Jenkins 1

Teresa Jenkins

Instructor: Jeff Sturges

English 101

11 October 2004

Body Paragraph

What is Good Writing?

Don’t believe everything you hear, sometimes it may be a myth. There are many different myths circulating around involving writing. These are not new to society, but have been around for quite some time. It is important to take many things into consideration before deciding the truth or falsity to such myths as they apply to you. One such myth is “Good writers are born, not made.” (Foresman, 4) What message does this statement convey? It says to you that if you are not a natural writer from birth, you haven’t got a chance. No matter how much time and effort you put into improving your writing skills and techniques, you will never be a good writer. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Becoming a good writer requires effort on the writer’s part. Practice makes perfect, learning the rules, styles and tricks of the trade can only improve a person’s writing ability.