The Sky Is The Limit: The Theology of Astrology
Genesis 37:5, 6, 7, 9
- Dreams happen in deep sleep when you’ve entered REM (rapid eye movement) – were your body is asleep but your mind is very alert.
- The average person dreams 4-5 separate dreams a night and dreams on average last 60-90 minutes that can be impaired based on the number of times you get up in the night.
- Dreams are often over run with messages of a symbolic nature—most times when you have a dream it’s never interpreted on surface value but it has a layered or a veiled meaning around it. E.g. dreaming a dog chasing you, seeing something on fire, etc
- Jesus used parables to speak because symbols are the language of God. God often speaks in symbols or in metaphors because He always leaves room for us to think.
- One writer put it this way: Dreams are emails from God.If you don’t remember the dream, it sits in the in-box. If you do not open the dream then the email is left unopened, if you throw away the dream then you treat the dream like junk mail, and if it is from the devil then the email is spam and can in fact carry a virus that will infect everything that is in your memory.
- Our minds have a word-pictureassociation. If you hear‘giraffe’ immediately you have in your mind a picture of a giraffe.However, God speaks in a picture-word association. If you can just get a picture of what God is trying to do, when the word comes you’ll be able to match it with the picture.
- Joseph is not great for what he does, but he’s great for having a dream, believing and sharing it. Many of you are undervaluing your greatness because you think your greatness is connected to works when it is really connected to faith.
- Gen 37:5-6 Joseph’s brothers already hated him before he articulated the dream. Every person who does not like you is a confirmation that the dream that’s in you is so lethal that when you start speaking it then your attack will increase. Be very selective about who you share your dreams with.
- God doesn’t speak in logic He speaks in spirit. What God tells you in dreams may not make sense that when you try to articulate it to other people who are rational, they may try to give you logical reasons as to why it cannot work.
In dealing with your dreams:
- Give attention to your dream. How you look in a picture and how you look in a mirror are two different images.Your glory and destiny does not match what you see in the mirror but your picture that God has been showing you.
- Create sleeping goals that you can maximize. Build an eight hour sleep schedule. Because you are having multiple dreams in one night and more-often-than- not when you wake up all you remember is the last one. Set the alarm every 2 ½ hrs where you can recall and journal what God is trying to say to you.
- Try to discern and interpret your own dream.This comes with time. Every person who is in your dream is somebody you permit. Figure out whythey are so important that they take up space in your life while asleep.
- Get a dream partner —a dreamer who is going to hold you accountable to the dream, keep you focused on the dream, and push you for the full maturation and development of the dream.
TheTheology of Astrology.
- Astrology is the study of stars (astro being star –ology being word) while theology is the study of God’s word.
- If we don’t believe in the study of stars or the science of stars the wise men would have never found Jesus.
- How can stars be demonic if the devil can’t make them? Every good and perfect gift comes from God. Everyday of the week is assigned a star; Monday is the moon; Tuesday is Mars; Wed is Mercury; Thursday is Jupiter; Friday is Venus; Saturday is Saturn; and Sunday is the sun. Jesus got up on a Sunday. How come Easter is not the same Sunday every year? Easter then is in fact predicated upon when the first full moon after Aires sets. Therefore, Easter looms in the atmosphere waiting for a sign from the star to say this is the day.
- 90% of the dreams that take place happen at night. Genesis chapter one was in fact the articulation of God’s dream. When He was in the dream all He saw where stars
- I am not advocating believing in zodiac signs (Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn) God has the ability not just to be in charge of that which is in the earth. He also has the ability to dictate that which is in heaven so even the celestial bodies have got to line up with the will and the order of God.
- All of time is dictated based on how the Sun moves around the planets. Therefore, you have to adjust your life not according to Timex,or Rolexwatches but based on the movement of the sun because God never sits still.
- When you move outside of the time and the will of God then stuff gets dark but when you move when He moves you are always in the sun. When the darkness comes you know its going to pass because you’re in God’s time.
- 2 Peter 1:19Jesus describes himself as the morning star. Revelation calls him the daystar.More-often-than-not when you get up in the day you don’t see stars, you only sees stars in the night.When it’s dark Jesus is the daystar which says that even when you can’t see Him. He’s still there.
- From the word astro which is star we get the word catastrophe. Catastrophe has the word astro in it which means star. Also from the word astro you get the word disaster. Disaster in the etymological understanding simply means bad star. A catastrophe or a disaster is the consequence of not following the picture — ignoring the prophetic. What Jonah went through was not an accident but a disaster because God gave him a word, (a thought picture) of what it is He was going to do.But Jonah didn’t like the picture so he wanted to change the word. Some of the disasters that you had in your lifewere not a coincidence,but because you followed the wrong star.
- You can’t look directly at the sun but you can feel the effects.A worshipper is nothing more than a sun bather.If there is no change in your life then you have not been with the Son or in the atmosphere of the Son.
Genesis 37:9 In Joseph’s dream, Jacob was the sun, Joseph’s mother was the moon and his brothers were the 11 stars who were able to shine because they had parents who were illuminated in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consequently, they were not mad with the dream they were mad with who they were in the dream. Folk are not really mad at what you are dreaming, that are mad at the role they have to play in the dream. If what you are doing causes people to lose the attention of God then you need to turn it down a notch.