Bd. Marasti 61, 011464 Bucharest, ROMANIA
Bank account RON: RO 58 RZBR 0000 0600 0066 7291Bank account USD: RO 77 RZBR 0000 0600 0423 8780
Bank account EURO: RO 72 RZBR 0000 0600 0823 2958
Fiscal code: 5.441.911 / Tel: +40-21-318.44.60
Fax: +40-21-318.43.48
Iasi, Romania, 23 - 29 August, 2009
second announcement
Conference organizers /Scientific committee
Romanian National Society of Soil Science, Bucharest“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University
“Al. I. Cuza” Iasi University- Faculty of Geography and Geology
National Institute for Research and Development in Pedology, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection (ICPA) Bucharest
Romanian Academy-Iasi; Branch
Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Academy - Iasi Branch / Prof. PhD Gerard Jitareanu, Executive president of S.N.R.S.S., State secretary (ANCS), Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation
Prof. PhD Mihail Dumitru, President of RNSSS, Director of National Institute for Research and Development in Pedology, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection (ICPA) Bucharest, member of the Agricultural and Forestry Studies Academy
Prof. PhD Constantin Rusu, executive vice-president of RNSSS; Faculty of Geography and Geology, University “Al.I.Cuza” Iasi
Prof. PhD Valeriu Moca, President of Iasi Branch of RNSSS, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Assoc. Prof. PhD Feodor Filipov, Vice-president of Iasi Branch of RNSSS, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Ioan Munteanu, PhD, Honorary vice-president of RNSSS, member of the Agricultural and Forestry Studies Academy
Prof. PhD Nicolae Florea, National Institute for Research and Development in Pedology, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection (ICPA) Bucharest
Prof. PhD Radu Lacatusu- Faculty of Geography and Geology, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi; member of the Agricultural and Forestry Studies Academy
Constantin Craciun, PhD, National Institute for Research and Development in Pedology, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection (ICPA) Bucharest
Daniela Raducu, PhD, National Institute for Research and Development in Pedology, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection (ICPA) Bucharest
Rasnoveanu Ion, PhD, National Institute for Research and Development in Pedology, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection (ICPA) Bucharest
Valentin Cotet, PhD, National Institute for Research and Development in Pedology, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection (ICPA) Bucharest
Ionut Vasiliniuc, PhD student- Faculty of Geography and Geology, University „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi
Iasi County Council
Vaslui County Council
Neamt County Council
Suceava County Council
Agriculture and Rural Development Direction, Iasi
Agriculture and Rural Development Direction, Vaslui
Agriculture and Rural Development Direction, Neamt
Agriculture and Rural Development Direction, Suceava
Forestry Office, Iasi
Forestry Office, Vaslui
Forestry Office, Neamt
Forestry Office, Suceava
Iasi County Office for Pedology and Agrochemistry
Vaslui County Office for Pedology and Agrochemistry
Neamt County Office for Pedology and Agrochemistry
Suceava County Office for Pedology and Agrochemistry
Executive organization committee
1. Prof. PhD Gerard Jitareanu -Executive president of S.N.R.S.S., State secretary (ANCS), Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation
2. Prof. PhD Mihail Dumitru-President of S.N.R.S.S., director of I.N.C.D.P.A.P.M.(I.C.P.A.), Bucharest;
3. Prof. PhD Constantin Rusu-Executive vice-president of S.N.R.S.S.;
4. Prof. PhD Valeriu Moca-President of Iasi Branch of S.N.R.S.S.;
5. Assoc. Prof. PhD Feodor Filipov-Vice-president of Iasi Branch of S.N.R.S.S.;
6. Constantin Craciun, PhD-Secretary general of S.N.R.S.S.;
7.Prof. PhD Radu Lacatusu - I.N.C.D.P.A.P.M.(I.C.P.A.),Bucharest;
