An ordinary meeting of this Parish Council was held on Monday5th September 2016in the
Community Centre at 7pm
121.16122 / Welcome to New Councillor
The Chairman welcomed Cllr Kirsty Baird who was elected onto the Parish Council on the 28th July 2016. Cllr Baird signed the Acceptance of Office.
Attendance and Apologies for absence
CllrsBaird, Blake, Chetwode, Giles, Hepburn, Holdeman, Jespersen, Ruddand Smithwere in attendance, together with the Footpaths Officer, the Clerkand eightmembers of the public.
There were no apologies for absence.
123 / Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
124 / Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on the 4th July 2016having been previously circulated, were signed as a true record, with the following amendment:- Item 120 Matters of Interest “Cllr Smith reported that there are three indigenous hedges within the UK that could be planted at the recreation ground..”
125 / To discuss matters arising from previous Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on 4th July 2016, Playing Fields & Community Centre, Item 114(c) Cricket Screens. Following communications between Members during the summer break, it was agreed that the groundsman would remove the cricket screens at a cost £100.00. At the meeting Cllr Smith reported that the groundsman would now not be taking on the task, as the disposal costs were higher than expected. Cllr Smith confirmed that a further offer to remove the screens has been received and details will be sent to the Clerk.
126 / Councillors Reports
The Report to Parish Councils from District Councillors had previously been circulated to all Members. The report includes the following matters:-
To promote the local government reorganisation consultation, the nine Councils involved are organising a programme of roadshows in locations across Dorset. These will take place between 30th August and 25th October 2016. They are to raise awareness of the consultation with members of the public and provide an opportunity for residents to find out more information. Full information can be found on the dedicated website Cllr Jespersen gave a detailed explanation of the proposals for the nine Councils and encouraged everyone to respond and take part in the consultation; this can be done individually or as a group. The Parish Council will discuss a response at the next meeting.
From 1st September 2016 Dorset’s household recycling centres will start charging for the disposal of certain items; asbestos, gas bottles, hardcore, soil, plasterboard, tyres. The money raised will go directly toward the cost of processing these items, which will help keep costs down for the tax payers.
NDDC are holding a prize draw to encourage all residents to respond to the Electoral Services Department annual canvass either online, by text or phone, rather than the paper form. Digital registrations cost approximately 23p per elector, whereas the paper form costs £2.50. Cllr Jespersen took questions.
Cllr Rudd congratulated Cllr Jespersen on her recent new appointment. In August Cllr Jespersen was appointed to the NDDC Cabinet as the Portfolio Holder for Community and Regeneration. Her responsibilities include community led economic development; planning and transport; car parking; Community Partnerships; equality and emergency planning.
139 / Public Participation
The Chairman invited the public to speak and requested they mention which agenda item they wish to speak about.
The following questions were asked in relation to the local government reorganisation. What is the proposed date that any changes will take effect? Cllr Jespersen confirmed the earliest would be April 2019. A further question was, is there any incentive to go for unitary council or not? Cllr Jespersen preferred not to give advice on which option to favour but read out the choices available. It was also noted it is possible to make a comment on the consultation paper. It was also asked whether there will be any proposed change in the role of the Parish and Town Councils. Cllr Jespersen confirmed this has not yet been formally discussed.
A member of the public welcomed Kirsty Baird as a new member of the Council and commented that is was great to see a young and diverse Council.
A comment was made regarding the very bright and considered “out of keeping” car park markings which have been painted at the Village Hall. The Chairman confirmed that this is a matter which would have to be taken up with the Village Hall Committee.
Members were asked to confirm whether the rumours about a delay to the bridge opening were true. Cllr Jespersen confirmed that the bridge works are on track and it will be open on the set date of 14th October 2016.
Mention was made regarding an envelope which had been delivered to all residents advertising a new development at Gold Hill. The Chairman confirmed this application is to be discussed later in the meeting.
(a)The Footpaths Officer was invited to speak.It was confirmed that signed authority had been received from two more landowners giving permission for gates to be installed on their land, at Chisel Farm and Gold Hill. An order has been placed with the Rangers for 4 wooden pedestrian gates. The Footpaths Officer was congratulated on the progression of the project. It was also reported that the footpaths are currently clear with no reports of any problems.
