Entities: / ☐ BOARD / ☐ COMPLIANCE / ☐ FINANCE / ☒ PAC
☒ CEO / ☐ COO / ☐ Credentialing / ☐ DEPT. DIRECTOR/OFFICER
Approval Signature: Robert Moore, MD, MPH, MBA / Approval Date: 03/13/2019
- MCUP3041 – TAR Review Process
- MCCP2024 – Whole Child Model for California Children’s Services (CCS)
- MCUP3104 – Major Organ Transplants
- MCUP3020 – Hospice Service Guidelines
- MCUP3103 – Coordination of Care for Members in Foster Care
- MCUP3033 – Out of Area Emergency Admissions
- MCUP3051 – Long Term Care Admissions
- CGA024 – Medi-Cal Member Grievance System
- Health Services
- Member Services
- Claims
- N/A
- Special case managed members are those whose service needs are such that inclusion in the Partnership HealthPlan of California (PHC) capitated case management system would be inappropriate. Assignment to special case managed status may be based on the member’s medical condition, prime insurance, demographics or administrative eligibility status.
- As of January 1, 2019, PHC assumed responsibility for authorizing and coordinating care for California Children’s Services (CCS) eligible conditions under the Whole Child Model (WCM). To maximize the patient-provider relationship and to best coordinate care, these members are assigned to a medical home. The provider identified as the child’s medical home is responsible for managing the child’s primary care needs and coordinating specialty services. WCM/CCS children do not require a Referral Authorization Form (RAF) to see a specialist.
- Services for special case managed members will be paid on a fee-for-service basis based upon prevailing PHC rates. The Treatment Authorization Request (TAR) system will be in place for all PHC services that require the use of a TAR.
- Generally, members become eligible for special case managed status either due to a specific clinical condition or due to a specific administrative service category.
- Kaiser prime members assign to Kaiser MH and place on review.
- CCS members with other health coverage are placed in HealthWCM and placed on review.
- The member requires ongoing care from out-of-area specialist(s) for appropriate management of his (her) complex medical conditions and discontinuation of this care from the out-of-area specialist(s) would be detrimental for the member’s health.
- Referrals to specialty care by an in-plan PCP does not meet the member’s health care needs.
- The out-of-area specialist accepts the additional responsibility of Primary Care Provider.
- Transgender member or member with gender dysphoria requiring primary care with clinician with expertise in this area.
- The member’s need for special member status under Health Plan 5 is generally required for 12 months or less.
- Member will be removed when the member’s needs for continuity of care have been met. Sonoma Members Approved for House Calls
- Kaiser Commercial members are moved to HP 24 the 3rd month following admission.
- Kaiser Senior Advantage members are placed in HP 24 3rd month following admission if member is not at a skilled level of care.
- Kaiser Senior Advantage members receiving skilled level of care are placed in HP 24 on the 101 day of placement or any time after the 3rd month of placement that they no longer qualify for a skilled level of care. LTC Psychiatric:
- Have a Pope Valley, Potter Valley, or a Sea Ranch address or
- Qualify for special member status due to a state fair hearing decision, or
- County expansion Members that exceed a 30 mile radius from the nearest PCP
- The member has an appointment with a physician for primary care services other than the member’s assigned PCP, and
- The member was assigned to a PCP inappropriately due to an error in the assignment process.
- Other criteria making special member status appropriate (must be approved by the PHC Member Services Director and the Chief Medical Officer or physician designee.) The member is removed when the member no longer qualifies, based on the criteria listed above.
- The member is 28 weeks pregnant or more on the date of eligibility with PHC,
- The member has been regularly cared for by an obstetrical provider prior to eligibility with PHC, and;
- The member wishes to continue her care and requests during her pregnancy to continue with her established obstetrical provider for the duration of her pregnancy. The member is removed on the first day of the month following 60 calendar days from the delivery date. If the member is not made HP 19, the member would be required to change OB providers due to PCP and hospital linkages.
- Other Considerations
- When conversion to special case managed status is approved, it will be done so for a time-limited or condition-limited (e.g., pregnancy) interval. After the interval has elapsed, the case will be reconsidered, and the member removed from special case managed status if circumstances warranting this status no longer exist.
- The Medical Director may review other cases where the circumstances of the clinical condition may warrant consideration of the status change by the HealthPlan. The Chief Medical Officer or Physician Designee will consult with other specialty physicians as needed to complete the review.
- Members or their physicians may request consideration for special case managed status. Member requests will be processed through Member Services and reviewed by the Health Services staff. Physicians must complete a Special Case Management Provider Request for Status Change form on behalf of their members. The HS staff will contact the providers as necessary to obtain medical documentation. Each case will be reviewed by the Chief Medical Officer or Physician Designee. Members may appeal the decision by the process in policy CGA-024 Medi-Cal Member Grievance System.
- Appeals submitted only for determination regarding HP 5 Continuity of Care status will go through the physician review process.
- The Health Services staff will notify the provider and the member of the decision. If the request is denied, the reasons will be outlined in the letter to the provider. If the request is approved, an alternate provider will be identified and notified concerning the PHC procedures for obtaining TAR services. The member will be encouraged to obtain all care from the alternate provider.
