Goal of the Classroom Grants Program
To fund innovative curricular and school projects that enhance educational opportunities for all students in the Shoreline Public Schools District.
All K-12 sites are eligible to apply. One grade level at one school is a Classroom Grant.
Project and/or item(s) must fit one of three categories.
- Bridging the Achievement Gap
- Arts, Music and Diversity Enrichment
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Applicant may apply up to $2,000. Exceptions to grant limits will be considered on a case-by-
case basis.
What the Classroom Grants Review Committee Looks for in a Grant Application
- a detailed project budget
- project actively involves students and can document impact
- project demonstrates a high students-per-dollar-investment ratio
- project funding is beyond the financial capabilities of the district/building
- resource materials for the project are re-usable (i.e., books, software and other materials) and must be an integral part of the project
Criteria for Funding
Projects must include one or more of the following criteria:
- impact a significant number of students
- demonstrate integration of curriculum
- promote racial and/or cultural understanding
- apply learning to life skills
- involve the use of technology
- strengthen the relationship between school and community
- addresses an “at-risk” population
NOTE: The following are not fundable - - professional development, substitute for staff during student contact time, chaperones, food, instrument repair/replacement, capital improvement costs, funding or extending a staff position, and any project or items that qualify for district funds such as technology.
Project Budget
- artist/consultant time at no more than $50 per hour
- artist/consultant pre-time at no more than $20 per hour
- indicate whether District printing and transportation services are used, or specify the name(s) of out-of-district provider(s)
Project Documentation
- notify the Foundation of project/event date
- document your project with photos, video, and student work
- release forms must be on file with the District for photos etc…
- acknowledge the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation, using the logo on this page
as a template; contact the Foundation office for any additional logos or labels
- any assessment model/tool used must be submitted with the final project evaluation; tools may include: instructional rubric, presentation, audience survey, feedback from subject matter expert, etc.
- attach resume* for out-of-district resource personnel to grant application
- artist/consultant must fill out volunteer-background check form
Important Dates
November 1, 2016applications due in the Foundation Office by 4pm
November 21, 2016 notification of awards
December 1, 2016 funds available for projects through District Accounting Office
March 1, 2017ALL Purchase Orders must be submitted to District Accounting Office
March 30, 2017 Spring Event-Breakfast/Lunch selected projects will be displayed
June 1, 2017ALL Extra Payroll Requests must be submitted to District Payroll Office
Application Format/Process
- attach necessary resume(s)*
- submit 1 original signed by principal, teacher, artist and 9 copies (10 total)
- applications must be computer-generated or typed using no smaller than 10 point type
- use only the current year’s application form (Note: If you submit a hand-written proposal it will be rejected.)
- applications must be clear and concise; please spell out all acronyms or abbreviations
- applications may be sent through the District mail or hand-delivered.
- applications must be received at the Foundation Office by 4pm on November 1, 2016
Shoreline Public Schools Foundation
18560 First Avenue N.E., Shoreline, WA 98155
206-393-4107 /info: