Bible Readings for May
Book Focus:Ephesians 4v25-6v4
Dear Church
Here’s a reminder of the main goals of these Bible reading notes:
Firstly, to encourage all of us to set aside time in the busyness of our lives to read our Bibles. We want to become a church that becomes mature in the truth. And that can only happen as we each read the Bible individually. Jesus said: “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4v4). We should be more reluctant to miss our Bible reading than our daily food!
Secondly, to connect our personal Bible readings with what I am preaching in church. We are busy with the second half of Ephesians. It’s very practical. It continues to teach us how to live a life worthy of Lord (4v1).
Thirdly, to encourage us to talk about our Bible readings with each other. Since we are all reading the same material, it will hopefully be easier to talk about what we are reading.
You might want to do these readings on your own, or as a family or with a friend. You will find a blank page at the end of the booklet for prayer notes. The best way to read the Bible is to talk to God about what you are reading. Our prayer is that God will use these notes to plant His Word in our hearts and that His Word will bear fruit and grow.
Kyle and Bongo
1st May: Read Ephesians 4v25-5v2
1)If we have truly come to know Christ, then we should be ready to “put off” certain old behaviour (4v21-22). What is the first thing Paul commands us to put off? (v25)
2)What reason does Paul give for why we should speak truthfully to our neighbours? (v25)
Note: clearly the neighbours Paul has in mind are our Christian brothers and sisters. We are not members of one body with unbelievers!
Apply: Can you imagine how detrimental it would be if your body parts started deceiving one another? (eg if your eyes deceived your feet about the presence of a snake in your path) In the same way, it is detrimental to the body of Christ when we deceive one another.
Pray confessing ways that you have twisted or hidden or contradicted the truth.
2nd May: Read Ephesians 4v25-5v2
1)Falsehood isn’t the only thing about our old selves that we must “put off”. What must we put off according to verse 26?
Note: Paul doesn’t say that we must put off anger. There are times when anger is an appropriate and a righteous response. But we are in great danger of sinning when angry.
2)What does Paul suggest you are doing if you allow the sun to go down on your anger? (v27)
Note: Even “righteous anger, like the manna from heaven breeds worms if it is kept overnight. There are too many worms to count – bitterness, revenge, malice, spite, an unforgiving spirit, sharpness, grudges, hostility, irritability … the list could go on and on. We are to wake each morning with no feelings of hurt at all carried over from the day before. If not, we shall be in a situation which the devil will definitely exploit.” – Stuart Olyott
3rd May: Read Ephesians 4v25-5v2
1)What else should we stop doing according to verse 28?
2)What should we start doing instead? (v28)
3)What should our motivation be for working? (v28)
Note: the opposite of stealing isn’t self-provision. The opposite of stealing is giving. How can you find more opportunities to give to those in need?
4th May:Read Ephesians 4v25-5v2
1)What else should we stop doing according to verse 29?
Apply: Try to think of at least 5 different types of unwholesome talk (See Eph. 5v4 and Col. 3v8-9)
2)What type of speech should we allow out of our lips? (v29)
3)What will we need to discern if we are going to benefit those who listen? (v29)
5th May:Read Ephesians 4v25-5v2
1)How does it affect the Holy Spirit when we fail to “put off the old self” and “put on the new self”? (v30)
Note: Christians often refer to the Spirit as “it” rather than “He” because we think of Him as a force rather than as a Person. But to experience grief (the word could also be translated as sorrow, pain or distress) is very personal. It’s something only a person can do.
2)What has the Holy Spirit done for us? (v30, see also 1v13-14)
3)Does this help you to understand why “old” behaviour causes Him so much grief?
6th May:Read Ephesians 4v25-5v2
1)What 6 things does Paul urge us to get rid of? (v31)
2)What do all six things have in common? (Brawling refers to a noisy fight or quarrel. Slander is to speak evil of someone behind their backs. Malice is to desire or even plot evil for another person)
3)Instead of being full of animosity towards others (v31), we should be full of kindness, compassion, forgiveness and love (v32, v2). What should motivate us to treat others in this way? (v32-5v2)
Praythanking God that you are forgiven and dearly loved
7th May: Read Ephesians 4v25-5v2
Complete the below table by recapping the things we have been called to put off, what we have been called to put on, as well as the attitude that should motivate us.
Things to put off / Things to put on / New mind-set(v25)
8th May:Read Ephesians 5v3-7
1)What things are “improper” or “out of place” for God’s holy people? (v3-4)
Apply: you might not be guilty of adultery. But are there any hints of sexual immorality in your life? (See Matthew 5v27-28)
Apply: Greed is simply the worship of yourself (See Colossians 3v5). What things are you worshiping in your life? (the praise of people, popularity, money, comfort etc.)
2)Verse 4 focuses on our speech. When are you most susceptible to obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking? How can you avoid these things?
3)Why is thanksgiving the perfect substitute for these things?
9th May: Read Ephesians 5v3-7
1)Why should we get rid of the indecent behaviour described in verses 3-4? (v5)
Note: Paul doesn’t mean that just one immoral thought, word or deed will immediately disqualify us from heaven. Otherwise none of us would qualify. All of us continue to sin (See 1 John 1v8-10) and if we confess our sins and truly repent, then we will be forgiven. But Paul is talking here about those who are characterized by immorality, impurity and greed so that these are the things that define them. Such people will not enter heaven.
2)In the context of verse 5 and verse 6b, what are the empty words that we mustn’t be deceived by? (v6a)
In Paul’s day there were Gnostics teachers infiltrating the church and arguing that bodily sins could be committed without damage to the soul. Today we have many teachers infiltrating the church teaching that God is too kind to judge. He will save everybody no matter how we behave. These are empty words. We mustn’t be deceived!
Pray that the reality of God’s judgment will motivate us to put off indecent behaviour
10th May:Read Ephesians 5v8-14
1)Why should we not be “partners” with the disobedient? (v8)
2)Paul doesn’t simply say we were once in the darkness and we are now in the light. What does he say?
Note: when you become a Christian its not only your environment that changes (so that you are now in the light). Your very own life changes (so that you yourself become light)
3)How have we become light? (v8)
4)What does it mean in practice to be a child of light? (v9-10)
Note: Light in the Bible usually represents truth and righteousness. Darkness represents ignorance, evil and error.
11th May:Read Ephesians 5v8-14
1)How should we relate to those who are still in the darkness? (v11)
Apply: In our culture of tolerance, it is not easy to expose the dark deeds of others. And it might appear to others to be judgmental and unloving. But in fact, this is a loving thing to do. The only way evildoers can escape from their disobedience is for their deeds to be exposed by the light.
2)How does Paul describe the deeds of darkness in verse 11?
Apply: when have you experienced the fruitlessness of sin?
Pray asking God to help you both avoid and lovingly expose the fruitless deeds of darkness
12th May:Read Ephesians 5v8-14
1)Why should we have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness? (v12)
Apply: what shameful deeds are you committing in secret? Confess them now to the Lord.
2)What happens to everything exposed by the light? (v13-14)
3)Verse 14 is probably a quote from an ancient Christian hymn describing conversion. What three steps is an unconverted person called to make?
Apply: As we avoid and expose the dark deeds of unbelievers. Our goal should always be to lead them to the light of Christ
13th May:Read Ephesians 5v15-20
1)What word does Paul use to describe how we should live? (v15)
Apply: The things we treat with the greatest care are usually the things that matter the most to us. How much care do you take over your Christian life?
2)How should we be careful to live? (v15)
3)What are the marks of a wise person according to verses 16-17?
Jonathan Edwards (The famous theologian from the 18th Century) made the following resolution for his life: “Resolved never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it in the most profitable way I possibly can.” According to Ephesians, he was a wise man!
14th May:Read Ephesians 5v15-20
1)What do we need to do if we are to make the most of every opportunity in our lives? (v17)
2)It is helpful to distinguish between God’s general and His particular will for His people. God’s general will is found for us in the Bible and is true for all of God’s people. God’s particular will relates to the particularities of our lives and is different for each one of us (Who should I marry? What job should I get? etc). God’s particular will is determined through careful consideration of the general principles of the Bible, through prayer and through seeking the advice of mature believers.
3)What does 2 Timothy 3v16-17 say about the sufficiency of the Scriptures to prepare us for every good work?
15th May:Read Ephesians 5v15-20
1)What must we not do according to verse 18?Why? (v18)
Note: the Bible doesn’t teach that it’s wrong to drink wine (See 1 Timothy 5v23). But it does teach that it’s wrong to get drunk. But if you struggle with drunkenness or if you live amongst people who have this struggle you might need to avoid alcohol completely.
2)Wine is a destructive controlling influence. What controlling influence should we submit ourselves to?
Note: the Spirit is not a substance which fills us. He is a Person. To be filled by Him means to experience more of His control in our lives
Pray asking God to fill you with His Spirit
16th May:Read Ephesians 5v15-20
1)Verses 19-20 explains how we can better experience the Spirit’s controlling influence in our lives. How should we speak to one another? (v19, see also Colossians 3v16)
2)Verse 19 refers to two audiences we should be mindful of when we sing Christian songs. Who are they?
Apply: Sometimes people might try to get into their own private “bubble of praise” when singing Christian songs in church. But while this might be appropriate when we are alone, it is less appropriate for the gathering of God’s people where we are not only singing to God, but also to one another.
