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LSUHSC School of Medicine - New Orleans Administrative Council Minutes Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Present: Drs. Batson, Coleman, England, Kaye, Bok, Haas, McClugage, McDonough, Molina, Osofsky, Ramsay, Sanders, Vander Heide, Varner, Weiss, Young, Backes, Letourneau, Bazan, Ochoa, Gregory, Mclean, English, Neumann, and Ms. Sibley, and Mr. Leingang. Also in attendance: Ms. Cole, Ms. Blanchard, Mr. White, and Mr. Bode.

Presiding: Dr. Letourneau

Excused: Drs. Hilton, Nelson, Fontenot.

Voting in absentia: Drs. Nelson, Fontenot.


Dr. Janis Letourneau

Dr. Letourneau called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm.


Leadership Seminars

Ors. Richard Vander Heide and Letourneau

Today we will conduct the first the Leadership Seminar series of the year with a session on sexual harassment; representatives from the Human Resource Department will lead the discussion. The November seminar will be facilitated by an external consultant, Dr. Dan Wheeler, who will also meet with a number of individuals and small groups with an effort to assess and to advise on internal organizational communication. The December seminar will focus on accreditation initiatives.

Pink Out Day

Dr. Janis Letourneau

The Women in Medicine Committee and AWIS will kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a campus wide Pink Out Day on October 3. They are also organizing a team for the Komen Race later in the month.

Medical Student Research Day Dr. Paula Gregory

Medical Student Research Day is scheduled for Monday, October 8. Two major awards will be made, allowing the presenting students to attend the National Student Research Forum or to receive the LSMS travel award. Several judges that will participate are representing LSMS.

New Faculty Orientation Dr. Paula Gregory

The New Faculty Orientation Program is scheduled for the afternoon of October 8. Department Heads were asked to encourage their new faculty members to participate.

Benefits Update Mr. George White

OGB changes for calendar year 2015 were presented with the various health care options the major topic of discussion. The enrollment period has been extended for an additional month for health benefits with the change in health benefits delayed to March 1, 2015; open enrollment for other benefits will remain unchanged. Additional employee information sessions have been added at most sites. HRM benefits staff members are available to help faculty and staff members work through individual issues and/or concerns.

Clinical On-Boarding Dr. Janis Letourneau

New Clinical Science faculty members cannot be placed on payroll or allowed to start work in any capacity until all terms of the offer letters have been satisfied; this includes all listed hospital appointments , credentialing by LSUHN, licensing, and drug testing clearance. A single authority in the department (ideally the department head) should be identified as the individual that sets the start date and communicates directly with the prospective faculty member on the precise date. Departmental staff members responsible for working with new clinical faculty hires need to be mindful that most of our partner hospitals currently utilize a pre-application process; this adds at least 3-6 weeks to the on­ boarding timeline.

Leadership Searches Dr. Janis Letourneau

Two orthopaedics department head candidates will have completed their second visits by the end of this week; both candidates remain very interested in the position and in the commitment that the UMC administration will make in regard to the department. A second visit for the leading candidate for the genetics department head position has been scheduled. Advertisements for the pediatrics department head position are now posted and some candidates have already submitted their application materials. A draft offer has been sent to the finalist candidate for the section head of hematology/oncology. First round interviews have also been completed for the section head of pediatric cardiology .

Clinical Partnerships and General Operational Update Dr. Janis Letourneau

Discussions continue regarding the commitments of our new clinical partners to the academic mission and development of full time faculty positions at all campuses of the School of Medicine. The new UMC will open in mid May 2015, with a day of overlapping operations for the transition. Clinical departments may wish to adjust clinical faculty staffing and leave during the transition period. Planning for development of UMC clinical service lines continues; how this will impact the character and composition of medical staff leadership is uncertain, but several references to changing leadership have been made by ILH hospital administrators. The UMC board and ILH administration have agreed to a simplified Conflict Management Process that will be presented to the Medical Executive Committee for approval later this week.


Advanced Rank Appointments Dr. Janis Letourneau

The following candidate was presented to Administrative Council for a vote following approval by the Appointments and Promotions Committee:

Yes No

Douglas A. Canning, MD Visiting Professor Department of Urology Gratis

*With proxy votes.

20* 0


Dr. Janis Letourneau

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

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stevelson, MD Dean