AP Bio Syllabus

Mrs. Mindy Cox

Rm. B116


Course Website: itsLearning

Course objectives: AP Biology is designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory biology course. It includes a laboratory/ field investigation component and a research project. AP biology is significantly more demanding than other high school biology courses with respect to textbook reading, lab involvement, and time and effort required by the students. Scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies are illustrated through unifying themes of biology. At least 25% of the course will be dedicated to hands-on laboratory work. Labs provide the students with opportunity to identify and analyze scientific problems, to develop appropriate laboratory skills, to investigate them and to think critically about these problems. The policies of this course are implemented nationally through the College Board AP program. ALL students are expected to take the AP exam in May. If you do not take the AP exam, you will be required to take a cumulative final.

Required materials:

1. In Class Text: AP Edition Biology 11th edition, Mader, Windelspecht 2013

2. Supplemental guide: Students are recommended to purchase a supplemental study guide of their choice to reinforce the text reading.

3. Calculator: A non-graphing calculator is necessary for lab and class work and WILL be allowed on the AP exam.

4. Notebooks:

 Class notebook (binder with dividers)

1 Lab Notebook to be purchased through the science department

*No spiral notebooks accepted. Pages must not be removable.

5. No food or drinks.

Overview of AP Biology Curriculum Framework Big Ideas

  • Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life
  • Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis
  • Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes
  • Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties

AP BIOLOGY EXAMINATION: May 14, 2018 --8:00 AM

The AP Biology examination, provided by the College Board, is three hours in length and is designed to measure a student’s knowledge and understanding of modern biology. The examination consists of

  • A 90-minute, 63 multiple-choice and 6 grid-in, section.
  • This section examines the student’s understanding of representative content and concepts over the entire course.
  • This section requires the integration of science and mathematical skills.
  • A 10-minute reading period
  • A 80-minute free response section
  • Comprised of eight mandatory questions.
  • Two essay questions.
  • Six short response questions.

Most colleges grant credit to students earning a 3, 4 or 5 on the test. Even if you do not choose to forgo the introductory science course, upon acceptance to a college or university, many schools allow students to enroll in honors courses with adequate AP scores.


Grades: Grades are based on a total point system and are the result of student achievement on labs, presentations, research, tests and quizzes. If the homework, quiz, or test is a released AP exam, it will be graded on an AP grading scale. Absolutely no retests.

  • Exams: 60%
  • Quiz and labs: 25%
  • Daily work: 15%

Homework: Each night students are expected to review and summarize class notes, read or complete labs or prepare for tests. To learn what the AP graders are looking for, you will grade your work as well as other student’s work.

There may be weekly quizzes to reflect all homework. These quizzes will usually be given on Mondays.

Tests: The test for each unit is designed to simulate actual AP exams. Each exam will have the following characteristics:

a) Each exam will consist of multiple-choice and 1 to 3 free-response questions. Some longer exams will be given during a double-lab period.

b) All work must be shown for credit on problems and calculations.

c) All free response questions should be answered in complete concise sentences.

Safety policy: AP Bio is a laboratory course and safety is a very high priority. Any misconduct in the lab will receive a “0” for the day’s work and the student will be removed from lab. A Lab Safety Agreement is distributed to all students, signed by students and parents and kept on file.

Labs: A significant portion of the course is devoted to lab and field work. Many labs are “open-ended” inquiries requiring students to describe the problem, develop a hypothesis, design the procedure, collect and analyze data, draw conclusions based upon the data collected and write up the results in a formal report. Students work in groups of two or three for every lab. Lab reports are done individually. Lab, lab handouts and all lab reports will be recorded in the student’s lab composition notebook. There is 1 typed formal lab report each 9 weeks.

Research project: Students will participate in a research project and debate. Students will debate topics on Genetic Engineering and Bioethics. This will be a major grade assignment and all research will be done outside of school. This will take place after the AP exam.

Assignments, absences and make-up policy: All work is due at the beginning of class. Late work is NOT accepted unless the student has an excused absence on the due date or by prior special arrangement. If a student was absent 2 days, he has 2 days to make up missed work. The student is responsible to see the instructor for missed work. Work that is NOT made up will receive a zero. Skipping class will result in a zero for any tests, labs or other work done on that day. Make-up work for extended absences will be coordinated with the instructor.

Extra help: I am available after school. I am here to help you so please don’t hesitate to see me or ask questions if something is not clear.

Points to Ponder:

  • Do you have a STUDY GROUP? It is good to work homework together. The homework counts as little as it does because I expect you to have worked together. However, if you just copy someone else’s homework, you may get a good homework grade, but you will fail the quizzes and/or tests.
  • To get a FIVE on the AP Biology exam  you need 63% correct on the test!
  • To get a THREE on the AP Biology exam  about 45% correct on the test!
  • You will all get one “Drop-A-Homework” every 9 weeks.
  • If you have something going on that will interfere with your ability to turn in work to me…let me know, we will try to work something out.
  • My expectation is that ALL of you to take the AP Biology Exam at the end of the year.

It is a pleasure to have you in my AP Biology class this year! My goal as your teacher is to ensure that each of you has a positive science learning experience! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please let me know either by phone, e-mail, or in person. I have an open door policy… this means that you are always welcome in my room, even if you don’t have any questions or concerns regarding Biology! I am looking forward to a terrific year together! 

Mrs. Cox