Department of General Medicine
The Department of Medicine was started in 1962consisting of 3 Units with 90 beds. At present there are 7 units with 210 beds and a fully equipped 12 bedded AcuteMedical Care Unit. The Post graduate course was started in 1977 withan intake of 4 students per year. At present the intake is 12 students per year.
This Departmentis one of the important departmentscatering to the needs of poor patientsin Rayalaseema region rendering specialist care in General Medicine including critically ill patients.
This Department has pioneered in imparting quality education and training to U G and P G students by adopting innovative methods like training in the Community setting and participative learning with student-centred philosophy.
Professor & HOD / DR. C. JAYA BHASKARProfessor and Principal / DR. M.S. SRIDHAR
Professor and P G Academic coordinator / DR. G. LEPAKSHI
Professor and Nodal Officer A R T Centre / DR. R. RAMESH
Associate Professor / DR. I.V. RAMACHANDRA RAO
Assistant Professor / DR. K. THULASIRAM
Residents/Tutor / DR. V. SRINIVASULU REDDY
Support Staff / Smt. C. SYAMALA (Computer operator)
Sri. M. Ramamurthy (Office subordinate)
Time 2-30 p m to 4 p m
Last day of every month- CENSUS calculation
Dissertation/log book review with guides on free days preferably in the last week of every month
January, 2013.
Date (January, 2013) / Unit / Year / ActivitySaturday, the 5th / I / III / Case discussion-Respiratory System
Wednesday, the 9th / IV / III / Case Discussion-C N S
Thursday, the 10th / V / II / Seminar-Specialized Nutrition Support
Friday, the 11th / VI / I / Journal Club- Drug-Cinacalcet
Thursday, the 17th / V / III / Case discussion – C V S
Friday, the 18th / II / I / Journal Club- N Engl J Med – Procedure- Intra aortic balloon pump
Saturday, the 19th / I / II / Seminar- Approach to a patient with shock
Tuesday, the 22nd / III / III / Case discussion – C N S
Wednesday, the 23rd / IV / II / Seminar- Approach to a patient with coma
Friday, the 25th / III / I / Journal Club- B M J – Drug-Eltromopag
February, 2013
Date (February) / UNIT / Year / TOPICFriday, the 8th / I / III / CNS-case presentation
Tuesday, the 12th / III / II / Pulmonary Hypertension
Wednesday, the 13th / IV / II / Renovascular injury
Thursday, the 14th / V / III / CVS-case presentation
Friday, the 15th / VI / II / Cushing syndrome
Saturday, the 16th / I / I / Drug review-Cilnidipine
Journal club- NEJM
Monday, the 18th / II / III / CVS-case presentation
Sunday, the 24th / Zonal CME at NMC-Nellore
MARCH, 2013
Date (March, 2013) / Unit / Year / ActivityFriday, the 1st / VI / I / Anti Retroviral Therapy
Monday, the 4th / II / I / Biological markers of TB
Lumbar puncture and
C S F analysis.
Tuesday, the 5th / III / III / Case presentation – C V S – Dr Bujjaiah
Wednesday, the 6th / IV / III / Case presentation – C N S – D ChSushma
Thursday, the 7th / V / III / Case presentation – C V S – Dr Anand Kumar
Monday, the 11th / II / III / Case presentation – R S – Dr P Pavan Kumar
Tuesday, the 12th / III / III / Case presentation – C N S – Dr JahangeerBasha
Wednesday, the 13th / IV / I / Journal Club- N E J M
Drug Review-Flozins
Thursday, the 14th / V / II / Seminar- Parkinson’s Disease and Movement disorders
Monday, the 18th / II / III / Case presentation – C N S – Dr Anil Kumar
Tuesday, the 19th / III / II / Seminar- Pericardial diseases
Friday, the 22nd / VI / II / Hyperthyroidism
Tuesday, the 26th / III / I / Seminar-ECG findings in M I
Wednesday, the 27th / IV / II / Seminar-A R D S
Thursday, the 28th / V / I / Journal Club- B M J
Drug review - Adenosine
APRIL 2013
DATE (April) / UNIT / Year / TOPICFriday, the 5th / VI / I / Anti platelet drugs
Saturday, the 6th / I / I / Metabolic syndrome
Monday, the 8th / II / I / Anti epileptic drugs
Tuesday, the 9th / III / I / Journal club- NEJM
Drug review- Methotrexate
Wednesday, the 10th / IV / II / GIT – Case presentation
Tuesday, the 16th / III / I / Pneumocystis infection
Wednesday, the 17th / IV / I / Vit-D and related disorders
Thursday, the 18th / V / II / Diseases of spinal cord
Saturday, the 20th / I / I / SVT
Tuesday, the 23th / III / II / Vasculitis syndromes
Thursday, the 25th / V / I / Disorders of platelets
Friday, the 26th / VI / II / CVS – Case presentation
May- 2013
DATE(May) / UNIT / Year / TOPICSaturday, the 4th / I / I / Supra ventricular Tachycardia
Wednesday, the 8th / IV / II / CVS Case discussion
Thursday, the 9th / V / I / Journal Club – NEJM
Drug review - ADENOSINE
13-5-13 and
14-5-13 / University Practical examination for PGs
Friday, the 17th / VI / I / Progressive Multi focal
Saturday, the 18th / I / II / CNS - case discussion
Monday, the 20th / II / II / GIT – Case discussion
Wednesday, the 22th / IV / I / Journal club –BMJ
Drug review -BOSENTAN
Friday, the 24th / VI / II / CVS- Case discussion