(b)Update on the Footpaths Project. Members had previously been circulated with a copy spreadsheet detailing the expenditure so far for the purchase and installation of gates on various village footpaths. Cllr Smith took any questions. Cllr Jespersen asked whether there is a deadline for spending the remaining balance of the grant fund. Cllr Smith confirmed that Dorset Community Fund has received the necessary reports and it is understood that the project is ongoing. Cllr Smith also confirmed that the grant monies were awarded solely for the use of purchasing pedestrian gates. The Footpaths Officer was asked whether any further gates are required and it was confirmed that this is dependent upon landowners giving their permission. At this present time no more gates are required unless the project can be extended to install gates between the village and the river, but some of this land is not in the Child Okeford Parish. After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Jespersen, seconded by Cllr Rudd and
RESOLVED: that Cllr Jespersen and the Footpaths Officer open negotiations with a view to installing a pedestrian gate at Bere Marsh.
The Footpaths Officer and Cllr Smith were thanked for all their hard work.
(c)The Clerk reported that a response had been received from the Property Manager of the Salisbury Diocese regarding a request to install a signpost on the Glebe land. The Chairman read out the following response: “I confirm Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance would have no objection to a sign, but this must contain the words “Permissive Path – no public right of way”, and “No horses beyond this point” is acceptable in addition.” Cllr Holdeman commented that it is not on the permissive path that the sign is required. The Clerk requested that Cllr Holdeman mark the exact location of the sign on a map. Some discussion took place. It was proposed by Cllr Rudd, seconded by Cllr Jespersen and
RESOLVED: (i) that the Clerk write again to the Salisbury Diocese requesting the sign is erected on the bank of the Glebe land, not the permissive path.
(ii) that the Footpaths Officer will contact the Rangers for a quotation for a suitable wooden sign.
(a)The following new tree applications had been received and were considered
out of committee and the decision previously forwarded to the Planning Authority:-
(i)Planning Application 2/2016/1028/CATREE T1 Norway Maple (Red Leaves) reduce crown - Child Okeford Post Office, High Street, Child Okeford. No objection.
(ii)Planning Application 2/2016/1040/CATREE T1 Field Maple Fell - Gold Hill House, Gold Hill, Child Okeford. No objection.
(iii)Planning Application 2/2016/1041/CATREE T1 Conifer Fell - Okeford Cottage, Gold Hill, Child Okeford. No objection.
(iv)Planning Application 2/2016/0975/TPTREE T1 Willow Remove major branches – Little Meadow, Gold Hill, Child Okeford. No objection.
(v)Planning Application 2/2016/1096/CATREE T1 Magnolia Shorten longest apical branches – Ibbespen House, The Hollow, Child Okeford. No objection.
(vi)Planning Application 2/2016/1097/TPTREE T1 Ash Fell – Finders Keepers, Ridgeway Lane, Child Okeford. No objection.
(b)The following new tree applications were considered:-
(i)Planning Application 2/2016/1193/CATREE T1 Yew Pruning – Walnut Croft, Rectory Lane, Child Okeford. It was proposed by Cllr Giles, seconded by Cllr Smith and
RESOLVED: that the Parish Council have no objection to this application.
(c)Notification had been received from NDDC that the provisional Tree Preservation Order TPO-559-2016 at Land West of Allen Close, Child Okeford was confirmed without modification on 3rd August 2016.
(a)The following decisions on planning applications were received:-
(i)Planning Application 2/2016/0353/FUL - Change of use from disused Post Office (Class A1) to flat (Class C3) – Child Okeford Post Office, High Street, Child Okeford. REFUSED.
(ii)Planning Application 2/2016/0678/FUL - Erect single storey side extension and greenhouse – Hambledon Heights, Shaftesbury Road, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(iii)Planning Application 2/2016/0687/HOUSE - Erect extension to provide fully accessible additional accommodation for those with limited mobility – 6 Nutmead Close, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(iv)Planning Application 2/2016/0733/FUL - Install first floor window in each gable end and 4 no roof lights in front roof slope – Office Block, Dairy House Farm, Olivers Mead, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(v)Planning Application 2/2016/0737/VARIA – Variation of Condition No.2 of Planning Permissions No. 2/2015/1762 to substitute the approved plans with amended drawings to include the addition of an enclosed porch to the side entrance – Briarways, The Hollow, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(vi)Planning Application 2/2016/0745/HOUSE – Erect garage –The Burrow, Hayward Lane,Child Okeford. WITHRAWN.
