“Mergers & Acquisitions”:
The Research Lodge’s First Collection Experience
by Brother Aaron Washington[i]
On March 29, 201, the Research Lodge was honored to acquire on behalf of the Grand Lodge a collection of “Proceedings” from PM Samuel “Sweet Sam” Williams, No. 73. The collection is to be catalogued, restored as needed, preserved, displayed, and researched for the benefit the entire Masonic Family. Acquiring a collection of what amounts to donated artifacts was a first for the Research Lodge, and required preparation, which was accomplished by the author. A Donor Questionnaire form, a Temporary Receipt of Objects form, and a Deed by Gift form, as well as a Property Inventory form, were created and used. Materials required to properly catalogue, protect, and store these artifacts had to be obtained. This included such conservation tools as storage sleeves, barrier board, comic book boards, text sheets, sheet protectors, and document storage cartons.
The collection consists of 113 editions of proceedings, from twenty-nine (29) different state jurisdictions, plus one from the District of Columbia, one from Ontario Canada, and one from Germany, written in German. Analysis of the 15-page Property Inventory sorted by year shows that 27% were from 1902 through 1908, 16% from1912 through 1919, and 39% were from1921 through 1929. Most of the remaining 18% were from the 1930’s, with only four from the 1950’s and one Proceeding from the 1960’s.
Twelve editions are from The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Missouri and its Jurisdiction. Eleven are from the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of South Carolina. Ten are from The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons State of California. The remainders are distributed as follows:
Colorado 6 Georgia 5 Illinois 4 Iowa 4
Tennessee 4 Virginia 3 Pennsylvania 3 DC 3
North Carolina2 Arkansas 2 Connecticut 2 Minnesota 2
Texas 2 Kansas 2 Massachusetts 2 New Jersey 1
Delaware 1 Ontario 1 Maryland 2 Ohio 1
Washington 1 Indiana 1 Michigan 1 Arizona 1
Nebraska 1 Wisconsin 1 Rhode Island 1 Germany 1
Like all collections, this one has a [hi]story. Past Master Sweet Sam’s Donor Questionnaire explains that he had the collection for 7 or 8 years, that he received it from PM Joseph B. Janisse of Phillip A. Buchanan No. 63, who told him that he (Janisse) had taken them from the Lodge’s assigned storage area in Good Hope Masonic Temple because he wanted to insure that they were not damaged or discarded by mistake.
From this point, the [re]search begins in earnest. We must learn such things as: When did PM Janisse “rescue” the collection from Good Hope Masonic Temple? Since the collection spans some 58 years, who maintained it and contributed to it? What purposes did the collection serve?
The Research Lodge will welcome any help in further “mining” of this treasure trove.
[i] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Brother Washington currently serves as Senior Warden of Bayview Lodge No. 64. He is a member of the Research Lodge. He was raised in October 1989 in J.H. Green Lodge No. 113 while still attending Alabama State University, his alma mater. He currently works for the National Park Association as Ship’s Manager of the USS Pampanito Submarine Museum, which is located at Pier 45 in San Francisco. His field of work currently is in an historic preservation and interpretative materials and maintenance program.