Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayApril 14th2016

at the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.

Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman, Mr. S. Marsh, Mr. S. McAllister,Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. G. Pope,

Mr. C. Williams,Mr. H. Williams, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor, Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillorand Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk. Thirteen members of the public attended.

214. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr. J. Edmondson,Mr. A. MacGregor, & PCSO T. Mead.

215. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

216. Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

217. Open Session

Mr. Westlake highlighted a Food & Forces day to be held on the Sports Fieldon June 25th.

Mr. W. Masters asked for an update on possible works to protect the A/37. Mr. Bailey, County Councillor stated that he had received some drawings. It was noted that the Parish Council had not received any information.

Mr. D. Hopkins of the Dolphin Inn asked when would the signs, indicating toilet facilities, situated in the Limington Road car park area, would be removed. The Clerk read a letter received from SSDC, which thanked the Council for administering the funds for toilet provision and stating that the signs are to be removed.

Brigadier Knudsen informed there is now an injunction in place to prevent works continuing at 'Nowra' in Priory road.

Brigadier Knudsen commented on the situation at the Car Wash & Garage at Northover, stating that it opens on a daily basis at 8.00am with setting up starting well before that and continues to 7.00pm or later, this being advertised at the site. Throughout the opening hours the noise and vibrations of the machinery can be heard throughout his house and more so when in the garden. In the winter the floodlighting is used to illuminate the Car Wash, which has a secondary effect of lighting up the back of their property. Brigadier Knudsen stated that hefelt that the Car Wash operation is in breach of the unclear times granted by the Planning authority and causes issues of noise, noise & light pollution. As to the application 16/01103/FUL to form an A5 take away facility, this will only add to noise late at night and litter. Parking also will become an issue if parking of vehicles to the rear is enforced.

One other concern stated was that to date the applicant had not respected the hours and conditions already granted.

Mr. Wilmore, adjacent neighbour stated that he had no objection to the original application, but he and his wife were concerned at potential smell from the proposed Takeaway. Mrs. Wilmore asked why were cars for sale being parked under their windows, when there were other areas, with in fact 25/30 parking spaces to the rear.

The applicant Mr. Kesser, informed the meeting that he had taken advice from SSDC and had been informed that planning was not necessary. However now he has been informed it is required. Mr. Kesser stated that the extractor will be situated inside the building, which will remove both noise and smell. He wishes to keep on good terms with his neighbours. Mr. Kesser stated that there is an issue when busy with the Car Wash, but all Car Washes in Britain are in fact open on seven days a week. Mr. Kesser stated that the hours as in the planning application for the Takeaway will be reduced to 5.00pm through to 9.30pm. The Council agreed to consider all these points, when discussing the application later in the meeting.

The Council noted the reply to concerns regards safety at the newly sited Post Office, which stated that the Post Office were aware of possibly risks, but open plan is now their policy. This was noted.

Mr. Pope stated that when deliveries are made to the Post Office, there is traffic chaos. Mrs. Panter asked that the Council give the situation time to settle down before making further comment.

218. County & District Councillors’ reports.

Mr. Bailey highlighted issues from his report that had been circulated to all members, which included further information on the Cycle path from Ilchester to RNAS Yeovilton and progress on the Cycle route from Yeovil to RNAS Yeovilton. Mrs. Panter asked Mr. Bailey to report on the meeting held recently in Martock Church to hear Jacob Rees Mogg MP & Lord Ashdown speak on the forthcoming EU referendum. Mr. Bailey stated that the Church had been full and it had been a good debate. This was agreed by Mrs. Panter, who had with Mr. Edmondson also attended. Mr. Bailey gave his apologies for the Annual Parish meeting.

Mr. Capozzoli stated that there was a list of Area achievementsmentioned at SSDC Area East Committee and RNAS Yeovilton Air day will be held on July 2nd.

Mr. Capozzoli also gave his apologies for the Annual Parish meeting.

219. Youth Parish Councils

Miss Stapleton reported on behalf of the Youth Parish Councils stating that they are holding a Big Brunch from 10.00am to 12.00pm on April 16th and new panels have been painted on the Weighbridge.

220. Police & Community issues

In the absence of PCSO T. Mead, her report, had been Emailed and circulated. This highlighted that there had been 9 Criminal damage, 2 Dwelling burglary, 0 Fraud & Forgery, 0 Non dwelling burglary, 0 Theft from persons, 0 Thefts from vehicles, 21 other offences. Total calls to the Police from the whole Wincanton area had been 227.

The list of candidates for election on May 5th for the Police Crime Commissioner, were read & noted.

221. Planning matters

The Council noted & highlighted the two SSDC training days reference planning, being held on May 12th & May 24th at Brympton Way, Yeovil.

The Council noted that there was no decision to report on application 15/04446/OUT at the Old Forge, Limington road, Limington for outline application for the erection of up to six dwellings - adjacent Parish.

The Council noted that there was no decision on application 16/00033/COU for Mr. & Mrs B & L McGee at 16, Church Street for the change of use of dwelling (Class 3) to a hotel (Class C1) as an extension to the Ilchester Arms Hotel.

The Council noted that applications 16/00236/LBC for Datojem Ltd at Hainbury Farm for the carrying out of internal & external alterations to convert agricultural buildings to create six dwellings & 16/00110/S73 Datojem Ltd at Hainbury Farm to amend planning condition 1 (approved plans) of 14/00925/FUL to reduce the scheme to six dwellings from seven that had been granted previously had been granted.

