My Summer Vacation
By: Jonathan Flatley
“Jonathan, lunch is ready!” My dad was calling to me about ten minutes before we left the house.
“Wait, I have to finish this level”, I said. “Yes, score!” I had finally finished the computer game. “Good, now you can eat this macaroni & cheese I made you!” my dad said. I went into the kitchen, ate my lunch, and resumed playing.
“Hey, where are you going? We’re leaving!” called my dad again.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“To the beach!” he said.
“Oh, I forgot!” So after that I shut down the computer, got my games and toys, got in the car, and we left. Okay, now this story is taking place in late August, 2009. The people who went were my brother, my dad, my dad’s friends, and I. Over all, the trip was fantastic!
The trip was delayed by my dad’s sickness, but luckily he got over it. The first part of the trip was only thirty minutes. In those thirty minutes, we went to meet my dad’s friends in Dauphin. When we arrived, we talked for a few minutes, and then began the main trip. My dad’s friends rode in separate cars, though. The whole trip took 3 hours and 30 minutes! Luckily, I brought some toys and games along for our trip to the ocean.
When we finally arrived, me, my brother, and my dad’s friend’s kids rushed inside the beach house and explored. The place was a modified trailer house. It was small, but very close to the ocean. It was only one house away from the actual beach! While my dad unpacked, I played with my brother. After searching the area, I found out that our neighbor was my dad’s friend’s son’s friend from school! After talking to him, I showed everyone the beach, since I knew the beach the best. After I showed them the beach, we started swimming. Believe it or not, even at 7 o’clock at night, the water felt like bath water! After it got too dark, we walked back to the trailer, and took showers. We found out the TV was a flat screen, and our favorite show was premiering that night! After about an hour, the show ended, so we tried to go to bed. It was so hot that we decided to sleep on mattresses on the living room floor. That was a rough night!
The next few days were spent shopping around town. The first full day was spent close to the beach house. In the morning, we ate breakfast and went down to the beach. We spotted a few washed up jellyfish, and collected gemstones and shells. As we strolled up the beach, we found some horseshoe crab shells on the sand. We collected the best, then left. When we arrived at the beach house, we cleaned up and went crabbing. We caught five crabs, let them go, and then called it a day.
The next day we drove to a commercial beach. There were huge waves, great for surfing! I couldn’t actually surf, but I just played around. My dad and I caught some mole crabs, and made sand castles, which was very fun! After about an hour or two, we went back to the beach house. We washed up, ate, and then drove back! But that time, we went fishing. The fishing was poor, so we tried crabbing, which was also poor. We left soon after, and on the way home we ate at Arby’s.
The final activity was going to the Lewes Marina. When we got there, we proceeded to the nearby diner. I had a toasted cheese sandwich, while my family had fish. After that, we found a fishing spot. Fishing was fantastic, but I mainly crabbed. There were tons of huge jellyfish, and lots of cool boats. When it got fairly dark, we drove back to the house and went to bed.
The last day in Delaware was spent packing. After my dad finished packing, we started our long trip back to our houses. I was sad to go. On the way home we stopped at McDonald’s. When we got there, we played, ate, and then left. The trip was really great, but we had to leave because school was about to start, and my mom missed me. I can’t wait until next year!