CMPT 408: Theory of Computer Networks Prof. Funda Ergun
Lecture 7 & 8: Routing in Hypercube
September 21, 2004 Scribe:


A hypercube of dimension d is constructed a follows:

·  Take two hypercubes of dimension d-1

·  Connect identically labeled nodes

·  Add a prefix of 0 to all nodes of hypercube 1 of dimension d-1

·  Add a prefix of 1 to all nodes of hypercube 2 of dimension d-1

·  Base case

o  Hypercube of dimension 1


·  An N-node hypercube is a graph where each node has degree log N

Proof: A hypercube of dimension (and degree) has N = 2d nodes

Base case: degree 1

Inductive hypothesis: Assume a hypercube of dimension d-1 has 2d-1 nodes.

Inductive step: To construct a d dimensional hypercube, we join together two d-1 dimensional hypercubes.

The degree of each node becomes d.

The number of nodes is now 2*2d-1 = 2d

·  A dimension d hypercube has (d*N)/2 edges = (NlogN)/2 = 2*2d-1

Proof: N nodes each of degree d

Example: d = 3

Edges = 2*2d-1

= 3*22

= 12

·  Adjacent nodes differ by 1 bit only

Routing: Oblivious routing, routing at each node.

Oblivious: Algorithm (through path ) is determined at the source.

Example: 010011 à 110101

-Use exclusive OR and route in the direction desired.





·  Algorithm:

o  Go from left to right on the source address.

o  If the current bit is not equal to the corresponding bit int the destination, change it.

·  Property:

o  The length of a path from s (source) to t (destination) = # of bits that are different in s, t ( = # of 1’s in s XOR t)

The diameter of the hypercube is d = log N of N nodes.

Proof: The addresses have d bits. If they’re all different in s, t

Hamilton Cycle Problem

·  Go over each vertex without covering an edge or vertex twice.

·  Comes back to the starting point.

·  NP-hard: no one knows how to solve in 0(Nk) for any fixed k.

Gray Code: Each time you increment, you flip one bit.

Inductive Construction:

2 bit gray code: / 3 bit gray code
00 / 010 / 100 / 2 bit gray codes – reverse 1
First one gets prefix 0
Second one gets prefix 1
01 / 011 / 101
11 / 001 / 111
10 / 000 / 110

By induction, must prove that 000 ßà 100 and 010ßà110

Theorem: If you follow the nodes corresponding to the gray code on the hypercube, you get a Hamiltonian cycle.

Degree 3 Hypercube Degree 4 Hypercube

Proof sketch: By induction, do identical Hamiltonian cycles on:

-  the 2 dimensional d-1 hypercubes

-  leave out the same edge

-  then the endpoints differ only in their leading bits.

-  By induction you can do this for any degree hypercube

Star Topology

Tree Topology

All node pairs have a unique path between them.

Solution to the bandwidth problem: Fat Tree.

Bandwidth increases exponentially higher up the tree.


Permutation routing:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5 4 3 8 7 6 2 1

Issue: Max delivery time can be long if there is contention from a link.

Theorem: On the hypercube there exists a permutation that delivery time is ≥

└ N/d ┘ for any deterministic algorithm.

Randomized Routing:

For any s-t pair:

Pick an intermediate node v uniformly at random (can be done with d independent coin tosses, 1 for each bit of v).

Phase 1: Route from s to v

Phase 2: Route form v to t.

Theorem: With high probability (1 – ε for small ε) the routing will take O(log N) steps for any randomized algorithm.