(vii)Planning Application 2/2016/0775/FUL – Erect extension to barn – Chalk Pit Farm, Sandy Lane, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(viii)Planning Application 2/2016/0778/HOUSE – Erect two storey side extension (demolish garage/utility) – 2 Olivers Mead, Child Okeford. WITHDRAWN.
(ix)Planning Application 2/2016/0789/HOUSE – Erect two storey extension, raise height of part of roof to form rooms in roof space, and raise height of chimney. Erect replacement shed/store – Court Place, Jacobs Ladder, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(x)Planning Application 2/2016/0331/LBC – Remove and replace the roof covering of the rear lean-to extension (regularisation of works) – 3 The Hollow, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(xi)Planning Application 2/2016/0888/FUL – Erect storage shed for community use – Playing Fields at The Community Centre, Station Road, Child Okeford. APPROVED.
(b) The following new planning applications had been received and were considered out of committee and the decision previously forwarded to the Planning Authority:-
(i)Planning Application 2/2016/0937/FUL – Change of use of land to station 2 No. mobile homes permanently – Dovecote Farm, Common Drove, Child Okeford.The Parish Council object to the permanent nature of this application. We have no objections to the plans but feel that the planning should remain a temporary nature as it is now.
(ii)Planning Application 2/2016/0888/FUL – Erect storage shed for community use – Playing Fields at The Community Centre, Station Road, Child Okeford. No objection.
(iii)Planning Application 2/2016/1141/HOUSE – Erect single storey extension (demolish existing garage/utility) – 2 Olivers Mead, Child Okeford. No objection.
(c)The following new planning applications were discussed:-
(i)Planning Application 2/2016/1189/HOUSE – Erect single storey extension to form entrance porch, bike and log store – Gold Hill Cottage, Gold Hill, Child Okeford. It was proposed by Cllr Giles, seconded by Cllr Blake and
RESOLVED: that the Parish Council have no objection to this application.
The following item had been received on the day of the meeting and therefore was not on the agenda. Due to a deadline it was agreed to discuss the matter.
(d)Planning Application 2/2015/1770/OUT Demolish buildings and develop land for residential purposes by the erection of 50 No. dwellings. Form new vehicular access. (Outline application to determine Access and Layout) – Land adjacent Beehive Self Storage, Gold Hill Business Park. The Development Management Committee will consider the above application on 13th September 2016 at NDDC, Nordon, Blandford commencing at 10am. Anyone wishing to speak must register to do so with Democratic Services on 01258 484370. Cllr Rudd confirmed that he will be speaking at the meeting and encouraged anyone wishing to make any comment to get in contact with him. As the time allowed to speak is very limited, NDDC have advised that a spokesperson is organised if several people wish to comment. Cllr Jespersen confirmed that as the Ward Councillor she will also be speaking at the meeting.
Cllr Giles apologised for the delay in sending out the minutes of the meeting held on 18th July 2016, but these have been circulated to all Members by email. At the SACCC meeting the Chairman had presented the initial findings of the results of the village questionnaire. The results have now been sent to be independently audited. When this has been completed the results will be on the website. There were no recommendations for the Parish Council.
(a)Members had previously been circulated with the Insurance Renewal for
approval. It was proposed by Cllr Rudd, seconded by Cllr Smith and
RESOLVED: that the Insurance Premium cost is added to the cheque schedule for immediate payment.
(b)Members had previously been circulated with the cheque schedules for July and August. The Chairman read out the entries for payment. The Clerk reported that an invoice had been received for the cost of the fingerposts. It was proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by CllrRudd and
RESOLVED: that the cheque schedules be agreed, with the amendments.
(c)Members had previously been circulated with copy bank statements, current budget figures and monthly accounts. It was proposed by CllrRudd seconded by CllrHoldemanand
RESOLVED: that the monthly reconciliation of accounts be agreed.
