Cochise College Governing Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Willcox Center
6:00 p.m.
1.01 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair at 6:02 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Jan Guy
Mr. Juan P. Flores
Mr. Bob Nelson
Mrs. Jane C. Strain
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Adoption of Agenda
The Agenda was adopted as published.
1.04 Citizen’s Interim
No information was presented.
1.05 Standing Reports
1.05.1 Representative to the AADGB
Mrs. Guy reported on the ACCA meeting of September 14, 2000. Discussions there included the Rural Economic Development Study Committee; SBDC funding proposal for $975,000; and Education 2000, the sales tax initiative. There are at least two districts out of ten where presidents and trustees will not support Proposition 301. Dr. Nicodemus, however, raised $3,300 from private sector individuals for
Education 2000. Santa Cruz County passed an initiative to form a provisional community college district, which may also be eligible to receive Prop. 301 funds.
There were also reports from the Arizona Partnership for the New Economy and the Governor’s Task Force on Higher Education (GTFHE). Dr. Nicodemus added that, at a meeting of university and community college presidents there was a discussion indicating colleges and universities tax initiative money being tied to the recommendations of the GTFHE.
A number of strategic initiatives, or “Action Plans,” developed by the State Board were discussed. One of the plans calls for districts to present their budgets to the State Board for review and approval during budget hearings. The language also specified that “attendance of chancellor/president and the local board chair is mandatory” at the budget hearings. The end result was that the state Board decided to adopt the action as a goal, after removing the language “for approval.” This and three other plans are scheduled for action at the November State Board meeting.
1.05.2 Senate Report
Mr. Ray Battee, Senate President, reported that at the last Senate meeting they passed several curriculum changes (see item 4.01.1). Dr. Nicodemus and Senate members are also currently discussing a proposal to change the current senate structure to an Academic Senate and an Employee Senate. Dr. Nicodemus distributed a handout to explain the changes.
1.05.3 Student Government
Debbie Quick, Sierra Vista Campus Student Government Advisor, introduced co-advisor Stacie Thiele and Student Government members in attendance: Jeff Phillips, President; Debra Stillman, Vice President; Magdelane Caron, Treasurer; and Victor Montoya, Social Events Coordinator. Charissa Martinez, Secretary, was not in attendance.
Jeff Phillips gave a report on upcoming Sierra Vista Student Government activities: A Halloween Bash on October 27th; joining with PTK and AFCEA on November 7th to promote Kids Vote Arizona; and co-sponsoring a November 8th blood drive with PTK.
Dr. Nicodemus stated that, based on student/advisor input last year, changes in student government format had been implemented. This year, students had to apply for office and were then appointed rather than elected.
1.05.4 College President
Ø Enrollment Report
Dr. Nicodemus deferred to Dr. Michelich, who shared the Audited Actual FTSE for this year, stating that Cochise College is the largest rural community college district in the state. Dr. Michelich pointed out that about two-thirds of the FTSE for Cochise College is non-traditional. Therefore, reports to the Board will be reformatted to reflect more accurate information, incorporating reports on traditional and non-traditional courses.
Ø Update on Classification/Compensation Process
Dr. Nicodemus deferred to Charlotte Stout, Interim Director of Human Resources. Ms. Stout then addressed three new committees. The eight-member Non-Faculty Committee includes: one dean; four classified staff (two each from Sierra Vista and Douglas); two administrative support staff; and one faculty support staff. The first issue to be addressed was the appeals process and a draft has been forwarded to administration. Next was a reclassification process. Upcoming issues include moving through salary structure and hiring placement.
The Faculty Committee has been addressing initial placement on salary schedule for new hires. Upcoming is movement process through salary structure.
The Associate Faculty Committee is made up of four associate faculty members (two appointed by the AAUP and two selected by the administration from a list of associate faculty members volunteering to serve), Dr. Joanna Michelich and Ms. Charlotte Stout. The first meeting is scheduled for October 16th.
Ø Governor’s Visit to the Sierra Vista Campus
Dr. Nicodemus thanked Mrs. Strain for suggesting to the Governor that she visit Cochise College and also thanked Mrs. Guy for her efforts at the state level in support of such visits. Dr. Nicodemus noted that it was a successful visit, with approximately 150 students, faculty, staff and community members attending the event. Four children of College employees presented gifts to the Governor and were well received.
Ø County-Wide AIMS Math Workshop
Dr. Nicodemus deferred to Dr. Michelich. Dr. Michelich reported that, with the help of Ray Battee, Math Department Head (DC); Randy Dorman, Math Department Head (SV); and Rhonda Douglas, Coordinator of Tech Prep, Cochise College coordinated an AIMS workshop for all educators in the county. It culminated in a series of recommendations and the agreement to form the Cochise County Math Education Alliance and Consortium. A workshop is scheduled for February.