8. Daniela Raducu, PhD - I.N.C.D.P.A.P.M.(I.C.P.A.), Bucharest;
9. Ion Rasnoveanu, PhD - I.N.C.D.P.A.P.M.(I.C.P.A.), Bucharest
10. Valentina Cotet, PhD- Secretary of S.N.R.S.S.;
11. Ionut Vasilniuc -Secretary of S.N.R.S.S. Iasi Branch;
12. Eng.Maftei Gheorghe- O.J.S.P.A. Iasi;
13. Eng. Romascanu Maria - O.J.S.P.A Vaslui;
14. Eng. Burlacu Ioan- O.J.S.P.A. Neamt;
15. Eng. Curalet Adrian- O.J.S.P.A. Suceava.
Soil physics and technology
Soil chemistry and mineralogy
Soil biology
Soil fertility and plant nutrition
Soil genesis, classification and mapping
Soils and the environment
The 19th symposium „Soil forming factors and processes in the temperate region”
1. Soil genesis and classification; Soil mapping and geography
2. Soil physics, chemistry and mineralogy
3. Soil biology, microbiology, biodiversity and ecology
4. Soil tillage and water conservation (ISTRO)
5. Organic matter, soil fertility and plant nutrition
6. Soils and extreme climatic phenomena
7. Forestry in relation to soils and forestry stations
8. Soil evaluation and land use planning
9. Soil conservation and protection
10. Soil degradation, remediation and amendment technologies
11. Soils and land improvement measures
12. Soils and environment, soil quality, soil monitoring
13. Soils and human health
14. Soil’s importance is society, education and public awareness
15. Mathematical modeling and informatics in soil science
16. Land use and soil protection policies in Romania; European perspectives
17. Rural development
- Plenary sessions:15 minutes + 10 minutes discussions
- Topic sessions: 10 minutes + 5 minute discussions
- Poster dimensions: 90 cm width, 110 cm height
1.The paper title and an abstract of maximum 1500 characters,in English, prepared according to the norms from Annex I, will be sent till April 15th, 2009, to the following address:
Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3, Cod 700490, Iasi, ROMANIA
Fax: 0040-0232-260650
Tel: 0040-0232-407450; Mobile: 0723/147848; E-mail: .
Tel. 0040 743029112, E-mail: ,
2.The notification regarding presentation acceptance will be sent to the authors tillMay 15th, 2009.
3.For the paper presentations will be available the following technical equipments:laptops, video projectors, poster boards.
1.Papers,written in Romanian or English according to the norms from Annex II, will be presented to the secretaries of the conference in electronic form in the day of the presentation, or will be sent till December 15th, 2009.
2.Presented papers, including the posters, will be published in the volumes of the conference.
3.The paper contents must present concrete problems regarding the manifestation themes(1-17); respect the structure evidenced through subtitles, all in a number of maximum 12-14 pages, according to the norms from Annex II.
4.The papers that do not respect the submission form or those that haven’t been presented during the sessions will not be published.
Presenting: / - persons participating only to the sessions: 150 euro- persons participating to sessions and field application: 350 euro
Accompanying : / 25 euros/day (meals)
1. The participation fee payment must be done till April 1st, 2009 (early registration - 100%) orMay 1st2009(late registration - 120%).
2. Registration fee payment will be done in the accounts of SNRSS, as follows:
RON: RO 58 RZBR 0000 0600 0066 7291, RAIFFEISENBANK
USD: RO 77 RZBR 0000 0600 0423 8780,RAIFFEISENBANK
EURO: RO 72 RZBR 0000 0600 0823 2958,RAIFFEISENBANK
Fiscal code: 5.441.911
3. Please specify: “Conferinta a XIX-a, S.N.R.S.S.”
4. After the registration fee payment, please send a copy (scan) of the bank receipt on one of the following addresses:; ,
- The registration fee covers the following expenses:
-admission to all scientific sessions;
-the conference program and the abstract volume;
-the guide of the field applications (two volumes with a general presentation of the North-East Region, and the description of the soil profiles);
-personalized backpack, badge, touristic information booklets; CDsetc.;
-the volumes with the papers presented at the conference;
-breakfast and dinner;festive dinners in Iasi and Vatra Dornei;
-transportation during the field applications.
6. For the registration fees, SNRSS will provide a receipt / voucher for the expense account.
7. Accommodation during the conference papers and the transportation to and from Iasi will be paid by the participants.
8. In the case of eventual problems, the registration fee will be returned as follows:90% of the fee if announced 60 days before the conference;75% if announced 30 days before the conference.
