Notice: This form should not be submitted and cannot be processed unless you have graduated

and passed the Illinois Test of State Basic Skills, Content Test 176, and APT 104.

Please arrange information in a folder in the order below. Check off, and number items included. You may print off your ECS (Educator Certification System) reports (Current Educator Credentials, Teaching History, Tests) that include any of this information and submit it.

Name of Applicant:__________________________________________

1.________ Illinois State Application form complete. Indicate "Standard" if you already hold any other Standard certificate/s.

If you only hold an Initial certificate, then you must check “Initial.” Write “Reading Specialist” on line in Special K-12 box.

2.________ Provide a copy of your Current Educator Credentials (early childhood, regular elementary, secondary or Special Type 10) which can be downloaded from the Illinois State Board of Education website at Click on the ECS Educator Certificate System tab. You will need your Account ID and Password.

3.________ Evidence of two (2) years of contractual certified teaching experience (not teacher’s assistant/aide or substitute). Provide a copy of your Teaching History which can be downloaded from the Illinois State Board of Education website at Click on the ECS Educator Certificate System tab. You will need your Account ID and Password. If you are employed in a private or charter school which is not registered on your ECS Teaching History form, submit a letter from a principal or other relevant administrator verifying your years of full time certified teaching experience.

4.________ Specify your certified teaching experience at either/both elementary and secondary levels or provide your Teaching History form from the ECS.

A. School Experiences:



B. Practicum Experiences (required of all):

RLR 592 A,B


(first and last name of student tutored and student’s grade level)


(first and last name of student tutored and student’s grade level)

5.________ Indicate the year you graduated or the graduation date you have applied for through the Registrar for the Masters or CAS program in Reading. Graduation must be posted on your transcript before your credential file can be processed.

6.________ Your advisor at National was ____________________________________.

(advisor's approval will be secured at Reading Center)

7.________Evidence of completion of 3 credit hours of Survey of Exceptional Children SPE 500 (08-500) or comparable coursework covering characteristics, identification and remediation of exceptional children (as approved by advisor). Submit transcript, if not taken at NLU. If not SPE 500 (08-500), list course to verify. If certified after 1990, this is not needed.

8.________ Copy of degree plan, any degree plan change forms or petition letters.

9. Copy of score notices which show your numerical score for Reading Specialist Content Test 176 and Advanced Professional Teaching Test 104. You must also include a copy of the Educator Test Results which includes a passing score for the Illinois State Test of Basic skills which can be downloaded from the Illinois State Board of Education website at Click on the ECS Educator Certificate System tab. You will need your Account ID and Password.

10. Livetext portfolio sign-in name _____________________________________. Your portfolio should be as complete as you can make it including the Final Program Reflection.

11. Submit your portfolio for a Review with username to readingprogram (no caps; no spaces). After you have shared it, email Dr. Peter Fisher at that it is ready for review.

12. Copy of unofficial transcript from My NLU account. The transcript must indicate the degree received and the date the degree was awarded.

All communication regarding your credentials will be sent through your NLU email account.

My NLU email address is: _____________________________________________.

Make a copy of your completed certification application, certification checklist and all attached documents for your files.

DO NOT SEND A CHECK WITH THE STATE APPLICATION. You will attach a check on the final phase when you send your packet to the state.

Send to:

Liza Marzinke

National Louis University

1000 Capitol Drive

Wheeling, IL 60090