CP Biology 2016/17
Everything in this world consists of Science in one-way or another. I am anxious to help you discover just how exciting and important Science is to our everyday lives. To help our studies, we will be using a class textbook which is Biology, by Holt. In addition, we will utilize various online and lab based resources. You will join our Google Classroom as an online hub to explore, collaborate, and organize. There are many valuable concepts to learn before the semester ends. Curriculum will be aligned with Common Core Literacy Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.
NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering
1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
NGSS Topic/Core Ideas
1. Structure and Function 2. Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
3. Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems 4. Inheritance and Variation of Traits
5. Natural Selection and Evolution
language and tone with everyone
Respect others’ personal space and property
Follow and respond appropriately to directions / Be present - physically and mentally
Be prepared for class each day with assignments and materials
Take an active, positive role in classroom activities / Be mindful of others’ feelings, opinions, and experiences
Help those around you
Keep your workspace clean and organized / Be on time and ready to learn
Write down due dates for all classes
Use technology responsibly
Be proactive
Classroom Routine/Behavioral Expectations
Entering the Classroom / How can students be welcomed to the class?
You will be greeted as you enter class. In return, you are to enter calmly and find your seats before the bell.
Starting the Class / How can instruction begin quickly?
You will complete a warm-up every day at the beginning of class. Any homework, make-up work, etc. should be turned in before the warm-up.
Working Independently / What are the expectations for students when they are working independently?
You need to use their time wisely. When working independently, you are expected to work quietly, remaining on-task until the assignment is completed. If you complete an assignment before the rest of the class, you should read quietly. Phones are kept away unless instructed to use.
Working in Groups / What are the expectations for students when they are working in groups?
You are expected to collaborate with other students in class; this will entail being a cooperative member, being an equal contributor, remaining on task.
Asking for Help / How will students ask the teacher for help?
In-Class: raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Outside Class: come before school, after school, or ROAR Priority period for additional help.
End of Class / What does the last 5 minutes of class look like?
Do not pack up until I tell you it’s time to collect your phone. At that time, please tuck in your chair and clean up your work space. Do NOT line up at the door.
Students that do not meet these expectations will receive verbal warnings, deductions in participation points, detentions, or referrals to administration depending on severity/persistence of offense.
Suggested Materials: All students should come prepared to class. Preparedness consists of various supplies, a system of organization, and a focused mind. You should bring a three-ring binder with a section clearly marked to be science only. Bring pencils, blue or black ink pens, and plenty of lined paper each day. You should also have an agenda to record all homework activities. (Homework is also listed on teacher website as a backup)
Homework: I expect homework to be done and turned in on time; late homework (without excused absence) will only be accepted up to one day late and will receive reduced credit. When you are absent you are still responsible for all work you have missed, and allowed up to one day for each day absent. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO ASK AND GET THE APPROPRIATE ASSIGNMENT. Students are required to utilize the ROAR Support Period whenever their grade drops below a C.
Class Participation: Students will receive class participation points periodically. Only students that are working on task will receive the points for that class period.
Grading Procedure: The bulk of the grade is from “Journals” that are collected each Friday. This “Journal” consists of class activities and homework from that week stapled together. On Thursdays, the students will receive a “cover sheet” that lists what to include and how many points each assignment is worth. Journals will each be graded twice; once as a guided self-reflection by the student, and then by Mr. Ross. In the end, the grade breakdown is estimated as the following:
Tests/Quizzes 60%
Class work/Labs/Projects 30%
Homework 5%
Class participation 5%
Grading Scale: 90-100 A (-/+)
80-89 B (-/+)
70-80 C (-/+)
65-69 D
Grades below a 65% will not result in a passing grade (graduation requirement)
If needed, please email me at (email highly preferred) or call school extension-3700 . I have created a Google Classroom (classroom.google.com) for you to access homework calendar, announcements, class documents, etc. Login codes to join this class will be provided the first week of school.
I have read the above class syllabus for Science with Mr. Ross and agree to all requirements expected of me. I also agree to abide to the “Lab Safety Rules” contract provided on this day by Mr. Ross.
Student Name______Student Signature______
Date______Parent Signature______