The Council formally supported 16/00866/LBC for Mr. & Mrs. McGee at the Ilchester Arms for the

opening of an internal door between the Ilchester Arms & 16, Church Street and reopening a door to the rear.

The Council discussed application 16/01103/FUL for Mr. G. Kesser at Bridge Garage, Northover to partial change of use of showroom to form an A5 takeaway unit. After considerable discussion taking the views of the public and applicant into consideration, the Parish Council on the proposition of Mr. C. Williams, seconded by Mr. H. Williams agreed to recommend refusal, with one member abstaining. The reasons for this recommendation being on grounds of potential smell, traffic issues and the hours of use as laid out in the application. This is to be sent in response to the application. There were no other applications to consider.

222.Financial matters

The account balances were reported at31/03/16being in the C/A/c £100 & B/R A/c £225,274.36p.

Receipts -Bank interest £1.10p

Payments made -

14/04/162170£309.40SSDC play inspections

14/04/162171£20 Amy Band - skate park

14/04/162172£384Vision ICT Ltd - website

14/04/162173£524.84 PTH salary & expenses

14/04/162174£222Chalmers & Cotax advice

14/04/162175£156Cumbria Clock Co. Church clock

14/04/162176£60Chequered Flag cleaning Mead play area

14/04/162178£6ITT rent for Skate park & Mead play area

The above cheques were authorised and signed.

The Council noted that all Councillors had received a copy of the annual accounts to March 31st 2016.

These are to be presented to the Internal auditor and formally adopted at the next meeting.

The Council noted that the precept of £24,630 has been received.

223. Website

Mr. C. Williams stated that there had been more hits on the Website, but no response received from other Village organisations.

224. Highway matters

The Council noted that there was no date to report when the agreed works by Schools on the B.3151 and in Northover will be carried out. The Council noted that SCC Highways had responded to the suggestion to put a refuge island, in Northover, somewhere before the roundabout, and a possible white line on the carriageway on the Town Bridge opposite the footpath stating it would only delay the agreed works, but it could be considered as a separate scheme at a later date.

Mr. Pope reported that the light out in the High Street, which is attached to the Museum wall still has not been dealt with. It was agreed that the Clerk will now report it.

Mr. McAllister raised the issue of the state of the turning area by the Scout hut. As this area has no legal title owner, it was agreed that the way forward would be to find out potential costs to fill in the potholes, and then endeavour to get the residents, who use the area to agree to pay for the improvements.

225. Flooding issues

Mrs. Panter reported that there will be a meeting with the relevant authorities on May 24th. This being principally to meet on site, with the Landowners to see what is being proposed. It was noted that the Chairman and Mr. Edmondson are to attend on behalf of that Council, as a watching brief.

Mr. McAllister stated that he wished to have a lockable bin to hold sand adjacent or in the Flood hut. After discussion, it was agreed that quotations are to be received before any decision is made.

226. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams reported that there is to be a meeting with the allotment holders on April 16th.

All the agreements have been sent out to the tenants. Permission to hire a skip was discussed and approved.

227. Cemetery

Mr. C. Williams reported that there is a gap in the roadside hedge, which he will monitor.

228. Mead Play area

Mr. McAllisterreported that over hanging branches adjacent to the play area are being trimmed back by the son of the owner, who is Mrs. Merritt.

Mr. McAllisterreported that he has had the equipment cleaned at a cost of £60. It was noted that this had been authorised by the Chairman following receipt of details.

Mr. Mcallister drew attention to a ditch behind properties, at the Mead which had been filled in over time by residents. As this would be an issue for the Town Trust to remedy, this was noted.

Mr. McAllister asked permission to paint the gate. This was agreed.

229. Skate Park

Mr. McAllister reported thatthe Skate park was being well used and the site was being kept tidy.

230. Rights of Way

Mr. Pope stated that a stile issue at the A.37 is ongoing, and there were no other issues to report.

231. TreeMatters

Mr. Pope stated that the is an issue of an overhanging tree in Priory Road. This was noted.

232. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC

In the absence of Mr. MacGregor, Town Trust Trustee, there were no issues reported.

Miss Stapleton reported that she had attended the last meeting of IDCA, and a Forces Day event is being held on June 25th. Miss Stapleton also reported that the Editor of the Newsletter is leaving.

The Council had been informed that the four year term of Mr. Marsh, nominated as Trustee to IRINEC from the Parish Council, had ended on March 22nd. After discussion, Mr. Marsh was unanimously re-appointed for a second term of four years.

233. Correspondence

The Council noted the Waste Partnership newsletter, which had been circulated.

234. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

Mrs. Panter reported that Brigadier Knudsen had offered to arrange for a contingent of Soldiers to attend the Remembrance Sunday Service. This information has been copied to the Rev. B. Faulkner. The Council appreciated and agreed to accept the offer.

Mr. C. Williams informed the meeting that Mr. Stuart King had complimented the Council for the article in the Newsletter reference 'Keeping dogs under control'. This was noted.

The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayMay 12th 2016 at 7.30pm, with the Annual Parish meeting being held on April 21st at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, and declared the meeting closed at 9.40pm.

Signed: Date: