Table 1. legend caption

CI: Confidence Interval; CGWModT1-CGWModT1REP: Canine gingival width initial model versus repetition of canine gingival width initial model; 1ºPmGWModT1-1ºPmGWModT1REP: First premolar gingival width initial model versus repetition of first premolar gingival width initial model; 2ºPmGWModT1-2ºPmGWModT1REP: Second premolar gingival width initial model versus repetition of second premolar gingival width initial model; MGWModT1-MGWModT1REP: First molar gingival width initial model versus repetition of first molar gingival width initial model; 1ºPmCWModT1-1ºPmCWModT1REP: First premolar cuspid width initial model versus repetition of first premolar cuspid width initial model; 2ºPmCWModT1-2ºPmCWModT1REP: Second premolar cuspid width initial model versus repetition of second premolar cuspid width initial model; CCWModT1-CCWModT1REP: Canine cuspid width initial model versus repetition of canine cuspid width initial model; MCWModT1-MCWModT1REP: First molar cuspid width initial model versus repetition of first molar cuspid width initial model; LMRModT1-LMRModT1REP: Left first molar rotation initial model versus repetition of left first molar rotation initial model; RMRModT1-RMRREP: Right first molar rotation initial model versus repetition of right first molar rotation initial model; CDModT1-CDModT1REP: Canine depth initial model versus repetition of canine depth initial model; ADModT1-ADModT1REP: Arch depth initial model versus repetition of arch depth initial model; MIModT1-MIModT1REP: First molar inclination initial model versus repetition of first molar inclination initial model; CGWCkT1-CGWCkT1REP: Canine gingival width initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of canine gingival width initial ClinCheck®; 1ºPmGWCkT1-1ºPmGWCkT1REP: First premolar gingival width initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of first premolar gingival width initial ClinCheck®; 2ºPmGWCkT1-2ºPmGWCkT1REP: Second premolar gingival width initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of second premolar gingival width initial ClinCheck®; MGWCkT1-MGWCkT1REP: First molar gingival width initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of first molar gingival width initial ClinCheck®; 1ºPmCWCkT1-1ºPmCWCkT1REP: First premolar cuspid width initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of first premolar cuspid width initial ClinCheck®; 2ºPmCWCkT1-2ºPmCWCkT1REP: Second premolar cuspid width initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of second premolar cuspid width initial ClinCheck®; CCWCkT1-CCWCkT1REP: Canine cuspid width initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of canine cuspid width initial ClinCheck®; MCWCkT1-MCWCkT1REP: First molar cuspid width versus repetition of first molar cuspid width; LMRCkT1-LMRCkT1REP: Left first molar rotation initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of left first molar rotation initial ClinCheck®; RMRCkT1-RMRCkTREP: Right first molar rotation initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of right first molar rotation initial ClinCheck®; CDCkT1-CDCkT1REP: Canine depth initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of canine depth initial ClinCheck®; ADCkT1-ADCkT1REP: Arch depth initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of arch depth initial ClinCheck®; MICkT1-MICkT1REP: First molar inclination initial ClinCheck® versus repetition of first molar inclination initial ClinCheck®.

Table 2. legend caption

CI: Confidence Interval; ICC ModT1-CkT1: Interclass correlation between initial model and initial ClinCheck®; ICC ModT2-CkT2: Interclass correlation between final model and final ClinCheck®; CGWMod-CGWCk: Canine gingival width model versus canine gingival width ClinCheck®; 1ºPmGWMod-1ºPmGWCk: First premolar gingival width model first premolar gingival width ClinCheck®; 2ºPmGWMod-2ºPmGWCk: Second premolar gingival width model versus second premolar gingival width ClinCheck®; MGWMod-MGWCk: First molar gingival width model versus first molar gingival width ClinCheck®; 1ºPmCWMod-1ºPmCWCk: First premolar cuspid width model versus first premolar cuspid width ClinCheck®; 2ºPmCWMod-2ºPmCWCk: Second premolar cuspid width model versus second premolar cuspid width ClinCheck®; CCWMod-CCWCk: Canine cuspid width model versus canine cuspid width ClinCheck®; MCWMod-MCWCk: First molar cuspid width model versus first molar cuspid width ClinCheck®; LMRMod-LMRCk: Left first molar rotation model versus left first molar rotation ClinCheck®; RMRMod-RMRCk: Right first molar rotation model versus right first molar rotation ClinCheck®; CDMod-CDCk: Canine depth model versus canine depth ClinCheck®; ADMod-ADCk: Arch depth model versus arch depth ClinCheck®; MIMod-MICk: First molar inclination model versus first molar inclination ClinCheck®.

Table 3 legend caption.

ModT1-CkT1: Initial model versus initial ClinCheck®; ModT2-CkT2: Final model versus final ClinCheck®; CGWMod-CGWCk: Canine gingival width model versus canine gingival width ClinCheck®; 2ºPmGWMod-2ºPmGWCk: Second premolar gingival width model versus second premolar gingival width ClinCheck®; MGWMod-MGWCk: First molar gingival width model versus first molar gingival width ClinCheck®; 1ºPmCWMod-1ºPmCWCk: First premolar cuspid width model versus first premolar cuspid width ClinCheck®; 2ºPmCWMod-2ºPmCWCk: Second premolar cuspid width model versus second premolar cuspid width ClinCheck®; CCWMod-CCWCk: Canine cuspid width model versus canine cuspid width ClinCheck®; MCWMod-MCWCk: First molar cuspid width model versus first molar cuspid width ClinCheck®; LMRMod-LMRCk: Left first molar rotation model versus left first molar rotation ClinCheck; CDMod-CDCk: Canine depth model versus canine depth ClinCheck®; ADMod-ADCk: Arch depth model versus arch depth ClinCheck®; MIMod-MICk: First molar inclination model versus first molar inclination ClinCheck®; 1ºPmGWMod-1ºPmGWCk: First premolar gingival width model first premolar gingival width ClinCheck®; ®; RMRMod-RMRCk: Right first molar rotation model versus right first molar rotation ClinCheck®.