Admissions & Records
Datatel Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2013
Released for testing to Tiffany and Anh-Phuong in Test2 on 9/13/13 / Annette
2 / Section Financial Customization:
Released for testing to Leigh Ann and Sergio in Test2 on 9/13/13 / Annette
3 / Intersession Discussion:
ITS able to move dates for all Weekly sections on SECT, FASC and SOFF.
ITS will need to alter Fin. Aid dates for Spring Applicants.
Creation of (RYAT) Term 2014SI?
Creation of MIS Term (CAMD) 141 Spring Intersession.
Creation of Spring Intersession Load Period (LDPD). Done by HR.
PAC, Daily, ID, IW and ILW sections will have to be manually adjusted.
*Change of applicant dates for Spring from CCCApply to Datatel. Currently may be using RYAT which will impact SI students. Student will need 2 applications one for 2014SI and one for 2014SP.
Priority registration will need to be applied for Veterans & Foster Youth.
Possible question related to applying Financial Aid to students for SI, however they do not attend in Spring. This could affect non-payment drops.
Non-payment drops in SI will be treated the same as summer, even though it may impact Spring session.
How does it affect the Health Fees, parking fees for Spring? / Chris
4 / 1098T Discussion:
Syed suggested break out ID’s from SSN’s and only provide 1098T for SSN students
He also suggested submitting all student SSN’s for verification
3000 errors seems possible due to # of students served
Short term goal: get rid of the penalty / Sheena
5 / Addition of Academic Programs via WebAdvisor:
Currently on the project list, not being worked on at this time / Mark
6 / Image Now Discussion / Chris
7 / WebUI Discussion:
Slowdown of system
Deletion of records
Chris & Bea reported a closure of one session only while two sessions were active. Will report this error if it continues.
WebUI hesitation/hanging on SACD third column at the bottom when tabbing through the fields which may lead to population to the wrong field.
Sent Leigh Ann some forum step s to try and use for deletion of records. / Chris/
Leigh Ann
8 / Accreditation Backups / Linda
9 / Original Educational Goal on OpenCCCApply
Needs to be required and mapped to pull into Datatel correctly for SB14 and new SS file. / Linda
10 / Student Standing:
Albert has provided some variables for Admissions to test in both Test1 & Test2. They will let ITS know if there are any problems. / Albert
12 / Customization Request: Student Type date needs to be backdated to CAMD-1 just like residency currently is. / Tuyen/Chris
Next Meeting Date: October 14th, 2013
Datatel Training Room
*Sheena Tran, *Richard Kudlik, Doug Johnson, *Annette Wickman, *Albert Ho, Robert Manson, SyedRizvi, Leigh Ann Unger, Linda Miskovic, Mark Liang, Bea Cain, Chris Truong, Tuyen Nguyen
*Attended for particular items on agenda