DSW Addendum: 1:1 Computing

Relevant Required Activity Sections: (C)(3) 1.1; (C)(3) 1.2; (C)(3) 1.3;


The growth of online assessment, learning management systems, and tools enable data driven decision making require wireless end user devices. Several LEAs have implemented district-wide 1:1 initiatives, while others have at least some segment of the student population learning in 1:1 environments. Work already completed around 1:1 will inform RttT related deployments.

Elements of a 1:1 Deployment:

LEAs agree to the following requirements for the deployment of 1:1 Computing using RttT funds:

  • Enterprise Wireless: LEAs agree to deploy Enterprise Wireless as described in the DSW Addendum for Enterprise Wireless for any site deploying 1:1 Computing.
  • Planning: All LEAs will develop a comprehensive plan for 1:1. NCLTI work should be leveraged to develop such a plan.
  • Professional Development: LEAs must budget and denote direct or indirect cost of at least 25% of total costs for dedicated, ongoing professional development.
  • Devices: End-User devices must be capable of enterprise support and management.
  • Procurement: LEAs agree to procure technology solutions through either state contracts or consortium procurements with other LEAs being coordinated through the Cloud Initiative.
  • Management/Support: LEAs agree to a sustainability plan for the long-term support and refresh of technology infrastructure. A successful sustainability plan should include the use of cloud infrastructure to support back-office needs, as well as a plan to use existing funding metrics to refresh end-user devices and wireless infrastructure.
  • Infrastructure Blueprint: LEAs agree to implement other areas of the Infrastructure Blueprint as defined in the Required Activities for Section A of the Detailed Scope of Work. LEAs agree to collaborate with the NCEdCloud team to ensure a vertical integration of 1:1 Computing with other areas of the Infrastructure Blueprint.
  • LEA Technology Plan: Amend to include deployment, professional development, budgeting, evaluation of effectiveness, and sustainability

Budget Guidance:

LEAs should budget based on the following guidelines. If RttT funds will be exhausted your implementation plan, please show funding sources you plan to use to complete the project.

LEAs should budget $300-1000 per user for end-devices. This number includes the device and cloud infrastructure required to support back-office operations. The low end of the range represents a midgrade Netbook, the middle of the range represents high end Tablet Netbooks, and mid-range laptops. The high range represents high-end laptops. LEAs should consider the ability to refresh machines at the end of a four-year cycle, as well as district objectives.

LEAs should budget 25% of total cost of devices for Professional Development and Planning. This amount covers the cost of extensive professional development and the overall planning for a 1:1 initiative. Districts that have done previous planning work may be able to budget a lower amount per teacher.