Assistant Professor Flat 2B, Shivam Apartment

Department of Botany, Presidency University, AF/2 Jyangra

86/1 College Street ,Kolkata-700073. Kolkata 700059

West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal, INDIA

Phone: 91-09831806738; E-mail: 91-33-25709693


·  B.Sc with Botany Honours from University of Calcutta, 1995

·  M.Sc in Botany from University of Calcutta, 1997

·  Ph.D (2006) Thesis entitled “Biochemical and Molecular Analysis of Mechanism of Polyamine Action in Rice cultivars in response to salinity stress” to Jadavpur University under the Supervision of Prof. D.N.Sengupta Division of Plant Biology, Bose Institute. Kolkata-700009.

·  Post Doctoral Experience: “Structure and Functional Analysis of a 42 kDa protein from rice cultivar” as a DBT-Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India. 2006 (6 months).


·  Received National Scholarship in B.Sc. and M.Sc from Calcutta University for being a University rank holder.

·  Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-1997), with subjects Chemistry, Microbiology, and Biochemistry; conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, INDIA.

·  Qualified State Level Eligibility Test for Lecturer (2001), conducted by College Service Commission, West Bengal, India.

·  Qualified the prestigious National Eligibility Test for Lecturer and Junior Research Fellowship (NET-JRF, 2001), conducted by Council for Scientific & Industrial Research and University Grants Commission (CSIR & UGC), New Delhi, INDIA.

·  Was amongst the top 25 selected for the prestigious Shyama Prasad Mukherjee award 2001, conducted by Council for Scientific & Industrial Research and University Grants Commission (CSIR & UGC), New Delhi, INDIA.

·  ReceivedRaman Fellowshipfrom UGC to visit and work inBoyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, New York, USA.(August'2013 - July 2014)

Professional Experience

·  Assistant Professor in Presidency University, Kolkata 18th Dec, 2012-Till Date

·  Assistant Professor in West Bengal Education Service. 2006-17th Dec, 2012

Ph.D supervisor ofMs. Saswati Saha(Ph.D. registration from Jadavpur University under joint supervision with Dr. Mahua Ghosh Chaudhuri, [Co-Guide: School of Materials Science Nanotechnology, Jadavpur University]).Thesis title: ‘Synthesis of multifarious biologically fabricated silver nanoparticles, their characterization and application’

Research Grants

1.  Co-Investigator in a Major Research Project entitled “Conservation & Documentation of Wild Biodiversity in Bethune College Campus & Surroundings” funded by West Bengal Biodiversity Board [506/3K(BIO)-4/2009 dated 09.12.2009], Govt. of West Bengal, India, started from February 2010. Duration: Three Years. Amount: Rs.8, 00,000/-. Man power: Two Project Fellows. Completed

2.  Principal Investigator of University Grants Commission (UGC) New Delhi, funded project entitled, “Identification and documentation of microbes from sewage effluents of different localities in Kolkata” UGC-MRP No: F.W.PSW-042/10-11(ERO) started from November, 2010.Duration: One and half years. Amount: Rs. 1, 47,000/- . Completed

3.  Raman Fellowshipfrom UGC to visit and work inBoyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, New York, USA.(August'2013 - July 2014) Project title : Studying the signaling mechanism of SnRk during salt stress by high-throughput protein microarray. Rs 11 lakhs Completed

4.  Principal Investigator in DST-SERB Major Research Project entitled “Study the molecular mechanism of Polyamine action during salinity stress in indica rice cultivars” 2013-2016SERB/LS-553/2012. Rs 23 Lakhs

5.  Principal InvestigatorinUGC BSRproject entitled'Biochemical and Molecular Analysis of Mechanism of Polyamine Action in Rice cultivars in response to salinity stress'(Rs. 6 Lakhs) 2014-2016

6.  Co Principal-Investigator in Multi-Institutional DBT (RGYI) sanctioned Major Research Project entitled “Molecular dissection of Polyamine mediated hyperosmotic stress tolerance in cultivars of Indica rice”. 2013-2016. BT/PR6031/GBD/27/374/2012 dated 02/12/2013 Rs 17.75 Lakhs

7.  Co-Investigator in West Bengal Dept. of Science & Technology Major Research Project (3 years) 2013-2016 Principal Investigator: Dr. Bhaskar Gupta, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Presidency University. (Rs. 23 Lakhs approx)


1.  Saha J, Brauer EK, Sengupta A, Popescu SC, Gupta K and Gupta B* (2015) Polyamines as redox homeostasis regulators during salt stress in plants.Front. Environ.

