Meeting Minutes

Southern Region Board of Directors Meeting

At the Strategic Planning Retreat

June 11, 2005

Members Present:Alan Albers, Round Rock ISD

Steve Aloway, VLK Architects

Gloria Barrera, 3Di

Pat Dingrando, Alief ISD

Phil Jimerson, Grand Prairie ISD

Scott Layne, Irving ISD

Scott Milder, SHW Group Architects

Irene Nigaglioni, PBK Architects

Pam Sands, PBK Architects

Roy Sprague, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

Brian Uhlrich, DBR Engineering Consultants

  1. Gloria asked for a motion to approve a transfer of the proceeds from TASA-CEFPI Conference. A motion was made by Roy Sprague to transfer the proceeds of the TASA-CEFPI Workshop in the amount of $6796.43 to the Foundation. IreneNigaglioni seconded and it unanimously approved.
  1. Approve Elections Timeline Report for 2005
  • Form Nomination Committee by June 11, 2005
  • Finalize Board Job Descriptions by June 17
  • Finalize Nomination Procedures by June 25
  • International Emails Call for Nominations with qualifications by July 1
  • Nominations Accepted through July 31
  • Nominations Committee Finalizes Slate of Candidates Aug 1-8
  • International prepares ballots Aug 8-15
  • International sends ballots by first-class mailon August 15
  • Ballots due back to International by September 15
  • Announce election results at International Conference on September 30

Motion by Steve Alowayto approve $1000 expenditure, timeline and job descriptions for the 2005 elections, second by Brian Uhlrich. Unanimously approved by the board.

  1. Recommend and Approve Nominations Committee According to International Procedures

A motion was made by Gloria Barrerato assign the chair of the nominations committee to the Immediate Past President and if that person is unavailable the board would make another recommendation at that time. Following are those named to the Nominations Committee:

  • Jack Rambo, Immediate Past President and Committee Chair
  • Phil Jimerson from DFW Chapter
  • Steve Aloway from GulfCoast Chapter
  • Brian Uhlrich from Central Texas South Chapter
  • Alan Albers from Central Texas North Chapter
  • Past President
  1. Approve Formation of Finance Committee

A motion was made by Scott Layne to approve a finance committee made up of the 1st vice president, 2nd Vice President, the Treasurer and a chapter president/Alan Albers. Pat seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. This committee will serve through 10/01/05. Alan Albers will contact Brad Pfluger about serving as treasurer.

  1. Approve 2006 Membership Initiative to improve participation from ISD’s and Community Colleges. Three memberships per chapter per year, chapters encouraged to fundraise to help support the cost. Region will support this effort by investing $5000 annually. Begin October 1, 2005. Irene Nigaglioni made a motion to approve, Pam Sandsseconded and the motion carried unanimously.
  1. Approve changing the Communications Director position from a one-year term to a three-year term. Brian Uhlrich made a motion to lengthen the term of the Communications Director position to three years. The motion was seconded by Alan Albers and carried unanimously. Requires amodification in the by-laws. Gloria/Roy will make and submit this bylaw change to International.
  1. Southern Region Public Relation Planning Retreat (SRPRPR1)

Participants at the planning retreat decided that a separate planning retreat needed to be pulled together to build a proper Public Relations and Communications Plan. Tentative dates are either July 15 or 29th. (set for 29th)Gloria Barrera moved that the board approve a $1000 expenditure and Keith Hickman volunteeered to host at his office in Austin on July 29, 2005. Phil Jimersonseconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

  1. Approve hiring of technical writer to assist with draft of Procedures Manual. Scott Layne is championing this effort and will receive proposals from technical writers. Draft of the procedural guidelines will be due in August. Phil Jimerson made a motion to approve the hiring of a technical writer with a $2,000 - $4000 budget, and Pat Dingrando seconded. The board unanimously approved the motion.
  1. Manpower Discussion

Consider outsourcing of certain tasks, including producing newsletter, tracking membership, bond elections, and so forth. Gloria asked the board to identify everything where we could use hired help. Pam mentioned that International is tapped out and that it may be beneficial to hire someone locally because they may have a better understanding of the region. Gloria suggested we share a job description with national and see what services they could provide. Pat suggested putting out an RFP and compare what International could do versus a private local contractor.Alan mentioned the importance a Texas address would have in our ability to become more visible in this region.Roy suggested we develop a job description, see where International can fill our need and go from there. Issues would be affordability and office costs. Issue noted. We all agree that we need something different to continue to grow.

  1. Approve joining Friends of Texas Public Schools network

Pat Dingrando made a motion to approve a $250 expense to join the Friends of Texas Public Schools network. The motion was seconded by Irene and carried unanimously. Gloria will ask John Farrell to mail a check to Scott Milder, made payable to Friends of Texas Public Schools.

  1. Other Business

RobertSands reported that there is an all-day REFP workshop on September 30, day before the International Conference. We are giving a presentation on September 30 as a pre-conference workshop. Southern Region is going to hand pick 15-17 people from Southern Region to participate in this first workshop, which will include members from other regions as well. Idea is to cater program specifically to individual ability. Robert asked that Southern Region go to the home district of these 15-17 people after completion of the program to present their completion certificate to them in front of their respective school boards. These individuals do not need to be members and it is open only to ISD or community college professionals.Each board member should bring their nominations for this group to the next board meeting.

  1. Next Meeting Date—Gloria

Thursday, July 14, 2005

3:00-5:00 p.m.

Conference Call


  • Audit completed summer 2005?
  • Paid staffing issue