Monday, the 27th / II / I / Journal club – JIMA
Tuesday, the 28th / III / I / Diabetes insipidus
Thursday, the 30th / V / II / RS case discussion
Date(June) / Unit / PG yr / TopicMonday, the 3th / Guest Lecture- Sleep apnea
Thursday, the 6th / V / II / Journal club-NEJM
Drug review-Metoprolol
Saturday, the 8th / I / III / Case discussion
Wednesday, the 12th / IV / III / Case discussion
Saturday, the 15th / I / II / Rheumatoid arthritis
Friday, the 21th / NTRUHS- Internal examination
Monday, the 24th / II / III / Case discussion
Tuesday, the 25th / III / II / Corpulmonale
Wednesday, the 26th / IV / II / ECG- Ventricular hypertrophy
Thursday, the 27th / V / III / Case discussion
Friday, the 28th / VI / III / Case discussion
DATE(July) / UNIT / year / Activity/TOPICThursday, the 4th / IV / III / Case discussion
Saturday, the 6th / I / II / Renal Tubular Acidosis
Tuesday, the 9th / III / II / Advances in management of Heart Failure
Wednesday, the 10th / IV / III / Case discussion
Friday, the 12th / VI / II / Gene Therapy
Monday, the 15th / II / II / Targeted therapy in Cancer
Wednesday, the 17th / IV / II / Corpulmonale
Thursday, the 18th / V / III / Case discussion
Tuesday, the 23th / III / III / Case discussion
Thursday, the 25th / V / II / Advances in treatment of Malaria
Friday, the 26th / VI / III / Case discussion
August -2013
Strike Period
Dat(September) / Unit / Topic/aCTOVOTUMonday, the 2nd / III / Ward rounds
Tuesday, the 3rd / III / GDM- Pregnancy
Wednesday, the 4th / IV / Anemia - Pregnancy
Thursday, the 5th / V / Kidney diseases –Pregnancy
Fridy, the 6th / VI / Acute MI – ECG
Saturday, the 7th / I / HTN disorders – Pregnancy
Seminar –Stroke syndrome
Tuesday, the 10th / III / CVS disorders- Pregnancy
Seminar -
October – 2013
Date (October) / Unit / Year / TOPIC/ActivitySatuday, the 5th / I / III / Case discussion
Monday, the 7th / II / II / Seminar – Rheumatoid arthritis
Wednesday, the 9th / IV / III / Case discussion
Thursday, the 10th / V / III / Case discussion
Friday, the 11th / VI / I / Journal club – JAPI
Tuesday, the 15th / IV / I / Journal club –JIMA
Drug review – Adenosine
Thursday, the 17th / V / III / Case discussion
Friday, the 18th / VI / III / Case discussion
Monday, the 21th / II / I / Journal club – NEJM
History of Medicine – Dr.YellapragadaSubbarao
Tuesday, the 22nd / III / II / Seminar – Infective endocarditis
Wednesday, the 23th / IV / II / Seminar – UGI bleeding
Thursday, the 24th / V / I / Journal club – BMJ
Post exposure prophylaxis of HIV
Friday, the 25th / VI / III / Case discussion
Saturday, the 26th / I / II / Seminar- Peripheral neuropathy
Monday, the 8th / II / III / Case discussion
Tuesday, the 29th / III / III / Case discussion
Wednesday, the 3oth / IV / III / Case discussion
Thursday, the 31th / V / II / Seminar - Liver transplantation
Publications (2010 onward):
Dr M S Sridhar/Dr P Pavan Kumar (Resident)
- Sridhar M S
Good Health adds life to years-role of medical college faculty in promoting World Health Day 2012 theme (Special Feature)
J ClinSci Res 2012;1:151-2
- Pavan Kumar P, Sridhar M S
Addison’s disease (Special Feature: Undergraduate corner)
J ClinSci Res 2013; 2:179-82.
- Sridhar M S
Undergraduate education: Where are we? (Editorial)
J ClinSci Res 2013;2:193-6
Particulars of paper/poster presentation(2013):
- Dr. P Pavan Kumar, Dr M S Sridhar
- Dr. Arjun Kumar, Dr M S Sridhar
- Dr. M B Krishna Tejaswi, Dr M S Sridhar
- Dr. Raghanvendra, Dr M S Sridhar
- Dr. Salma, Dr M S Sridhar
- Dr.Rama. G, Sleep Medicine specialist,USA
- Dr.S. Ramanathan IYER, Consultant Physician, Mumbai
- Dr.B.Padmakumar, Consultant Neurologist, USA
C M E activities: (2013):
Innovative activities:
The Departmentis conducting Health Camps as part of training postgraduates in the community setting. Apart from rendering specialist services, the opportunity is utilized for creating awareness regarding the common ailments and promoting appropriate health seeking behavior.
Team is consists of Faculty, Residents, House Surgeons and medical students posted in Medicine.
•Fifteen General Health Camps were conducted for different clientele. Regular Camps are conducted at Tiruchanur.
•More than 2000 persons were examined during these camps.
•These camps foster camaraderie among different levels of professionals and provide opportunity for building bridges with community human resources.
•Home visits are unique feature of camps conducted at Tiruchanur.
•This has provided opportunity to hone trainees’ human relations and communication skill.
•Health camps and home visits are slowly becoming part of the training in this department.
Specialty Clinics :
Geriatrics / Every Day-
Neurology / Monday
Thyroid / Tuesday
Gastroenterology / Wednesday
Nephrology / Thursday
Diabetes / Friday
Hypertension / Saturday
Staff Clinic / Wednesday and Friday