2.  Saha J, SenguptaA,Gupta K,Gupta B*(2015) Molecular phylogenetic study and expression analysis of ATP-binding cassette transporter gene family in Oryza sativa in response to salt stress.Computational Biology & Chemistry(ELSEVIER) 54:18-32

3.  Saha J, Gupta K*,Gupta B*(2015)Phylogenetic analyses and evolutionary relationships ofSaracaasocawith their allied taxa (Tribe-Detarieae) based on the chloroplastmatKgene.Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology(Springer-Verlag) 24(1):

4.  Saha J, Gupta K*,Gupta B*(2014) A new insight into the phylogeny of vascular cryptogams with special reference toSelaginellaandIsoetesinferred from nuclear ITS/5.8S rDNA sequences.Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology23(2): 167-174(Springer-Verlag)

5.  Saha J, Chatterjee C, Sengupta A, Gupta K*,Gupta B*(2014) Genome-wide analysis and evolutionary study of sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) gene family members inArabidopsisandOryza.Computational Biology and Chemistry(Elsevier) 49:59–

6.  Gupta K, Sengupta A, Saha J, andGupta B(2014)The attributes of RNA interference in relation to plant abiotic stress tolerance.Gene Technology(OMICS Publishing group) 3:1 (Accepted: In Press)

7.  Saha J,Gupta K*, Gupta B* (2013) In silico characterization and evolutionary analysis of CCAAT binding proteins in the lycophyte plantSelaginellamoellendorffiigenome: a rowing comparative genomics resource.Computational Biology and Chemistry(Elsevier) [Accepted: InPress]

8.  Saha J,Gupta K*,Gupta B*(2013)Phylogenetic analyses and evolutionary relationships ofSaracaasocawith their allied taxa (Tribe-Detarieae) based on the chloroplastmatK gene.Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology(Springer-Verlag) [In-Press]

9.  Saha J, Mukherjee S,Gupta K*,Gupta B*(2013) High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Antioxidants Present in Different Parts ofSaracaasoca (Roxb.) de Wilde.Journal of Pharmacy Research(Elsevier)[Accepted: In-Press]

10.  Gupta B, Sengupta A, Saha J,Gupta K(2013) Plant Abiotic Stress: ‘Omics’ Approach.J Plant Biochem Physiol1: e108. (Invited Editorial Article: In-Press)

11.  Gupta B*, Saha J, SenguptaA,Gupta K (2013)Recent Advances on Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS): Plant Functional Genomics.Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology(OMICS Publishing Group) 1:e116.[INVITED EDITORIAL]

12.  Saha J,Gupta K, Gupta B (2013) A new insight into the phylogeny of vascular cryptogams with special reference toSelaginellaandIsoetesinferred from nuclear ITS/5.8S rDNA sequences.Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology(Springer-Verlag) [In-Press]

13.  Gupta K, Dey A, Gupta B (2013) Plant polyamines in abiotic stress responses.Acta Physiol.Plant. (Springer-Verlag) [In-Press]

14.  Gupta B,Gupta K, Mukherjee S (2013) Lipase production bySerratia marcescensstrain SN5gR isolated from thescatoflion tailedmacaque (Macaca silenus) in Silent Valley National Park, a biodiversity hotspot in India. Annals of Microbiology (Springer-Verlag) [In-Press]

15.  Gupta K*, Chatterjee C, Gupta B (2012) Isolation and characterization of heavy metal tolerantGram positivebacteria withbioremedialproperties from municipal waste rich soil of Kestopur Canal (Kolkata),West Bengal, India.Biologia67(5):827-836 (Springer-Versita)

16.  Gupta B,Gupta K*and Sengupta DN (2012b) Spermidine mediated in vitro phosphorylation of transcriptional regulator OSBZ8 by SNF1-type serine/threonine protein kinase SAPK4 homologue inindicarice.Acta Physiol. Plant.34(4):1321– first author)

17.  Gupta K*, Gupta B, Ghosh B and Sengupta DN (2012a) Spermidine and abscisic acid-mediated phosphorylation of a cytoplasmic protein from rice root in response to salinity stress.Acta Physiol. Plant.34(1)

18.  Saha J, Mitra T,Gupta K, Mukherjee S (2012) Evaluation ofphytoconstituentsand HPTLC studies onSaracaasoca(roxb.)Wilde.International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences4(2) 96-99.

