Grove Park Board Meeting

Place: Gary Vaughn's home

Date: 7-9-12 7:-930pm


Carrie Clement – President

Gary Vaughn – Vice President

Kent Marlitz – Treasurer

Marie Marcoux – Secretary

HOA Board discussed the following:

Old business

Readdressed combining the checking and savings accounts that currently have a low interest rate and move them to a CD with a higher return. Gary researched Fidelity and recommends monies to be transferred to an FDIC Insured account at Fidelity that will offer a higher return without any penalties for withdrawal. Board in agreement. Lynn Collins will need to be on all the accounts. Gary and Kent will make the arrangements.

Management fees

Readdressed management company fees.Discussed and explored ways to reduce accounting fees, bank charges etc.We have obtained the contracts from Southern Management, Luce and Associates, Tim Grubbs Landscape andSweet Water Pool Service,with plans to review all contracts and reportour findings and recommendations at the next meeting.

Home owner dues

Lynn Collins is in the process of addressing HO's that are in default that involve fines and court hearings. Current total dues outstanding amount of $18,208.53. Lynn will provide an update at the next meeting in August 2012

Playground mulch

Lynn Collins checked withForsyth County and found the suggested mulch is not mandatory. Board voted to decline the request for playground mulch.


Kent provided his research regarding alternate website companies. Southern Management Company (SPM) provides services with prices starting atmonthly fees of $49.95 for a basic package.Board reviewed the package and agreed to this website package. Anticipate this change will be by Fall, 2012, and at that time we will cancel our current website contract.We will update everyone when the new site is ready.

Pool drainage issue

Drainage issue discussed once again to include Carrie Clement. Kent has offered to do the repairs needed that involve installing a 25ft drain pipe that is estimated to cost $350. Board agreed to allow Kent to do the repair work. Thank you Kent!

Block captain update

As noted, Gary has recruited block captains to include Brad Carlton, Bill Bryant, Karen Donath, Janet Baglien, Barbara Hansman, Mischelle Hall, Cathy Salmon and Alison Toledano. Captains first assignment was to distribute the June newsletter the week of the 18th which has been accomplished. Thanks everyone!

Red Oak Trash Service

Currently need 15 more HO'to sign up w/ Red Oak to take advantage of the great lower pricing. Kent plans to request that Red Oak honor the offer now to include thelower price of $11 and provide trash /recycle cans with the Grove Park logo.Hopefully,the remaining 15 homes will be signed up with Red Oak by Fall of 2012.

Zoning Committee: / Brad Carlton

Costco plans have not been approved for the land on RT 20 behind the United Bank. Mr Ingles continues to have ownership of this property and no new developments are being addressed.

Welcome Committee: / Kent Marltiz/ Gary Vaughn/ Brad Carlton

Guidelines still are needed for the committee and to be submitted to the Board for approval at the next meeting. Lynn Collins will be adding the committee names and email listing to the welcome kits sent to new HO's.

Safety Security Committee:

David Rye submitted his resignation from the committee, however Gary and Kent plan to follow through with the surveillance equipment needed for the pool area. Signage will also be needed advising the public that this is private property andno trespassing is permitted. Carrie will follow thru with the signage and Gary and Kent will follow through with the electronics. Update to be provide at next meeting.

Electronic pool access cards are on hold at this time until a new fence (approx cost 30K) is installed around the pool that will prevent jumping of the fence by folks who do not live in Grove Park. The board voted to not install the fence at this time.

Parking at the pool area at night was readdressed. No trespassing bilingual signage is needed that will be researched by Carrie Clement. Once signage is in place the board will readdress selecting a licensed towing company that can also store vehicles towed.

Pool house heater

Removed as scheduled / coordinated by Kent and done by H&M plumbing services.

Volunteers still needed

Volunteers are needed to help paint the pavilion posts and facia boards that is currently scheduled for 7-28-12.Volunteers can contact Gary Vaughn, or Kent Marlitz @. Marie Marcoux will coordinate coffee and donuts for that morning.

New Business

Emergency phone for the pool area

Discussed installing an emergency phone at the pool that will dial directly to the police via 911. Board in agreement to install the phone if it is required. Kent will research what is required for installation and provide an update at the next meeting.

Pool area issues

It has been noted that vendor Sweetwater is not providing the agreed services to the pool area. The poolhouse has been lacking soap, towels, light bulb replacements and repair ofthe safety rails into the pool. Kent has been in talks with Sweetwater to ensure that these services are provided. Also, it has been noted that the pool surface appears to need repair, however should still be under warranty. Carrie plans to follow thru with previous board members Ellen Etter and David Rye to obtain a copy of the warranty, follow thru with the vendor and provide an update to the Board at the next meeting in August 2012.

Homeowner meeting

Brad Carlton attendedto discuss some suggestions regarding the frontage and pool areas e.g. weeding, watering, removing straw from the grill areas/replace w/ stone and installing cigarette disposal containers to avoid a possible fire hazard. Board will review the suggestions and provide a report at the next mtg.

Vendor meeting/ Tim Grubbs Landscaping Service

Tim Grubbs attended to review his contract, fees and clarify his landscaping responsibilities for Grove Park. Monthly fee is $975. Responsibilities include mowing, trimming, edging and pruning for the front entrance and pool areas; plant seasonal flowers;purchase and apply pine straw; and coordinate the watering for the entrance and pool areas.Weed control is not part of Tim's' service. Weed service was arranged by the previous board with vendor Arbornomics, however it appears they have not been treating the property for weeds as agreed, especially in the pool area. Carrie will follow thru with this vendor to request they abide by their contract and treat the weeds in the pool and front entrance areas.

The Board requested Tim replace the flowers at the entrance that have not survived the heat spell due to lack of watering and provide dirt to fill in the sink holes at the entrance.. Tim plans to research the total cost for the sink holes ( approximately $350 per truckload of dirt) and will provide Carrie/ Kent with an update prior to repairing the sink holes.

The Board requested the mowing within the pool areas be done on Thursday's between 9-9:30am to avoid conflict with the pool service company and avoid any personal injury liability issues with HO's.

Marie Marcoux, Secretary