Department of Animal Sciences

Application for Cargill/Benevenga Undergraduate Research Stipend

Any undergraduate in the Animal Science or Poultry Science major, or any undergraduate student working on a research project with a faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences, may be considered for the stipend based the evaluation of the research proposal.

  • Students are to complete the first 10 points.
  • The research advisor must complete all sections of the Advisor Recommendation form.
  • The Review Recommendation sheet should be completed by another professor, in the major department preferably, or in a related field.

Completed application form, recommendations and research proposal can be dropped off in the Animal Sciences Department, Room 260, Animal Sciences Department.

To Be Completed by the Student:

1. Name: Class/Year:

2. Campus ID: E-mail:

3. Phone: SSN:

4. Home Address:

5. Major:

6. Research Mentor:

7. Research Mentor’s Department:

8. Graduation Date: May, August, December

9. Cargill/Benevenga Undergraduate Research Stipend requested for (check appropriate session):

Summer Fall ______Spring

260 Animal Sciences Bldg. 1675 Observatory Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53706 608-263-4300

Fax: 608-262-5157

10. Research Proposal: To be completed on 3-4 SEPARATE PAGES AND ATTACHED TO THIS FORM. Your research proposal must follow the outline below:

  1. Project title (no more than 80 characters).
  2. Abstract (250 words maximum).
  3. Background and justification (1 page maximum): Describe the research problem, briefly review relevant previous research, describe the significance of the research problem to the advancement of science relevant to agriculture and/or to society.
  4. Objectives and hypotheses (no more than 3 of each): Concisely state the objectives of the research and the hypothesis(es) to be tested.
  5. Experimental methods (2 pages maximum): Describe materials and methods, and statistical analyses; what are the expected results in relationship to objectives and hypotheses? What are potential problems and alternative approaches?

Previous experience (1/2 page): Describe your previous research, laboratory, or animal handling or other relevant experience.

g.Stipend requested (one of two levels):

a.Total funding, $1,000 of which $300 is used to support the laboratory. A total of 2 credits of research (299 or 699) are expected. A written final report is required in addition to an oral report of the finished project in a setting to be determined by the research mentor.

b.Total funding $2,000 of which $500 is used to support the laboratory. A total of 4 credits of research (299 or 699) are expected. A written final report is required in addition to an oral report of the finished project in a setting to be determined by the research mentor.

I agree that if awarded a Cargill/Benevenga Undergraduate Research Stipend, I will complete the requirements of the Stipend and will file 2 copies of my final report with the Department of Animal Sciences, 260 Animal Sciences Building. I also agree that if I am unable to complete the requirements of the Stipend, I will immediately return the Stipend awarded.

Student’s Signature______Date______

260 Animal Sciences Bldg. 1675 Observatory Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53706 608-263-4300

Fax: 608-262-5157

Project Advisor Recommendation

Student’s Name:

last first middle

Advisor’s Name:

I hereby waive the right under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, to inspect and review the Recommendation below. I understand this is a permanent waiver, revocable only upon written permission of Recommendation writer, and certify that this waiver is given voluntarily by me.

Student’s Signature: Date:

To Be Completed by Mentor:

Recommendation: In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended, this document may be inspected by the student if requested.)

  1. Worth of project (suitability, educational merit, feasibility of completion, significance of proposal, adequacy of procedures, etc.):
  1. Potential of participant and expected performance:
  1. Please comment on your available time to supervise this project:
  1. In your opinion, is the requested supplies and equipment budget justifiable?

Project Mentor’s Signature:

Office Location:

Telephone Number:

(Return this Recommendation form to room 260 Animal Sciences.)

Review Recommendation

Student’s Name:

last first middle

Reviewer’s Name:

I hereby waive the right under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, toinspect and review the Recommendation below. I understand this is a permanent waiver,revocable only upon written permission of Recommendation writer, and certify that this waiver is given voluntarily by me.

Student’s Signature______Date______


(To be completed by a professor other than the Project Advisor. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended, this document may be inspected by the student if requested.)

  1. Worth of project (suitability, educational merit, feasibility of completion, significance of proposal, adequacy of procedures, etc.):
  1. Potential of participant and expected performance:

(1)Potential of participant: Excellent Above Average

Average Below Average

Expected performance of student: Excellent Above Average

Average Below Average

Professor’s Signature:

Office Location:

Telephone Number:

(Return this Recommendation form to room 260 Animal Sciences.)