Sunday August 23rd, 2009 / 1500-1900: Registration of the participants: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, 3 M. Sadoveanu1900-2100 Dinner - Restaurant UASVM Iasi
Day IMonday, August
24th, 2009 / 830- 1000 / Registration of participants
1000- 1145 / Ceremonial opening -Great Hall ofUASVM Iasi
1145- 1215 / Coffee break
1215- 1330 / Plenary sessions
1330- 1500 / Lunch- Restaurant UASVM Iasi
1500- 1700 / Topic sessions- part I
1700- 1730 / Coffee break
1730- 1900 / Topic sessions - part II
1900- 1930 / Session elections
2000- 2130 / Dinner - Restaurant UASVM Iasi
Day IIThursday August 25th,
2009 / 830- 1100 / Topic sessions - part III
1100- 1130 / Coffee break
1130- 1300 / Topic sessions - part IV
1330- 1500 / Lunch- Restaurant UASVM Iasi
1500- 1700 / Visiting Iasi
1700- 1800 / Poster presentations
1800- 2030 / General assembly of S.N.R.S.S.
2100- 2300 / Festive diner- Cantina Restaurant UASVM Iasi
(Iasi, Vaslui, Neamt, suceava Counties)
Day IIIWednesday,August 26th, 2009 / Area- / Moldavian Plateau: Jijia - Prut Floodplain;Central Moldavian Plateau;Husi Depression; Barlad Floodplain; Falciu Hills;
Route: / Iasi-Osoi-Raducaneni-Albita-Rasesti-Valea Grecului-Husi-Crasna-Stramtura-Banca-Dodesti-Rosiesti-Crasna-Vaslui-Iasi
4soil profiles:Osoi-profile1, Rasesti-Valea Grecului-profile2, Stramtura-Lunca Barladului-profile3, Padurea Idrici- profiles4A and 4B
- visit to Husi Bishopric;
- visitto Podu Înalt -Vaslui Monument;
Breakfast- Iasi. Lunch - „Dimitrie Cantemir” Restaurant, Husi. Dinner- „Racova”Restaurant, Vaslui.
Day IV, Thursday, August 27th, 2009 / Area - / Moldavian Plateau: Jijia Plain; Bahlui - Bahluiet Valleys; Dealul Mare - Harlau
Route: / Iasi-Breazu-Horlesti-Letcani-Sarca-Targu Frumos-Cotnari-Harlau-Cotnari-Cucuteni-Targu Frumos-Iasi
5soil profiles: Marzesti Forest-Breazuprofile5, S.C.D.P. Iasi-Sarca-profile6, Cotnari Vineyard- profiles7, 8and 9;
- visitto S.C.D.P. Iasi - Sarca;
- visitto S.C. „Cotnari” S.A.;
- visittoCucuteni History and Archeology Museum;
Breakfast - Iasi. Lunch -S.C. „Cotnari” S.A., Dinner- Ciric Restaurant, Iasi
DuringAugust 23-27, 2009, accommodation is assured in Iasi.
Day VFriday,
August 28th, 2009 / Area - / Central Moldavian Plateau; Moldavian Subcarpathians;Stanisoarei Mts.
Route: / Iasi-Podu Iloaiei-Targu Frumos-Strunga-Miclauseni-Hanu Ancutei-Razboieni-Stefan cel Mare-Girov-Piatra Neamt
3soil profiles: Stefan cel Mare-profile10; Girov-Valeni- profiles 11 and12;
- visiting Piatra Neamt;
Breakfast- Iasi. Lunch- Restaurant College „Gh. Cartianu” Piatra Neamt. Dinner- Hotel Restaurant Ceahlau, Piatra Neamt
On August 28th, accommodation is assured in Piatra Neamt
Day VISaturday,
August 29th, 2009 / Area - / Moldavian Subcarpathians; Moldova Valley; Falticeni Plateau; Obcinile Bucovinei; Bistrita Aurie Valley; Dornelor Depression
Route: / Piatra Neamt-Varatec-Filioara-Agapia-Targu Neamt-Boroaia-Spataresti-Cornu Luncii-Gura Humorului-Voronet-Gura Humorului-Vama-Campulung Moldovenesc-Pasul Mestecanis-Iacobeni-Vatra Dornei
4 soil profiles: Spataresti- profiles13and 14;Valea Putnei -profile15andMestecanis Pass - profile 16
- visittoVaratic Monastery;
- visit to Agapia Monastery;
- visitto Spataresti Ecologic Farm;
- visitto Voronet Monastery;
Breakfast- Piatra Neamt;Lunch- Voronet-Gura Humorului. Festive dinner- Vatra Dornei.
