The following provides directions on how to complete University Form U.1 University Trainer Application/Renewal. Each field will be covered in order as it appears on the form from top to bottom and left to right.
The renewal process is different in only two places. Those will be covered at the end of the application discussion.
Instructions for forwarding the U.1 form electronically are at the end of this section.
Field Name / Information needed or action to takeDate / Today’s date (MM/DD/YYYY)
First Application / Check this box unless this is a renewal
Name / Enter your name as you would like it to appear. If your given name is William but you want to go by Bill, enter Bill on this line
GWRRA# / Enter your GWRRA Member number. Be sure it is correct
Address / Your street address or PO Box
City / Your City
State/Province / Your State or Province
ZIP/Postal Code / Your ZIP Code or Postal Code
Telephone # / Your home telephone number
Cell # / Your Cell phone number
Email Address / The email address on file at GWRRA Headquarters. This will be used for official correspondence.
For the next six items only two should be checked on any application. One in the left column and one in the right column.
University Trainer / Check this box if you are applying for the initial level UT position
Leadership Training / Check this box if you are certifying in Leadership Training
Senior University Trainer / Check this box if you are applying for a promotion
Rider Education / Check this box if you are certifying in Rider Education
Master University Trainer / Check this box if you are applying for a promotion
Membership Enhancement / Check this box if you are certifying in Membership Enhancement
Certified Officer Trainer / Check this box if you applying for a promotion
UTDP Date / Enter the date you completed your UTDP training
Certified UTDP Trainer / Enter the name of the lead UTDP Trainer
Program Evaluation Date / Enter the date of your successful presentation following UTDP training. (Not part of the UTDP)
Program Evaluator or Designee / Enter the name of the person who evaluated your presentation
OCP Training Date / If you have completed the Officer Certification Program enter the date of that training
OCP Certification Current Yes / Check this box if you attended an OCP and have received the latest update at your District Officer’s meeting or by email from your District Trainer
OCP Certification Current No / Check this box if you have NOT attended an OCP or you have attended and OCP and have NOT received the latest update at your District Officer’s meeting or by email from your District Trainer
Levels Program Current Yes / Check this box if you are in the Rider Ed Levels Program and are current at your level.
Levels Program Current No / Check this box if you are in the Rider Ed Levels Program and are NOT current at your level. If you are not in the levels program do not check this box.
Event, Date, Seminar Presented / These fields are for renewals only and will be covered later.
Signature / You may sign but typing in your name allows the document to proceed through the process electronically and will make the approval process more efficient.
GW University Trainer # / If you have previously received your number you may enter it here in the format of SI-#### where #### indicates the four digit number that you were assigned. If you do not recall your number or if this is an initial application the number will be provided when the application is processed.
All fields below the double lines are for Program Officers’ use and for tracking purposes. The applicant does not need to complete any more of the form.
Field / Information needed or action to take
Renewal / Check this box if the form is being used to document a renewal
Event / Briefly describe the event, e.g. Chapter A Training Day, District Convention, Wing Ding
Date / Enter the date of the event
Seminar Presented or Articles Submitted / List the seminars you presented or title(s) of the articles you submitted. Evaluators taking credit for a seminar presentation they observed and provided critical feedback to the presenter should list the seminar and the SI number of the presenter evaluated.
Initial Application:
Once the form has been completed it must be electronically forwarded to the District Program Officer (Educator, Coordinator, or Trainer) for the applicable Program. The following steps provide the details of this process:
- Save the file to your hard drive with a filename in the prescribed format
- First Initial Space Last Name Space UTprogram initials mmddyy, e.g. J Doe UTLTP 010113 or
J Doe UTMEP 010113or
J Doe UTREP 010113.
- Send the saved file as an email attachment to the District Program Officer.
- Form U.2 is also required for initial applications. Be sure to complete Form U.2, save the file following the directions for Form U.2 and attach it to the same email as the U.1.
- The District Officer electronically initials and dates the forms and forwards them to the Region Officer.
- The Region Officer initials and dates the forms and forwards them to the Assistant Director LTP/GWU.
- The Assistant Director LTP/GWU reviews the forms, adds the certification to the database, issues an SI number if necessary, and ensures the proper Program Officer receives the forms.
- Each Program has assigned an individual to prepare the packet for the newly certified UT and will mail it to the Region Officer for presentation at an appropriate time.
Once the form has been completed it must be electronically forwarded to the Assistant Director LTP/GWU for processing. The following steps provide the details of this process:
- Save the file to your hard drive with a filename in the prescribed format
- First Initial Space Last Name Space UT Space Renewal Spacemmddyy, e.g. J Doe UT Renewal 010113.
- Send the saved file as an email attachment to the Assistant Director LTP/GWU.
- When the renewal has been processed you will receive an email advising you of your new expiration date(s).
Promotion Application UT to SUT
Once the form has been completed it must be electronically forwarded according to the Form Process flow for the applicable Program. The following steps provide the details of this process:
- Save the file to your hard drive with a filename in the prescribed format
- First Initial Space Last Name Space SUTprogram initials mmddyy, e.g. J Doe SUTLTP 010113 or
J DoeSUTMEP 010113or
J Doe SUTREP 010113.
- Send the saved file as an email attachment to the District Program Officer
- Form U.2 is also required for promotion applications. Be sure to complete Form U.2, save the file following the directions for Form U.2 and attach it to the same email as the U.1.
Promotion Application UT to MUT
Once the form has been completed it must be electronically forwarded according to the Form Process flow for the applicable Program. The following steps provide the details of this process:
- Save the file to your hard drive with a filename in the prescribed format
- First Initial Space Last Name Space MUTprogram initials mmddyy, e.g. J Doe MUTLTP 010113 or
J DoeMUTMEP 010113or
J Doe MUTREP 010113.
- Send the saved file to the Officer listed first on the Form Process Flow for the appropriate Program.
- Form U.2 is also required for promotion applications. Be sure to complete Form U.2, save the file following the directions for Form U.2 and attach it to the same email as the U.1.