July, 2007

Progress Monitoring Data Meeting

School Level

Plan Ahead:

1.  Secure materials and Progress Monitoring Class Data forms.

2.  Principal and reading coach review agenda; make adaptations as necessary and plan for allocated time.

3.  Review notes and next steps from previous data meeting.

4.  Notify grade team members (include resource and special education teachers) of what to bring and how to prepare for the meeting.

Materials Needed:

1.  Meeting norms/parameters chart

2.  Data Meeting Journal

3.  Progress Monitoring Class Data form

4.  Re-Tell Question Prompts

5.  Progress Monitoring booklets

6.  Folder of Diagnostic Tools-add the Factors that Influence Reading Comprehension document

7.  Data tri-fold boards for individual teachers or poster board for each grade level


1.  Review status of next steps determined at previous data meeting.

2.  Analyze most recent progress monitoring data to form instructional groups and evaluate effectiveness of current intervention efforts; identify which students require changes for supplemental (Tier 2) intervention and intensive (Tier 3) intervention.

3.  Reflect on coaching and professional development needs.

4.  Other:

Led by Principal: The principal should encourage teachers to record their own notes throughout the data meeting in a Data Meeting Journal; the principal and reading coach should also model taking notes in a journal or ARI binder.

1.  Briefly review meeting norms/parameters; designate someone to serve as timekeeper to signal a “ten minute warning”.

2.  Refer to notes from the previous data meeting and reflect on the next steps that were identified at the last data meeting. What has been accomplished concerning those “next steps”? What has not yet been addressed?

3.  Review meeting outcomes listed above.

4.  Ask teachers to refer to their most recent progress monitoring and make adjustments to data boards (tri-folds).

5.  What does the DIBELS progress monitoring data tell us about our instruction over the past month? Are the students making adequate progress? (Adequate progress is defined as a student being at or above his/her aimline).

6.  Using the Progress Monitoring Class Data forms, calculate the percentage of students in your class who have Re-Tell Fluency (RTF) of 25% or higher. Use the Re-Tell Fluency Question Prompts to further examine comprehension instruction.

7.  Ask teachers to share specific celebrations. What are you doing differently in instruction that would account for the increased student achievement?

8.  Which students are not making adequate progress? What does daily instruction for these students look like? What interventions are in place?

Optional- Sample Questions Targeting Additional Data Sources:

Let’s examine some of our other data. What do our program assessments (Example: Read Well Mastery tests, Voyager Adventure checkpoints) tell us about student learning? Are students moving through the program at an adequate pace? How are we accelerating the learning for our strugglers with the program?

We identified ______(Example: Multiple Meaning Words) from our SAT-10 analysis as an area for focus. What evidence do we have that students are improving in this standard?

We set a goal to increase the percentage of students scoring Level ___ on the ARMT, what evidence do we have to show that students are improving in responses to open-ended questions?

(For selected schools) Our 4th graders will be taking the NAEP in early 2008. What evidence do we have to show that instruction in comprehension strategies is impacting student achievement?

Led by Reading Coach:

9.  Using items from the Folder of Diagnostic Tools facilitate a miscue analysis for targeted students using Progress Monitoring booklets:

  1. Review the Factors that Influence Reading Comprehension.
  2. Select 1 or 2 targeted students who are not making adequate progress (students who have 2 or more Progress Monitoring scores falling below their aimline); analyze the student’s progress monitoring booklet using miscue analysis forms and guiding questions.
  3. Brainstorm strategies; select one or two that the teacher will commit to consistently use for the targeted student.
  4. Decide when the reading coach will meet to assist with developing further intervention lesson plans for other students who are not making adequate progress.

Led by Principal:

10.  Ask teachers to share the specific instructional strategies for core or intervention time that will be carried out to accelerate student learning. Explain that future walkthroughs will target specific strugglers and will focus on the strategies that were identified in today’s meeting.

11.  Remind teachers that the purpose of progress monitoring is to guide our instructional decisions. Are any changes needed in the frequency of progress monitoring for students?

12.  Discuss any recent professional development offerings by the reading coach and/or coaching cycle activities. Ask teachers to reflect on how the professional development and/or coaching is impacting student learning. How can the reading coach further support you? How can I support your efforts?

13.  Data Meeting Journal: Take 3-5 minutes to reflect on today’s data meeting and list “next steps” for changes to instruction. Principal, reading coach and teachers share out.


1.  Principal and reading coach debrief the meeting; include ARI regional staff and/or central office leaders if present

·  Were meeting parameters met?

·  Were outcomes for the meeting met?

·  Were participants open to sharing practices and thoughtful about next steps?

·  How can the meeting process be improved?

·  How will we monitor the “next steps” established?

2.  Send copies of meeting notes to all participants and place copies in principal and reading coach notebooks.