- The Health Services Department will encourage all special members to utilize the PHC network.
- The special member will receive a letter with his/her new ID card from the Member Services Department. The Member I.D. Card will reflect Partnership HealthPlan of California as PCP and an alternate provider, if indicated.
- Agencies/facilities will continue to provide the direct case management activities as mandated by state, federal and regulatory agencies.
/ Special Member Type / Criteria
Default1 / New Member / Upon becoming eligible to PHC, new members will have up to 30 calendar days to select a primary care provider (PCP). During the interim, the member will not be assigned to a PCP or a case managed pool unless the member has selected a PCP in advance.
Default2 / Member no longer eligible for a Health Services (HS) special member designation. / Members who no longer qualify for Health Services special member status such as CCS, LTC or continuity of care are placed in Default 2 for one month if the member cannot be relinked, family-linked or assigned based on claims data.
Default4 / Members who no longer have prime insurance status (HP 12, 20, 21, 24) / Members who no longer qualify for prime insurance coverage status are placed in Default 4 for one month if the member cannot be relinked, family linked or assigned based on claims data.
HP 1 / Emergency & Pregnancy Only OBRA Aid codes / The member is assigned the first day of the month the member becomes eligible for limited services (OBRA) related to pregnancy and/or emergency treatment. Members have aid code 58, 5F, 5G, 5N, C1, C3, C5, C7, C9, or D8. Dialysis may be covered, TAR required. The member is removed on the first day of the month following loss of OBRA status. OBRA aid codes apply to Solano, Napa and Yolo Counties only.
0001 - 0004 / CCS Members Who Do Not Have a Medical Home / If a WCM child has not been assigned to a medical home, they will be assigned as follows:
HEALTHWCM 0001- Solano, Marin and Sonoma Counties
HEALTHWCM 0002- Lake, Mendocino and NR Counties
HEALTHWCM 0003- Napa County
HEALTHWCM 0004- Yolo County
HP 3 / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) / Members approved when the 2008 CDC criteria for AIDS is met. Effective date is the day of PHC notification.
For Kaiser members, PHC does not remove from Kaiser assignment, however, a change in affiliation is made. The affiliation will change on the first day of the month if PHC is notified by the 15th day of the previous month. If PHC is notified after the 15th day of the month the affiliation will commence on the first day of the month after the next month.
Exception: Kaiser prime members that meet the HIV criteria are not moved to the Kaiser HIV affiliation until the member’s Kaiser prime insurance is no longer active. Assignment to the Kaiser HIV affiliation would occur the month following PHC’s notification of the termination of the Kaiser prime insurance.
HP 4 / Not in use for the Medi-Cal program.
HP 5 / Continuity of Care, Transplants, and Sonoma Members approved / CONTINUITY of CARE:
The PHC Medical Director has the discretion to place members, with complex medical conditions, into special member status because of the member’s need for continuity of care. Criteria for inclusion as a special member, for continuity of care, is based upon:
1.The member’s eligibility to PHC should be relatively recent.
Sonoma Members approved for House Calls (a St. Joseph’s System Provider Group) House Calls is a provider group that provides care for home bound patients.
Member is approved upon notification from a Medi-Cal designated transplant facility that the member has completed the evaluation process and is currently listed and waiting a solid organ transplant. Exception: See HP 38. Members on dialysis awaiting a kidney will stay in HP 38 until transplanted. Heart transplant recipients are granted HP 5 for plan lifetime.
Member is approved upon notification from a Medi-Cal designated transplant facility that the member has completed the evaluation process, a donor match has been found and is currently listed and waiting transplant.
Member becomes eligible for assignment to a PCP one year after receiving the transplant but may qualify for continued HP 5 based on continuity of care criteria above.
HP 6 / Hospice / Members are approved the day the member signs the hospice election form and continues in this category as long as their care is provided by a hospice program.
HP 7 / Foster Care (FC) and Special Needs (DDS) children. / All foster care (FC) and other special needs.
California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) members in or out of county that have one of the following aid codes: 03, 04, 06, 07, 2P, 2R, 2S, 2T, AND 2U, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 4A, 4F, 4G, 4H, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4S, 4T, 4U (eff. 11/01/15), 4W and 5K) (Special needs DDS A/C 6W and 6V). Solano, Napa or Yolo county FC members assigned to PCP prior to September 1, 2011 remain assigned to a PCP and have the option to move to a special member status.
HP 8 / Out of Area / Members are approved the day the member establishes residence out-of-county for a 3 month period. If the member is an inpatient in an out-of-county hospital, the member is eligible the day the member moved out of county.
Exception: Members in an inpatient Drug/Rehab facility will be temporarily placed in HP 8 if the facility is out of the resident county.
HP 9 / Long Term Care (LTC)
Long Term Care Psychiatric Patients / LTC:
Member approved the day of admission to SNF or LTC facility.
Kaiser members, assignment remains to Kaiser for the month of admission and the following month. If at the end of this time frame the member remains in SNF and meets PHC criteria for LTC, the member will then be taken out of Kaiser cap and placed into this category.
