Subgroup Achievement and Gap Trends — South Carolina
K-12 enrollment — 707,739
The raw data used to develop these state profiles, including data for additional grade levels and years before 2002, can be found on the CEP Web site at www.cep-dc.org. Click on the link on the left labeled State Testing Data. In the list of results that appears, look for the most recent report on student achievement since 2002. Below the name of the report, click on the link for State Profiles and Worksheets. Scroll down the page until you reach the list of states. Click on the Worksheet link for proficiency data or scale score data for a particular state.
Subgroup Achievement and Gap Trends — Key Findings
Summary. South Carolina introduced new tests in grades 3-8, so trend data that include 2009 are not available. Progress in narrowing achievement gaps at grade 10 was mixed. Comparable data were available for 2004-2009 at grade 10.
· Mixed gap trends. In reading most gaps narrowed using percentages proficient and mean (average) scores at grade 10. Gaps in 10th grade reading widening between low-income and non-low-income students as well as between boys and girls according to the percentages proficient, however, means scores for these subgroups showed more positive trends. Gap trends were also mixed in 10th grade math.
Data Limitations
2004 through 2009, grade 10
Years of comparable mean scale score data / 2001 through 2008, grades 3 through 8 (new assessment in 2009)
2004 through 2009, grade 10
Disaggregated data for all subgroups and comparison groups / Proficiency and scale score data available for subgroups and comparison groups 2001 through 2008 for grades 3 through 8 and 2004 through 2009 for grade 10
Test Characteristics
The characteristics highlighted below are for the state reading and mathematics tests used for accountability under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
Test(s) used for NCLB accountability / Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS): grades 3–8 – beginning Spring 2009Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test (PACT), grades 3–8– last administered Spring 2008
High School Assessment Program (HSAP), grade 10
South Carolina Alternate Assessment (SC-Alt) for students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3–8 and 10
Grades tested for NCLB accountability / 3–8, 10
State labels for achievement levels / SC uses four achievement levels: Below basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. For our analyses we treated Basic as Basic, Proficient as Proficient, and Advanced as Advanced.
High school NCLB test also used as an exit exam? / Yes
First year test used / 1999 PACT; 2009 PASS
2004 HSAP
Time of test administration / Spring (PACT)
Fall and spring (HSAP, with summer retest)
Major changes in testing system (2002–present) / 2004: HSAP introduced
2007: New alternate assessment (SC-Alt) introduced for students with significant cognitive disabilities, replaced previous alternate assessments
2009: New testing system, PASS, implemented for grades 3-8
Achievement by Subgroup — Trends at the Middle School Level
Note: The tables in this profile of subgroup achievement and gap trends begin with table 7. Tables 1 through 6 can be found in the companion state profile of general achievement trends.
Table SC-7. Percentages of grade 8 students by racial or ethnic subgroup
scoring at the advanced, proficient-and-above, and basic-and-above levels in reading
Subgroup / Reporting year / Average yearly percentage point gain12002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
All tested students
Advanced / 5% / 2% / 4% / 6% / 3% / 4% / 6% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 27% / 21% / 26% / 30% / 25% / 25% / 28% / NA
Basic-and-above / 70% / 67% / 73% / 75% / 73% / 71% / 71% / NA
Advanced / 7% / 4% / 6% / 9% / 5% / 6% / 9% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 38% / 30% / 37% / 41% / 34% / 34% / 39% / NA
Basic-and-above / 82% / 79% / 84% / 85% / 83% / 82% / 82% / NA
African American
Advanced / 1% / 0% / 1% / 2% / 1% / 1% / 2% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 11% / 8% / 12% / 14% / 13% / 12% / 13% / NA
Basic-and-above / 53% / 50% / 59% / 61% / 60% / 58% / 57% / NA
Advanced / 3% / 1% / 2% / 2% / 1% / 1% / 2% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 20% / 12% / 15% / 17% / 17% / 15% / 18% / NA
Basic-and-above / 61% / 48% / 55% / 57% / 61% / 60% / 59% / NA
Advanced / 17% / 8% / 10% / 14% / 8% / 9% / 18% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 47% / 35% / 41% / 48% / 44% / 47% / 50% / NA
Basic-and-above / 85% / 76% / 85% / 84% / 86% / 86% / 84% / NA
Native American2
Advanced / 2% / 1% / 3% / 5% / 2% / 1% / 7% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 23% / 16% / 24% / 32% / 24% / 18% / 25% / NA
Basic-and-above / 65% / 63% / 72% / 76% / 78% / 67% / 68% / NA
Table reads: The percentage of white 8th graders who scored at the advanced level on the state reading test increased from 7% in 2002 to 9% in 2008. The average annual percentage point gain was not calculated because the trend line ended before 2009.
