SLA 13-05-2013 Rev 4.1

Licensed OrganisationService Level Agreement TEMPLATE

This agreement sets out the arrangements and requirements by which (insert centre name)………….. ……………………… The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award centre will operate DofEprogrammes under the Operating Authority licence as granted to(enter LO name)…………………………………………by The Award Scheme Limited (ASL) on behalf of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Charity. This certification of the DofE centre/group clearly states the expectations from both the centre/group and the Licensed Organisation(LO).

The LOdoes not have to use this as a template, but it might be helpful for those providers who do not currently have a Service Level Agreement(SLA) in place.

When the LO and centre have agreed to this SLA, a centre certificate should be provided by the LO, to the centre.

The Licensed Organisation will:


  • Ensure that adequate insurance is in place to cover young people and the activities they undertake during their DofE programme.
  • Provide advice and information on insurance matters for DofE centres/groups.


  • Agree expedition staff numbers and qualifications with the centre.
  • Approve all expeditions in a timely manner following a process agreed with the DofE centre/group and ensure that proposed expeditions meet the DofE’s 20 conditions of the Expedition section as set out in the up-to-date Handbook for DofE Leaders.
  • Check expedition notification forms and approve those that comply with Licensed Organisation policies and guidance that are received within the specified time periods.
  • Monitor a random sample of expeditions to ensure that they comply with the expedition requirements.
  • Check and approve all Supervisors and Assessors for expeditions in accordance with agreed standards and timescales and keep a record of them.
  • Provide advice and support on rearranging any expedition that cannot be approved.

Approving Awards, monitoring and record keeping

  • Reviewthe participant’s DofE programme through eDofE, and either confirm that the Award can be granted, or query any details necessary.
  • Be responsible for issuing certificates and badges on completion of Awards and make these available within two weeks of verifying that the DofE programme has been completed.
  • Forward any Gold Notification Forms or process Gold Award approvals within eDofE to the relevant DofE Office within two weeks of receiving them and after verifying that all DofE requirements and sectional conditions have been met.
  • Maintain a system for presenting Awards to young people and hold [insert frequency here] presentations per year to celebrate the young people’s achievements.
  • Monitor the quality of Awards, programme delivery and adherence to this agreement including visits and process checks to the DofE centre.
  • Feed back their findings to the group within 20 working days of the visit taking place.

Support and advice

  • Supply, or encourage the DofE centre Co-ordinator to buy current copies ofThe Handbook for DofE Leaders and The DofE Expedition Guide.
  • Supply the DofE Co-ordinator/Leader with a named contact (and supply their contact details), who will provide advice and guidance on all aspects of DofE programmes.
  • Provide the centre withParticipation Places within two weeks of receiving the order.
  • Provide the centre with publicity material etc. on request.


  • Provide guidance on the relevant training for roles, in line with the DofE’s modular training framework and provide access to necessary training.
  • Support the Co-ordinator/Leader through their induction programme and continued development.
  • Agree guidelines for staff qualifications, experience, safeguarding, training and equal opportunities with the centre.

The DofE centre will:


  • Use eDofE to manage and support the achievement of DofE Awards by young people.


  • Appoint a DofE Co-ordinator/ DofE Leader who will be the main contact between the Licensed Organisation and the DofE centre.
  • Ensure they have sufficient staffing to run activities safely (the LO may wish to put their ratio of young people to Leaders in here)using procedures agreed with the LO.
  • Ensure that all staff and volunteers undertake the necessary safe guarding and training to maintain the correct level of safety and quality of DofEprogrammes for all young people in their DofE centre, in accordance with LO policies.
  • Ensure all DofE Co-ordinators/ DofE Leaders will take part in the Licensed Organisation’sinduction programme for new staff, including any necessary training either during the probationary period, or afterwards, as agreed.
  • Notify any changes in staff to the Licensed Organisation immediately.
  • Keep accurate records of all staff and volunteers approved to deliver DofE activities.


  • Ensure that they have adequate insurance cover for all aspects of DofEprogrammes organised or delivered by the DofE centre in accordance with LO policies.


  • Ensure that proposed expeditions meet the 20 conditions of the DofE Expedition section as set out in The Handbook for DofE Leaders (or that a variation has been obtained from the LO).
  • Process and approve allexpeditions and outdoor activities in line with agreed centre practices and procedures. Approval must come from the Head, Governors, Director or Chair of the organisation as agreed by the LO.
  • Carry out all expeditions and outdoor activities in accordance with the Licensed Organisation’s outdoor education and activities policies and procedures, as agreed with the DofE centre.
  • Ensure all expeditions are approved by the LO by a process and timescale to be agreed by the LO and the DofE centre.
  • Ensure the DofE Charity is notified of all expeditions taking place in DofE wild country areas and outside of the UK following the timescales and procedures set out on the DofE website.

Approving Awards, monitoring and record keeping

  • Verify that the participant has completed their DofE programme in accordance with the guiding principles and timescales as set out in the current issue of The Handbook for DofE Leaders, before the participant’s Award is submitted to the LO for approval.
  • Ensure any Participation Place issued by the Licensed Organisation will not be assigned to another participant.
  • Use eDofE to support participants to complete their DofE programmes.
  • Keep accurate records on eDofE of all participants.

Promoting DofE programmes

  • Ensure that all young people within the centre are offered the chance to start their DofE programme.
  • Make publicity materials available to young people, parents/guardians and other interested parties.

Termination of the agreement

By the Licensed Organisation

The certificate is issued to the DofE centre on the grounds that both parties adhere to the requirements agreed by them in this SLA and the LO’s licence issued by The Award Scheme Limited (ASL),for a duration agreed by both the LO and the centre asstated at the top of the Agreement.

The Licensed Organisationor centre may terminate the agreement by giving 90 days written notice to their respective contact, as agreed above, stating the reasons why the decision was taken. This SLA may be terminatedfor reasons such as:

  • The DofE centre fails to adhere to the safety requirements agreed with the LO.
  • The DofEcentre enters into an activity that the LO considers inappropriate to young people or brings theLO or the DofE Charity into disrepute.
  • The DofE centre has not nominated a specific DofE Leader.
  • The LO fails to hold a licence.
  • The LO does not maintain its obligations as agreed in this SLA.

To terminate this SLA both parties must agree a minimum 90 day process to support all existing DofE participants currently undertaking their DofE programmes under this licence to either complete some or all their programmes and approve them, or to ensure that participantsare registered with an alternative DofE centre operating under licence to ASL.

Service Level Agreement agreed by the Licensed Organisation:

Signed: …………………………….….……….

Print name: ……………………………………

Position: ………………………………………..

Date: ……………………………………………

Service Level Agreement agreed by the DofE centre:

Signed: …………………………………………

Print name: ……………………………………

Position: ………………………………………..

Name of DofE centre: ………………………..

Date: ……………………………………………