3)How often should we give thanks to God? (v20)
4)How many things should we be thankful for? (v20)
Prayasking God to fill you with His Spirit
17th May: Read Ephesians 5:21-33
1)How does v21 relate to the rest of this section? (see 5v22, 6v1,5)
2)How should a wife submit to her husband? (v22) What does this mean in practice?
3)Some people equate submission with inferiority. How would you correct this view? (See Genesis 1v27 and 1 Peter 3:7)
18th May: Read Ephesians 5:21-33
1)Why must a wife submit to her husband? (v23)
2)What relationship does Paul use as the model for the relationship between a husband and a wife?
3)What is Christ’s relationship to the church? (v23)
4)What is the church’s relationship to Christ? (v23)
Note: Paul doesn’t mean that the husband-wife relationship is exactly the same as the relationship between Christ and the church (eg the husband isnt God to his wife. And he isn’t his wife’s Saviour). These verses (v24-33) explain the precise ways in which the Christ-church relationship is a model for marriage.
19th May: Read Ephesians 5v21-33
5)How is the marriage between Christ and the church a model for marriage according to verse 24?
6)In how many areas of life should wives submit to their husbands? (v24)
Note: obviously if your husband commands you to do something that involves disobeying Christ, then you should not submit to him. As a member of the church, your primary marriage relationship is with Christ. You are called to submit firstly to Him
20th May: Read Ephesians 5:21-33
1)Yesterday we saw that the marriage between Christ and the church is a model of submission. Now we see it is also a model of self-sacrifice. How so? (v25)
Apply: Husbands, in what practical ways are you sacrificing yourself and your desires for your wife?
Apply: Maybe you feel that your wife asks you to sacrifice too much for her. Examine that feeling in the light of Christ’s sacrifice for you.
21st May: Read Ephesians 5:21-33
1)What was Christ’s ultimate goal for His church? (v26-27)
Note: in the same way, the ultimate goal of a husband’s love isn’t simply to satisfy his wife’s every desire. Rather it should be to help his wife grow in God’s Word so that she will be presented holy and blameless to God.
22nd May: Read Ephesians 5:21-33
1)We have already seen that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church. How are husbands to love their wives according to verse 28?
2)We have seen that the marriage between Christ and the church is a model of submission (v23-24). We have also seen that it is a model of self-sacrifice (v25-27). Now thirdly we see that it is also a model of self-interest. How so? (v28-29)
3)How does Christ relate to us as His body? (v29)
Apply: How does it make you feel to know that Christ cares for you as for His own body?
23rd May: Read Ephesians 5:21-33
1)Verse 31 is a quote from Genesis 2 verse 24 where marriage was first instituted by God. What three steps are involved when a man unites himself with his wife in marriage? (v31)
Note: being united to your spouse seems to be a reference to the marriage ceremony. Becoming one flesh seems to be a reference to sex. It is important to notice that God is pro-sex. He invented it!. But it is also important to notice it’s proper context.
2)Who is Paul actually talking about when he talks about this marriage union? (v32)
Note: this shows us that the marriage between Christ and the church is more than just a helpful illustration for our marriages. Rather it is the ultimate marriage that fulfils God’s true intentions for marriage. This was why God instituted marriage: so that it could be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church.
3)How can you ensure that your marriage (or your potential future marriage) will be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church?
24thMay: Read Ephesians 5v21-33
1)Who is Paul addressing in chapter 6:1?
Note: the fact that God addresses children directly indicates that God values children and he expects to have a relationship with them where they hear and obey His word.
2)What is God’s command to children? (v1)
3)What does it mean to obey in the Lord?
As with the submission of wives to their husbands, children must not obey their parents if their parents command them to do anything contrary to the will of the Lord.
25th May: Read Ephesians 5v21-33
1)Why must children obey their parents?
Note: One of the favourite questions of any young child is “why?” And children might always want parents to explain the reasons why they are commanded to do certain things. But children need to accept that often they will not be able to see the motivation for the command. Or they might not agree. But they still need to obey simply in the knowledge that this is right.
2)Read 2 Timothy 3 verse 1 and Romans 1v28-31. What can we say about our times if our children are disobedient to their parents?
26th May:Read Ephesians 6:1-4
1)In verse 2 Paul quotes from the 10 commandments (See Deuteronomy 5v16). What does Paul say about this commandment?
Who benefits when children obey their parents? (v3)
Note: when I childobeys his/her parents we might think that the parents are the ones who benefit.But this command doesn’t say: honour your mother and father that it may go well with them, that their lives might be easy, or thatthey might be blessed. This promise is addressed to the children. If you obey your parents, then you will benefit from your obedience.