Cellbond are delighted to announce that Paul Lemmen joined the company on 1st March 2018 in the role of ATD Business Development Manager.
Paul, who is based in Holland, will work closely with the sales & marketing, engineering and product development teams to further promote and develop the product range of Cellbond ATD.
Managing Director, Dr Mike Ashmead, said, “We are thrilled that Paul has joined Cellbond. His reputation within the industry is first-class and he has joined us at a crucial point in Cellbond’s continuing growth in the ATD sector. Paul’s role will be focussed on increasing the number of our collaborations with industry partners and working groups globally and he will be closely involved in new projects as they evolve.”
After studying Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University, Paul joined the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) in 1988. While at TNO IWECO he was involved in FEA simulations into the crashworthiness and shock resistance of ship hull structures. At the end of the 1990’s he moved to the R&D department on vehicle passive safety at TNO Automotive, where he managed activities in areas including materials, structural crashworthiness and integrated safety. European Research projects included VC-COMPAT on vehicle to vehicle compatibility and PRISM on smart restraints.
In 2006 he joined FTSS in Delft, responsible for European engineering activities. Paul has been closely involved in various European Projects including THORAX on an improved shoulder thorax complex of the THOR dummy and ASSESS on the development of test procedures for AEB systems. He has also participated in various Euro NCAP working groups and GRSP Informal Groups and will continue to do so in his new role at Cellbond.
Notes to Editors:
Cellbond is based in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, and works with major car manufacturers, test houses and proving grounds including TRL, MIRA, Millbrook and Thatcham as well as safety organisations such as Euro NCAP and NHTSA. We supply products and expertise needed to evaluate and improve vehicle safety testing. Our product & services portfolio includes energy absorbers, crash test barriers, crash test dummies, calibration, testing, research and design.
We export over 90% of our products globally. Cellbond’s offices are located in the UK, Germany, Spain, Japan and the US, and we have agents in China, Malaysia and Korea. We work proactively to expand, develop and improve our trade operations globally. In 2017 Cellbond was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise, International Trade. In 2018 Cellbond will celebrate 30 years of successful business and innovation with a Technical Conference in Huntingdon.
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- Press enquiries to Wendy Wiltshire on +44 (0)1480 444799 or email to