Audience : Club Presidents, Club Secretaries, Surf Sports Directors, Club Competition Officers, Coaches and Competitors.
Action : Competitors and Management Officials gaining selection in the FNC InterBranch Representative Team to compete at SLSNSW InterBranch Titles at Cape Hawke SLSC on 12th and 13th December, 2015. ( Thursday 10th December – Sunday 13th December )
Date : October 2015
Contact : Harry Klouzal , Team Manager, SLSFNC InterBranch Team
2/19 Shoal Place, Kingscliff. 2487
Mobile - 0439403631
Summary / To seek nominations for the FNC InterBranch Representative TeamObjective / Provide development opportunities for all participants.
Provide opportunities and pathways for athletes, coaches and management officials at all levels.
Provide selection of the highest standard for Branch Representation
Action /
- Return Nominations (pages 3&4 completed and endorsed by Club) to Harry Klouzal (by mail or in person) OR no later than 10am at the FNC U12 to Open Carnival (Officials Tent) at Cabarita on Sunday 25th October
- All correspondence re selections are to be addressed to Selection Committee and delivered to Harry Klouzal prior to10am at theU12 – Open Carnival at Cabarita, 25th Oct.
Background & Team Composition
Surf Life Saving Far North Coast has a proud background and a successful history in the NSW InterBranch Championships. The 2013 Team will compete against the other NSW Branches at Soldiers Beach in December. Athletes from U12; U13; U14; U15; U17: U19 and Open categories, consisting of:
Open/U19 4 x Male athletes4 x Female athletes
Youth (U17)4 x Male athletes4 x Female athletes
U153 x Male athletes3 x Female athletes
U143 x Male athletes3 x Female athletes
U133 x Male athletes3 x Female athletes
U123 x Male athletes3 x Female athletes
NOTE : No athletes will be selected exclusively for any specific events
Management Nominations are called for the following positions:
Manager: Harry Klouzal (appointed)
Head Coach: Scott McCartney (appointed)
Ass. Team Manager
Assistant Coach (Water) Assistant Coach (Beach)
Chaperones X 3 Gear Stewards x2
How To Nominate
- ALL nominations must be completed in full and be Endorsed by the athlete’s club.
- All nominations (pages 3 & 4 of this circular) addressed to the Selection Committee, for the 2015 FNC InterBranch Team must be received by the Team Manager, Harry Klouzal, no later than 10am, Sun 25th
- October, either delivered to officials tent at Carnival or mailed/delivered to Harry Klouzal.
- Athletes unable to meet this deadline, must contact the Team Manger before the closing date. Dependent on circumstances, exemptions or letters (addressed to the Selection Committee) must be given to the Team Manager or emailed to Debbie Pawsey (DoSS)by5pm Friday 23rdOctober.
Selection Process
The objective of the Surf Life Saving FNC selection committee is to achieve the best possible FNC InterBranch Representative Team. This policy applies to athletes, team management and coaches.
The Selectors, in accordance with the SLSFNC Selection policy will consider all nominations for consideration in the selection process.
The SLSFNC Selection Committee will determine the final team.
Successful Athletes
Athletes selected in the FNC InterBranch Team
- Successful Athletes and Management will be notifiedby email after the selection committee meeting.
- The FNC InterBranch Representative Team will then be posted on the Branch Website
- The FNC InterBranch Representative Team will be available for a Team Briefing and Training session the weekend before InterBranch @ Cudgen on Saturday 5th December at 11.30pm -3pm.
Further information about the series including travel and accommodation will be available in the competitor’s information package that will be given to successful team members.
Unsuccessful athletes will be not be contacted.
Head Coach , Scott McCarthy, and Assistant Coaches will be conducting this session and it is an integral part of the Team’s preparation.
Session #1 Saturday 5th December. (11.30pm-3pm @ Cudgen)
Team Gear presentations will take place at Cudgen after the session on 6th December.
Further Information
For further information regarding the application process, please contact Harry Klouzal on0439 403631
Relevant Policies of SLS NSW, which apply to all athletes and management of SLSFNC InterBranch representative Team.
ALL applicants MUST read and be aware of the following.
SLSFNC Selection Policy (Club should have copy, otherwise contact FNC Branch Office)
Click HEREfor a copy of SLSNSW's Athlete and Management Agreement
ClickHEREforAnti-Doping Policy (SLSA Policy 5.2)
Both Documents are available at
ADDRESSSuburb / PostCode
Phone (Home)
STATUS(Circle one) / ATHLETE /
The above mentioned club endorses ______for selection in
theFNC InterBranch Representative Team. (Nominee is both Financial and Proficient)
Name : ______Position______
Signature : ______Date :______
APPLICANT”S AGREEMENTI have read and agree to abide by the conditions in SLSFNC Selection Policy and SLSNSW Athlete’s Agreement and Anti-Doping Policy.
Applicant’s Name :______
Signature (Applicant) : ______Date : ______
Name – Parent/Caregiver ______
( if applicant is Under 18 years of age )
Signature – Parent/Caregiver______Date : ______
2014/15 Season Results Please include top five individual placings only.
Titles / Placing / EventsFNC Branch
NSW Country
NSW Titles
Aussie Titles
CLOTHING SIZES ALL clothing supplied by KOZII
(please circle 5 Items) (contact Kozii OR past teammembers with sizing queries)
Strappie-1 piece
OR / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / Swimmers
OR / 16 / 18 / 20 / 22
Strappie-2 piece
OR / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / Swimmers
(Boys) / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16
Strappie-1 piece
OR / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14
Strappie-2 piece / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14
(unisex) / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16
18 / 20 / 22 / 24
Tee Shirt
(Girls cut) / XS / S / M / L / XL / Tee Shirt
(Mens Cut) / S / M / L / XL / 2XL
(Unisex) / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / S / M / L / XL / 2XL / 3XL
M / L / XL / 2XL / 3XL
Lycra Racing Singlet / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18
20 / 22 / 24