19.  Mitra T, Saha J,Gupta Kand Mukherjee S (2011)Antioxidant activity study of the flowers of Saracaasoca(Roxb.)Wilde.Emerging Trends in Plant Science (ISBN- 978-93-80673-52-3) Edition 1, 96-101

20.  Saha J, Sadhukhan P, Mukherjee R, Jele M, Ray RS,Gupta K, Mukherjee S and Mukherjee S (2011). Conservation and proliferation of butterflies. Emerging Trends in Plant Science ( ISBN- 978-93-80673-52-3) Edition 1, 123-127

21.  Saha J., MitraT. ,Gupta K. ,Mukherjee S (2011)Evaluation of Antioxidants in the Methanolic Extracts of Flower, Bark and Leaf of Saracaasoca(Roxb.)Wilde by DPPH and HPTLC assay. International Conference on Ecotoxicology and EnvironmentalSciences 263-267

22.  Gupta B andGupta K(2010) Characterization of microbes from sewage effluents. Proceedings of UGC-Sponsored National Symposium on Recent Trends in Microbiological Research, Rashtraguru Surendranath College Barrackpore: 13-14.

23.  Basu S, Ghosh S, Gupta B andGupta K(2009) Isolation and biochemicalchararacterizationof lead and chromium tolerant bacteria from contaminated soil and their role as potentialbioremediator. Proceedings of DST-Sponsored National Symposium on Dimensions of Animal Science Researches and Human Need; UGC, Presidency College (Kolkata): 48-55

24.  Roy P,Niyogi K, Sengupta DN and Ghosh B (2005) Spermidine treatment to rice seedlings recovers salinitystress induceddamage of Plasma membrane and PM-bound H+-ATPase insalt-tolerantandsalt sensitiveRice cultivars.Plant first author)


1.  Saha J., Mitra T. , Gupta K. , Mukherjee S. Evaluation of Antioxidants in the Methanolic Extracts of Flower, Bark and Leaf of Saraca asoca(Roxb.)Wilde by DPPH and HPTLC assay. International Conference on Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sciences , 2011. 263-267

2.  Gupta B and Gupta K (2010) Characterization of microbes from sewage effluents. Proceedings of UGC-Sponsored National Symposium on Recent Trends in Microbiological Research, Rashtraguru Surendranath College Barrackpore: 13-14

3.  Basu S, Ghosh S, Gupta B and Gupta K (2009) Isolation and biochemical chararacterization of lead and chromium tolerant bacteria from contaminated soil and their role as potential bioremediator. Proceedings of DST-Sponsored National Symposium on Dimensions of Animal Science Researches and Human Need; UGC, Presidency College (Kolkata): 48-55


·  Gupta,B., Gupta, K. and Sengupta, D.N. (2006) Oryza sativa (indica cultivargroup) serine kinase mRNA, complete cds; DQ408431

·  Gupta K and Gupta B (2011); 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; JN392001-JN392013

PUBLICATIONS ( Invited Review Articles/Book Chapters)

·  Dey A, Gupta K, Gupta B. Role of Polyamines in Plant-Pathogen Interactions. In: Gill SS & Anjum NA (eds), Amino Acids and Their Derivatives: Significance for Plant Stress Adaptations, Springer-Verlag (Provisionally accepted)

·  Gupta K, Dey A, Gupta B*. Plant polyamines in abiotic stress responses. (Communicated:*Corresponding author) Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (Accepted)

·  Gupta B*, Gupta K, Huang B. Role of Polyamines in Plant Abiotic Stress Responses. In: Pessarakli M (ed), Handbook of Crop Stress Physiology, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), U.S.A (Under Review)