On August 29th, accommodation is assured in Vatra Dornei.
On August 30th- departure of the participants.
IASI: August 23-27, 2009
HOTEL / Room type / Number of available rooms / Price/Euro*/
Person/day / Option
GRAND HOTEL TRAIAN 4**** / single / 14 / 70
double / 34 / 45
double in single regime / 80
ASTORIA 3*** / single / 10 / 60
double / 26 / 35
double in single regime / 65
STUDIS 2** / Apartments with two separated double rooms, bath and kitchen / 45 / 25
* Prices include breakfast for Grand Hotel Traian andHotel Astoria
* For Hotel Studis breakfast is assured at Grand Hotel Traian and Hotel Astoria.
* The doubles are half with matrimonial bed and half with separate beds.
PIATRA NEAMT: 28 august 2009
HOTEL / Room type / Number of available rooms / Price/Euro*/
Person/day / Option
CeahlAu 3*** / single / 40 / 40
double / 80 / 35
double in single regime / 50
*Prices include breakfast.
VATRA DORNEI: 29 august 2009
HOTEL / Room type / Number of available rooms / Price/Euro*/
Person/day / Option
Complex Bradul-Calimani 3*** / double / 25
double in single regime / 35
* For Bradul-Calimani Complex is assured free access to pool.
1. Icar Tourstourism agency assures the accommodation offer.
Contact person: Alina Hongu. Address: Anastasie Panu Street nr. 29, Iasi, Tel. 0232 216319, Fax 0232 276960, E-mail: .
2. To insure accommodation, participants should make an advanced payment of 30%, in the following accounts:
euro:RO34 INGB 0008 0081 5126 0717,ING Bank;
RON:RO85 INGB 0008 0081 5126 8917,ING Bank;
EURO: RO06 RZBR 0000 0600 0477 1618, Raiffeisen Bank;
RON: RO28 RZBR 0000 0600 0477 1610,Raiffeisen Bank.
3. The advanced payment will be done till May 1st, 2009.
4. The difference in the accommodation fee (70%) will be advanced during the conference.
5. The accommodation of the participants on room types will be made according to the order of the advanced payment.
6. The accommodation fees for the foreign participants are subject to a currency risk of 3%.
Contact address:
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu, nr. 3, Iasi, 700490, Romania.
Conference secretary:
Prof. Valeriu Moca
Tel. 0040 0232 407435; Mobile: 0740 626733; E-mail:
Assoc. prof. Feodor Filipov
Tel. 0040 232 407450; Mobile: 0723 147848; E-mail: ,
PhD student Vasiliniuc
Tel. 0040 743029112, E-mail: ,
Bd. Marasti 61, 011464 Bucharest, ROMANIA
Bank account RON: RO 58 RZBR 0000 0600 0066 7291Bank account USD: RO 77 RZBR 0000 0600 0423 8780
Bank account EURO: RO 72 RZBR 0000 0600 0823 2958
Fiscal code: 5.441.911 / Tel: +40-21-318.44.60
Fax: +40-21-318.43.48
UniversitY of agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3, Cod700490, Iasi,ROMANIA
Fax: 0040-0232-260650
Tel: 0040-0232-407435; Mobile: 0740/626733; E-mail:
Tel: 0040-0232-407450; Mobile: 0723/147848; E-mail:
Iasi, Romania, 23 - 29 August, 2009
Name and surname......
Address ………......
Tel:...... Fax:......
E-mail...... …......
Paper title:......
Paper authors:......
Topic (1-17) ......
Presentation form (oral or poster):………………………………………………………………….
Attendance (alone or accompanied)………………………………………………………………..
Accommodation: / August 23rd / August 24th / August 25th / August 26thAugust 27th / August 28th / August 29th
The registration form should be sent to one of the conference secretaries up to June 1st, 2009.
The hotel types and the fees are those presented in the present circular. Please mark your options.