Kaiser members with Kaiser prime insurance are not moved to HP 9.
The member is approved on the date the member is admitted to a long term care psychiatric facility. The member is removed on the first day of the month following discharge and is re-linked to the previously assigned PCP at this time.
HP 10 / Retroactive Members / The member is approved the first day of the month, the member becomes retroactively eligible with PHC. The member is removed and assigned to a PCP on the first day of the month after the retroactive period.
HP 11 / Deceased / The member is approved on the date of death plus one day.
HP 12 / EFMP/Tricare/ Champus / The member is approved on the first day of the month that PHC is notified that the member is Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)/Tricare/Champus eligible. The member is removed from HP 12 on the first day of the month following the date the member’s EFMP/Tricare/Champus eligibility ends.
HP 13 / Newborn (mother not capitated) / The member is approved on the date of birth. The member is removed on the first day of the third month following the date of birth.
HP 14 / Administrative / Members placed in HP 14 for any of the reasons below:
HP 15 / NO LONGER IN USE as of 9/1/03 / Merged with HP 5
HP 16 / Napa State and Sonoma Developmental Ctr. 1500 Arnold Dr. / The member is approved on the date of admission to Napa State Hospital. The member is removed on the first day of the month following discharge from Napa State Hospital.
Members with the Sonoma Developmental address are automatically placed. Members are moved to HP 16 the date they are discharged.
HP 17 / Not in use
HP 18 / Native Americans / The member is approved when confirmed as a qualified Native American and the member chooses not to be assigned to a contracted PCP site.
HP 19 / General Member Service
Prenatal Care
28+ weeks / GMS
The member is approved on the first day of the month of assignment to this category, at the discretion of the PHC Member Services Director, under the following circumstances:
Prenatal Care
The member is approved the first of the month that PHC is notified of eligibility with PHC under the following conditions:
HP 20 / Sonoma, Marin, Mendocino, and Shasta
Medi-Medi members / Effective the date member has Medicare Part A or Part B or both Part A and Part B status.
Moved out of HP 20 the day they no longer have any Medicare status.
Exception: Medi-Medi members can be assigned to Kaiser with or without Kaiser Prime with Kaiser approval.
HP 21 / Continuous Insurance Premium Program (CIP) / The member is approved on the first day of the month of notification that the member is eligible for CIP and the Health Services Department determines that the member’s medical condition warrants continued eligibility for this program. If the member is in HP 21, the member’s health insurance premium is paid by PHC. The HS Director monitors HP 21 members periodically. The member is removed on the first day of the month after the member no longer meets criteria for eligibility.
HP 22 / Genetically Handicapped Persons Program (GHPP) / The member is approved on the date PHC is notified from the state that the member has been included on the GHPP list. The member is removed on the first day of the month that the member is no longer eligible for GHPP.
HP 23 / NO LONGER IN USE as of 9/1/03 / Merged with HP 9
HP 24 / Other Insurance / The member is approved on the first of the month of notification or identification that the member has other health insurance. The member is removed on the first day of the month that the other insurance ends. In this situation, since PHC is the “payer of last resort”, the other insurance is always the primary payer.
HP 25 / No longer in use
HP 26 / Unmet Share of Cost (SOC) / INELIGIBLE SHARE OF COST MEMBERS. When the member is in HP 26, the member is not eligible for services under PHC and PHC is not financially responsible for this member. When the member has met the share of cost, the member is removed from HP 26 and becomes eligible for HP 10 (retroactive eligibility).
HP 27 / Long Term Care Resident with aid code 53, 55, D2 through D7 aid codes. / The member is approved on the day the member is admitted to a long term care facility. The member is removed on the first day of the month that the member is discharged from the LTC facility or the member no longer has aid code 53.
Aid codes 55 and D2-D7 limited to LTC, ER, and pregnancy related services. These aid codes apply to Solano, Napa and Yolo County members.
HP 28 / Long Term Care aid code not in LTC (13, 23, 63) / Member with long term care (LTC) aid code, but not in LTC facility.
Members that have Kaiser prime are placed in HP 24.
HP 29 / Duplicates / The member is approved on the day the member becomes eligible under more than one name or membership number. PHC pays for services under the valid member number.
HP 30 / No longer in use
HP 31 / No longer in use
HP 32 / Holderman Patients / The member is approved on the date of admission to Holderman facility. The member is removed on the first day of the month following discharge from the Holderman facility.
HP 33 / No longer in use
HP 34 / No longer in use
HP 35 / No longer in use
HP 36 / No longer in use
HP 37 / No longer in use
HP 38 / End Stage Renal Disease / Members approved when the Medicare definition for ESRD is met. Effective date is the actual date of the first outpatient hemo/ peritoneal dialysis treatment. Exception: See HP 9
HP 39 / Breast / Cervical Cancer / A member is placed in HP 39 when the member has
Single aid code of: 0U, 0T, 0R or member has multiple aid codes and one of them is: 0U, 0T, 0R, 0P, 0N, 0W
Medi-Cal Aid Codes Master Chart