Playing Fields & Community Centre
(a)Following the agreement between the ParishCouncil and COMPACT to install a
storage unit at the recreation ground, on receiving the planning application submitted by COMPACT, Fields in Trust requested that a Field Change Request form is completed. However, following an objection to the planning application, a letter had been received from COMPACT suggesting that they may not continue with the proposed new storage unit. Members discussed the matter.
The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow a representative of COMPACT to clarify the up to date position. It was confirmed that COMPACT would like to propose not going ahead with the installation of a new shed, but to spend the grant monies on improving (lining, insulating, fitting with shelves, flooring, security etc) the largest of the existing two sheds. The meeting was resumed. A lengthy discussion took place. It was proposed by Cllr Rudd, seconded by Cllr Jespersen and
RESOLVED: (i) that the Parish Council ask the groundsman whether it is feasible to share the largest shed with COMPACT for community use.
(ii) that the Clerk write to Fields in Trust explaining that even though planning permission has been granted for a shed at the playing fields, this is not going ahead for the time being.
(iii) that the Clerk write to COMPACT and request what their intentions are in relation to the improvements required to the largest of the existing sheds.
(iv) that the Clerk write to the resident who objected to the planning permission explaining a new shed will not be installed.
(b)During August it was reported by the groundsman that the mower had broken
and was unable to be repaired. Cllr Rudd reported that the proprietors of the Baker Arms had organised some fundraising events and used the proceeds to purchase a new mower, which has been donated for use at the recreation ground. Cllr Smith confirmed this has already been delivered and in use. It was proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Rudd and
RESOLVED: (i) that a letter of thanks is sent to the Baker Arms
(ii) that the groundsman will organise disposal of the old mower
(iii) that the asset register be amended to include the new mower
Seats & Notice Boards
At the last meeting a member of the public had drawn attention to the condition of the Notice Board at Millbrook Close, and it was decided to discuss this matter at the September meeting. Cllr Holdeman had also reported that some of the seats need attention and requested these are considered also. Some discussion took place.
It was proposed by Cllr Giles, seconded by Cllr Rudd and
RESOLVED: that S.Lomas is asked to include the cleaning of the seats in her cleaning schedule. Cllr Giles will speak with her and the Clerk will confirm in writing the location of the seats.
Discussion took place regarding the two notice boards the Parish Council is responsible for. Cllr Holdeman reported that when the notice board had been replaced at The Cross Stores, the proprietors said that they would paint the board. To date this has not been done. The wooden board at Millbrook Close is in need of renovating. It was suggested that the remaining posts outside the Community Centre which held the previous notice board are removed. The posts are being used by members of the public for advertising which looks very untidy. It was proposed by Cllr Holdeman, seconded by Cllr Giles and
RESOLVED: (i) that the Clerk write to the proprietors of The Cross Stores to request the notice board is painted.
(ii)that the Clerk contact Mr P Corbett to request a quotation to renovate the notice board at Millbrook Close and to remove the posts outside the Community Centre.
Child Okeford Archive
It was agreed to postpone this item until the next meeting.Highways
(a)Members had previously received a letter from a resident proposing traffic calming measures at Aplands Close and Lower Common Road/Gold Hill. The following suggestions were made:-
(i) the existing “SLOW” sign is repainted and a new one added south of the bend on the Manston side of Aplands Cottages
(ii)the installation of a blind spot mirror, to be located on the telegraph pole. Following the receipt of the letter, further information had been received. BT had no objections to the fixing of a mirror on the pole and directed the enquiry to the local Council. The Clerk had contacted the Highways Department and the Chairman read out the following response:- “We do not put up mirrors any more at new locations, if you want to install one it will have to be off the public highway and on private land. Any warning signs can be repainted and your local Community Highways Officer Corinne Holbrook will be in touch shortly to introduce herself, as she is new to the area; she can also advise you on new locations for SLOW signs, but please bear in mind that we only put them in as a last resort. This keeps our rural roads decluttered.” Members discussed the matter. Cllr Hepburn offered to discuss the matter at his next meeting with Highways but it was felt this should be dealt with as a separate matter for the time being.
It was proposed by Cllr Baird, seconded by Cllr Rudd and
RESOLVED: (i) that the Clerk notify the resident of the response from Highways regarding mirrors