1.05.5 Financial Reports
Financial Report for the month ending September 30, 2000, was submitted to the Board for their review. The financial report was accepted as presented. A summary is attached.
1.05.6 Focus Report:
There was no Focus Report.
2.01 Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting
September 12, 2000
The Minutes of the September 12, 2000 meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
3.01 Communications
Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged a letter from Old Vail Middle School administration, faculty and staff commending the work of artist and Cochise College faculty member, Albert Kogel. Mr. Kogel’s paintings were displayed at the middle school and provided meaningful and stimulating experiences for the students.
Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged a letter from Marie Hanson, Public Information Officer for the City of Sierra Vista, commending the College for the work done by the Center for Economic Research. Ms. Hanson cited the efforts of Center Director, Ken Jones, in developing an effective format for the public forum.
3.02 Update on Policy Review/Revision
Dr. Nicodemus had been asked by the Governing Board to review current policies and draft revisions. She handed out copies of draft Governing Board policies. The policies focus on six areas: 1) College Purposes 2) Governance 3) Board-President Relationship
4) Executive Limitations 5) Ends 6) Employee Group Policies. Dr. Nicodemus requested that College Purposes and Governance be agenda items for discussion at the next Governing Board meeting.
3.03 Integrating Assessment, Planning and Budgeting
Dr. Nicodemus stated that a Budget Managers meeting/workshop would take place on October 13, 2000, with the purpose of integrating assessment, planning and budgeting. This process will take the level of institutional effectiveness and program/department assessment and link it to budgeting process.
Linking the operational budget to assessment and planning will be made easier by involving technology. Dr. Nicodemus provided a copy of the workshop handout, which included a calendar for the budget process.
3.04 Update on Arizona Learning Systems (ALS)
Dr. Nicodemus distributed copies of the ALS Protocols, which were adopted for use during the Spring 2001 semester by the ALS Executive Council, which consists of the ten district CEOs. The Benson Center will be the Cochise College site for receiving the classes via ITV. If the classes are from another college, Cochise College will provide the support. The tuition cost of $50/credit will include a $10 fee to ALS with the remainder going to the originating institution. Dr. Michelich also explained the program and handed out copies of the participating institutions and classes available.
4.01 Consent Agenda*
Bob Nelson moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The following items were approved:
4.01.1 Curriculum Changes*
The curriculum changes will be attached to the permanent record of the regular Governing Board minutes and made a part thereof.
4.01.2 Classified; Appointment*
Michael Anderson, Purchasing Technician on the Douglas Campus, effective October 10, 2000. This is a 12-month position.
4.01.3 Classified; Appointment*
Irma Cook, Secretary on the Sierra Vista Campus, effective October 10, 2000. This is a 9¾-month position.
4.01.4 Classified; Appointment*
Raymond D. Morin, Facilities Maintenance Technician Senior on the Douglas Campus, effective October 10, 2000. This is a 12-month position.
4.01.5 Administrative Support; Resignation*
Raymond Nadolny, Director of Development on the Douglas Campus, effective October 20, 2000.
4.01.6 Administrative Support; Resignation*
Alex O’Meara, Coordinator of Community Affairs on the Douglas Campus, effective September 8, 2000.
4.01.7 Administrative Support; Resignation*
Lorraine Chavira, Career Services Specialist on the Sierra Vista Campus, effective October 21, 2000.
4.01.8 Classified; Resignation*
Estela Peraza, Property Control Clerk on the Douglas Campus, effective September 20, 2000.
The new employees present were introduced to the Governing Board.
4.02 Sabbatical Leave (Al Kogel)
Bob Nelson moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to approve the sabbatical leave request of Albert Kogel. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.03 Arizona Department of Transportation Grant E1103 for Apron
Dr. Nicodemus distributed a copy of this item with corrected recommendation. Jane Strain moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to accept Grant E1103 from the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) for Apron Pavement Preservation Seal Coat. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Dr. Groth was absent.
Mr. Flores stated that he found Mrs. Guy’s AADGB report interesting. He stated he has concerns about the content but appreciates the representation by Mrs. Guy and Dr. Nicodemus. He also thanked the Willcox center for hosting the Board meeting.
Mrs. Strain had no comment.
Mr. Nelson had no comment.
Mrs. Guy had no comment.
Mrs. Guy adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Ms. Karen Price, Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Dr. Randall H. Groth, Secretary to the Governing Board
kmp 10/13/00