First Evangelical and Reformed Church Consistory Meeting

November 14, 2016 7:00 p.m.

Consistory President Roy Coon opened the meeting. Fifteen members and one guest were present. Secretary and treasurer reports accepted. Note that the church is approximately $53,442 short on the payment for exterior work on the church which is due the end of November.

Pat Offenbacher reminded deacons to pick up pew pad sign in sheets if you are a counter.

Trustee Paul Offenbacher reported trustees will meet after this meeting to work on the budget. Joe Moor has completed refinishing the front south door. Paul Offenbacher repaired a toilet on the first floor near choir room. They will be checking the outside north water faucet for repair. Charles Cheuvront asked trustees to check fire extinguishers and first aid kits to see if any updating needs done. Everyone was reminded to close doors so the boiler is efficient.

Elder Charles Cheuvront asked the annual consistory meeting be January 15 with a snow date of January 22. Seconded by Cleadous Hawk. Motion carried. Betty Scheckelhoff, Ginger and Chuck Hill have been placed on the shut in list. Roy Coon will be stepping down from consistory after the first of the year due to health issues. Jan Lautzenheiser asked about Junior Church ages. Charles advised it is for up through middle school and we have a couple high schoolers helping. There is an attempt being made to start a class for 3, 4 and 5 yr olds. For now they will meet downstairs but if more teachers volunteer, they will be moved to the room across from the choir room. All the children will come together for the openings. The office has requested all year end reports be submitted as soon as possible.

Pastor Balicki is working on the National Church Development Survey and its introduction to the church. He passed out a DVD to everyone reference this and will take questions at next meeting. He will be gone December 11 and Alicia Moor will be giving the sermon. He and Ted Nusbaum met with an ONU law student who reviewed our constitution. She made a few suggestions for minor changes in wording and has volunteered to help the church gain tax fee certification through the IRS.

Pat Offenbacher talked to Teens for Christ about a possible volunteer to work with our youth activities. Pat asked for permission to pursue this idea and it was seconded by Ted Coon. Motion passed. Jan Lautzenheiser has contacted Bluffton University to find out what is needed to request an internship for the same thing. Any intern or volunteer will work under the direction of the pastor. Julie Monfort is in contact with Lima Senior for volunteers to help with Junior Church.

No old business. New business, President Coon advised he needs names from the presidents of the elders, trustees and deacons for vacancies in those divisions by the December meeting. Jeff Grapner moved to dismiss, seconded by Cleadous Hawk, motion carried. Meeting closed with Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Blackburn, Consistory Secretary