1Averages are subject to rounding error.
2The number of students tested in this subgroup at this grade level was fewer than 500 in 2009 or the most recent year with available data, so changes for this subgroup should be interpreted with caution.
Table SC-8. Percentage of grade 8 students by demographic subgroup
scoring at the advanced, proficient-and-above, and basic-and-above levels in reading
Subgroup / Reporting year / Average yearly percentage point gain12002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
All tested students
Advanced / 5% / 2% / 4% / 6% / 3% / 4% / 6% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 27% / 21% / 26% / 30% / 25% / 25% / 28% / NA
Basic-and-above / 70% / 67% / 73% / 75% / 73% / 71% / 71% / NA
Low-income students
Advanced / 1% / 1% / 1% / 2% / 1% / 1% / 2% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 12% / 9% / 12% / 16% / 13% / 13% / 14% / NA
Basic-and-above / 55% / 52% / 61% / 63% / 61% / 59% / 58% / NA
Students with disabilities3
Advanced / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 3% / 2% / 4% / 5% / 2% / 2% / 3% / NA
Basic-and-above / 29% / 28% / 36% / 35% / 29% / 26% / 26% / NA
English language learners3
Advanced / 1% / 0% / 1% / 1% / 1% / 1% / 2% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 5% / 2% / 6% / 5% / 8% / 11% / 15% / NA
Basic-and-above / 35% / 12% / 29% / 32% / 42% / 50% / 52% / NA
Advanced / 6% / 3% / 5% / 8% / 5% / 5% / 8% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 31% / 25% / 31% / 35% / 32% / 31% / 34% / NA
Basic-and-above / 74% / 73% / 79% / 80% / 79% / 78% / 77% / NA
Advanced / 3% / 2% / 3% / 4% / 2% / 2% / 4% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 23% / 16% / 21% / 24% / 18% / 19% / 22% / NA
Basic-and-above / 65% / 61% / 68% / 70% / 66% / 65% / 65% / NA
Table reads: The percentage of low-income 8th graders who scored at the advanced level on the state reading test increased from 1% in 2002 to 2% in 2008. The average annual percentage point gain was not calculated because the trend line ended before 2009.
1Averages are subject to rounding error.
2The number of students tested in this subgroup at this grade level was fewer than 500 in 2009 or the most recent year with available data, so changes for this subgroup should be interpreted with caution.
3Gap trends for students with disabilities and English language learners should be interpreted with caution because state and federal policy changes may have affected the year-to-year comparability of test results for these subgroups.
Table SC-9. Percentages of grade 8 students by racial or ethnic subgroup
scoring at the advanced, proficient-and-above, and basic-and-above levels in mathematics
Subgroup / Reporting year / Average yearly percentage point gain12002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
All tested students
Advanced / 7% / 6% / 8% / 8% / 9% / 7% / 7% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 19% / 20% / 22% / 23% / 22% / 20% / 21% / NA
Basic-and-above / 62% / 67% / 68% / 66% / 65% / 68% / 70% / NA
Advanced / 10% / 10% / 12% / 12% / 14% / 11% / 11% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 28% / 29% / 32% / 34% / 32% / 29% / 30% / NA
Basic-and-above / 75% / 80% / 79% / 79% / 77% / 80% / 81% / NA
African American
Advanced / 1% / 1% / 2% / 2% / 2% / 1% / 2% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 6% / 7% / 9% / 9% / 8% / 7% / 8% / NA
Basic-and-above / 44% / 49% / 51% / 50% / 49% / 52% / 55% / NA
Advanced / 5% / 3% / 5% / 4% / 5% / 3% / 3% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 13% / 13% / 15% / 14% / 15% / 13% / 14% / NA
Basic-and-above / 55% / 53% / 57% / 55% / 57% / 60% / 63% / NA
Advanced / 27% / 25% / 23% / 21% / 30% / 23% / 22% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 48% / 44% / 47% / 51% / 51% / 47% / 47% / NA
Basic-and-above / 86% / 86% / 89% / 85% / 86% / 88% / 89% / NA
Native American2
Advanced / 5% / 5% / 5% / 8% / 9% / 5% / 7% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 15% / 17% / 22% / 23% / 19% / 16% / 21% / NA
Basic-and-above / 59% / 66% / 65% / 67% / 67% / 68% / 67% / NA
Table reads: The percentage of white 8th graders who scored at the advanced level on the state math test was 10% in 2002 and 11% in 2008. The average annual percentage point gain was not calculated because the trend line ended before 2009.
