March-April 2018

Through the newsletter we endeavour to give you information and dates about upcoming events in good time. This is the main place to go for this kind of information. Twitter is used to send reminders and share your child’s class learning experiences throughout the week (see website for all classes). If there is ever anything you are unsure of please contact the school office.

You can access our school website on

Monday 19th March / P1M Assembly / 1.15pm
Monday 19th March / Health Focus Fortnight Begins! / Separate letter
Tuesday 20th March / Glee Club Competition / Good luck!
Thursday 22nd March / P1 Trip / Separate letter
Tuesday 27th March / Easter Service Larbert Old -9.30am
P3, P4/3, P4, P5/4 Performing / Come along!
Thursday 29th March / School closes for Easter/Spring Holiday / 3pm
Monday 16th April / School re-opens 9am / Homework starts
Thursday 19th April / PTA Spring Discos / P1-3 6-7pm
P1-4 7.15-8.30
24th- 27th April / P7 Residential / Separate letter
Thursday 26th April / PTA Meeting – Outside Inn / All welcome
Friday 27th April / Community Coffee Morning –
Nursery, P1M, P1R Performing / All welcome
Friday 27th April / P5/4 Trip / Separate letter
Monday 30th April / P5 Assembly / 1.15pm
Thursday 3rd May / PTA Dress down day! Bring a £1 or gift donation for the fayre. / Thank you!
Friday 4th May / Staff Inset day – School closed to pupils
Monday 7th May / Holiday – School closed to staff and pupils
Tuesday 8th May / P6W Trip / Separate letter
Wednesday 9th May / Parents’ Evening / Info to follow
Saturday 12th May / SUMMER FAYRE 11am-1.30pm / Save the date!
Monday 14th May / P6W Assembly / 1.15pm
Tuesday 15th May / P6C Trip / Separate letter
Thursday 17th May / Parents’ Evening / Info to follow
Friday 18th May / P7 Induction Day –Larbert High School
Monday 21st May / P7 Induction Day – larbert High School
Friday 25th May / Community Coffee Morning
Wednesday 30th May / P1-3 Sports Day – 9.15am and 1.15pm
Wear appropriate clothing/bring bottle / Weather permitting
Wednesday 30th May / Falkirk Council P7 Games Event / Separate letter
Thursday 31st May / P4-7 Sports Day - 9.15am and 1.15pm
Wear appropriate clothing/bring water / Weather permitting
Monday 11th June / Concert Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday 12th June / Concert (Morning) / Info to follow
Wednesday 13th June / Concert (Morning and Evening) / Info to follow
Thursday 14th June / Concert (Afternoon) / Info to follow
Tuesday 19th June / P4/3 Trip / Separate letter
Wednesday 20th June / P1M, P1R Trip / Separate letter
Friday 22nd June / P2M, P2Y Trip / Separate letter
Monday 25th June / P3 Trip / Separate letter
Tuesday 26th June / P7 Leavers’ Event / 10am Larbert High
Friday 29th June / School closes 1.30pm (taxis collect from 1.10pm). Children going home for lunch must be collected or have a letter to say they are walking. School uniform should be worn please. / Have a wonderful holiday 


Mrs Gillespie Head Teacher

Mrs Willox Acting Depute Head Teacher(P2-5)

Mrs Clubb Principal Teacher (March – June)

Mrs Macartney Acting Principal Teacher(P6-7)

Mrs Craig Acting Principal Teacher (Nursery-P1)


We welcome Principal Teacher Mrs Clubb on the 26th March, and she will be with us until the end of June while Mrs McLaughlin continues her Acting Head position.


Could I kindly ask that you pay your child’s dinner money on the day or in advance, thank you.


During a recent audit of our books we have found that a number are missing. Could you please check if you have any LVPS books at home (ORT or Bug Club), which will have the school stamp inside. We are also re-stocking our class and school libraries and will be buying a range of texts, but if you have any good quality books at home you no longer need we would love to make use of them. Thank you.


We have pupils who have a serious nut allergy. Children should not bring nuts, or any food item containing them, including some chocolate spreads, to school under any circumstances, thank you.


Has your address or telephone number, or your emergency contact changed? Please keep us updated to ensure we can contact you with important information.We have begun the process of e-mailing letters to parents. If you have not yet given us your e-mail address please email and let Mrs Fleming know who your child is.


MrsWillox, Mrs Craig, Mrs Macartneyand I are always happy to speak to you or meet if you have any questions or concerns.

Mandy Gillespie
