Project Proposal

Project # 11 Watt Room Reservation System

Team Members: Grayson Bonds, Ryan Berberian

CPSC 4820 Mobile Device Software Development

Project Description


Finding a room in which students are able to study can take a longer period of time than actually studying. Oftentimes students will request to reserve a room for a project group, personal use, or events like chapter and find very limited availability. The process to make a reservation is not easy for students or teachers who decide to meet outside of scheduled class times.

Target Audience

The Watt Room Reservation iOS mobile application, named Watt Spaces, will be developed primarily for students, with the exception of teacher use outside of the classroom. Anyone with a valid Clemson University ID will be able to use the application.

Target Device

The Watt Spaces mobile application will be developed on the iPhone mobile devices for iOS 9.0 or later.

Application Description

The functionalities of the Watt Spaces mobile application should include but are not limited to the following:

  • Ability for a valid CUID user to request a 2 hour maximum time slot for a specific room for school related purposes.
  • GPS Location recognition for room reservation check in.
  • Ability to view open rooms by availability. Certain rooms, regardless of availability will not be able to be reserved.
  • Check in feature to ensure room use. This feature will include a 15 minute timeout for rooms that have not been checked into.
  • Reservations may be limited on a per user basis to prevent monopolization of room use.
  • Track information regarding room use from a specific user, groups, and student/teacher use and the amount of people.


The application will provide a way to reduce time spent walking floor to floor and building to building. Overall, it will provide an easier way for students to find available rooms in which to work. Long term benefits may include use of the reservation system in more buildings on campus.

Brief description of artifacts (if any) residing on the device


List of additional devices required by the app


Schema of local database

Schema of external database

Story Board Sketch

This sections displays the layout of the application. Some screens are representations of final functionality. The first, below, displays the login feature that requires a valid username and password. It is intended that only Clemson University students, faculty and staff will have access to this app through their CUID.

Login Screen

Event Scheduler Screen

The event scheduler screen will show the available events listed for a specific user. A user will only be able to edit the name of their events once the request has been processed. If the user presses the add button they will be redirected to the reservation form.

Reservation Form Screen

The reservation form currently only asks for an event name, start time, end time, and room. Rooms have buildings associated with them and both are static.

Event Editing Screen

The event editor will only allow the name of the event associated with a specific user to be edited. No other features will be edited on the basis that other reservations may have been made. Cancellation of an event should be made through the event scheduler screen or by the automatic check-in feature associated with arriving at the room reserved.