1Averages are subject to rounding error.
2The number of students tested in this subgroup at this grade level was fewer than 500 in 2009 or the most recent year with available data, so changes for this subgroup should be interpreted with caution.
Table SC-10. Percentage of grade 8 students by demographic subgroup
scoring at the advanced, proficient-and-above, and basic-and-above levels in mathematics
Subgroup / Reporting year / Average yearly percentage point gain12002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
All tested students
Advanced / 7% / 6% / 8% / 8% / 9% / 7% / 7% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 19% / 20% / 22% / 23% / 22% / 20% / 21% / NA
Basic-and-above / 62% / 67% / 68% / 66% / 65% / 68% / 70% / NA
Low-income students
Advanced / 2% / 2% / 2% / 3% / 3% / 2% / 2% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 7% / 8% / 10% / 11% / 11% / 9% / 10% / NA
Basic-and-above / 46% / 53% / 54% / 54% / 53% / 55% / 58% / NA
Students with disabilities3
Advanced / 1% / 1% / 1% / 1% / 1% / 1% / 1% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 3% / 3% / 4% / 4% / 3% / 2% / 3% / NA
Basic-and-above / 28% / 35% / 33% / 30% / 27% / 28% / 31% / NA
English language learners3
Advanced / 3% / 3% / 4% / 3% / 7% / 3% / 3% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 10% / 8% / 11% / 9% / 15% / 12% / 14% / NA
Basic-and-above / 41% / 31% / 44% / 40% / 56% / 54% / 60% / NA
Advanced / 6% / 5% / 8% / 8% / 9% / 6% / 6% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 19% / 19% / 22% / 23% / 22% / 19% / 20% / NA
Basic-and-above / 63% / 67% / 69% / 68% / 67% / 70% / 71% / NA
Advanced / 8% / 7% / 9% / 8% / 10% / 7% / 8% / NA
Proficient-and-above / 20% / 21% / 23% / 24% / 22% / 21% / 22% / NA
Basic-and-above / 62% / 67% / 67% / 65% / 64% / 66% / 69% / NA
Table reads: The percentage of low-income 8th graders who scored at the advanced level on the state math test was 2% in 2002 and in 2008. The average annual percentage point gain was not calculated because the trend line ended before 2009.
1Averages are subject to rounding error.
2The number of students tested in this subgroup at this grade level was fewer than 500 in 2009 or the most recent year with available data, so changes for this subgroup should be interpreted with caution.
3Gap trends for students with disabilities and English language learners should be interpreted with caution because state and federal policy changes may have affected the year-to-year comparability of test results for these subgroups.
Achievement by Subgroup — Gap Trends (Percentages Proficient)
Table SC-11. Subgroup achievement trends in reading by percentages proficient
NOTE: L = larger gain than comparison group. S = smaller gain than comparison group. E = equal gain to comparison group.
If the average annual gain for the subgroup of interest, such as African American students, is larger than the average annual gain for the comparison group, such as white students, this indicates that the achievement gap has narrowed. If the average gain for the subgroup of interest is smaller, this means the gap has widened.
Subgroup / Grade 4 / Grade 8 / Grade 10Year span / Starting PP / Ending PP / Average annual gain1 / Gain larger or smaller than comparison group / Year span / Starting PP / Ending PP / Average annual gain1 / Gain larger or smaller than comparison group / Year span / Starting PP / Ending PP / Average annual gain1 / Gain larger or smaller than comparison group
All tested students / 02-08 / 34% / 46% / NA / 02-08 / 27% / 28% / NA / 04-09 / 61% / 50% / -2.2
White / 02-08 / 46% / 58% / NA / 02-08 / 38% / 39% / NA / 04-09 / 75% / 64% / -2.3
African American / 02-08 / 17% / 28% / NA / NA / 02-08 / 11% / 13% / NA / NA / 04-09 / 41% / 31% / -2.0 / L
Latino / 02-08 / 25% / 33% / NA / NA / 02-08 / 20% / 18% / NA / NA / 04-09 / 45% / 38% / -1.3 / L
Asian / 02-08 / 50% / 67% / NA / NA / 02-08 / 47% / 50% / NA / NA / 04-09 / 71% / 67% / -0.9 / L
Native American / 02-08 / 29% / 41% / NA / NA / 02-08 / 23% / 25% / NA / NA / 04-09 / 57% / 41% / -3.12 / S
Not low-income / 02-08 / 50% / 63% / NA / 02-08 / 39% / 42% / NA / 04-09 / 73% / 65% / -1.5