Name : Dr. AbdelmutiElmahalGasmelseed
Date of birth: 1/1/1952
Marital status : married , five sons
Education : _
Primary andundergraduate:_
Schools : El_ kalaklaElgalahjounior school and West Jeraif primary school
Intermediate School :MahadAlmie, Omderman
High Secondary Schools : Old Khartoum school and Elgili school
High Education:
Institute of Laboratory Technology (ILT) , Khartoum Polytechnic (now , Sudan University of Science and Technology, SUST ) , Diploma , Microbiology, 1974
Paddington Technical College : Diploma ,Combined Sciences,(1977)
HuddersfieldPolytechnic : Teaching Certifacte (1978)
University of York , School of biology , MSc. , biology , (1983)
University of London , QMWC, PhD, (1995), Molecular biology.
Teaching Posts & Experiences:_
Demonstrator , (1974 _1975) , ILT, KP.
Teaching Assistant (1978 _ 1981), DLT, CESS , Institute of Technical Colleges , ITC, ( now, SUST ) .
Lecturer, (1983 _ 1990), DLT , CESS , ITC .
Assistant Professor, (1995_ 2006), DLT, College of Science , SUST.
Associate Professor , ( 2oo6) .
Head Section of biology , DLT , CESS, ITC, 1985_1989
Head , DLT , CS, SUST, 1995 _ 2001
Dean, College of Medical & Science Laboratory Technology, CMSLT, ( now , CMLS ) , SUST,
Teaching Experience :_
In addition to teaching the students , at both the level of Bsc. & Higher Diploma , on cell biology and Inheritance (CB&I) & molecular biology (MB ), also supervising the graduate and H.Dip. projects , participating in teaching MSc. (Courses ) students , Biochemistry & Microbiology , MB . Part _ time Ass. prof. at OIU ( 4 years) , teaching , both boys & girls , 2nd , 3rd , 4th level students, teaching MB at the CSBMS, also CB&I to 1st year students , College of Pharmacy , Elneelain University, CS&B , (3 years ) , teaching MB to 3rd & 4th year students, and for 2 years teaching CB &I , to the 1ST. year students , CML . I was a member of committees which developed , revised the syllabuses of higher Diploma of Microbiology &Biochemistry and the BSc courses of our College and shared with other colleagues at Al_Ribat , EU ,and U.K University, in revising the molecular biology course of CML .
SUST Boards & Committees:_
Member of the ITC Senate , ITC.(1985 _1989 )
Member of the University Senate , SUST, (1996_ Marc. 2003)
Member of the Deans Board (2001- Marc.2003)
Member of the Graduate College Board ( 2oo1- Marc.2003)
Member of the Academic & Scientific Affairs Committee, (1996_ Mar. 2003)
Workshops Scientific Meetings :
Jordan , ATTE, 1988 , "Using Modern Technical Teaching Methods in Technical & Scientific Education.
British Council , Khartoum , Sudan ,1990, "Departmental Management in KP :
QMWC, London , UK, TPDG, Dec .1990, participated in the accompanied symposium with a poster entitled : " Site_ directed mutagenesis of E.coli hem C gene , ( C242k, C242R , C242G C242M ) , encoding Porphobilinogen deaminase enzyme
University of Cambridge, UK , TPDG , Jan. 1993.
Suez Canal University , UNESCO, USEE Programme , Cairo Office, 1990 , " Biology Consortium"
Suez Canal University , UNESCO, USEE Programme , Cairo Office, 1990 , " How to Teach a Biology Course on the WWW "
Institute of Endemic Diseases , Khartoum, 2000, Course in Bioinformatics "
International Memberships :_
A.IST ( Institute of Science & Technology ), UK.
Member of TPDG ( TheTetrapyrrole Discussion Group ), UK.
I have retired in 2006 , now, I am spending my time in writing some scientific articles , published in the weekly newspaper , El_muharir , on some important topics in my field , biotechnology , for the benefit of the public and those who interested in the subject and on other issues facing our country and our region at large , finally I am trying hard to finish the script of some books which I started editing their main topics and contents earlier , some years ago .