Poole Parent carer Forum meeting 27th February 2018

AT 10:00,

Community Room- Tesco Tower Park


  • Members present:- Kate Knowlton, Dee Hulm, Maureen Rolfe, Esther Maristegui-Nunez, Sharon Moore
  • Apologies – Louise Middleton
  • Minutes of last meeting:-

EMN – It Issues –PPCF Website – No Newsletter showing. Events not up to date, Meetings need updating, SM to do

  • Coffee morning in schools–Update –SM has emailed Canford Heath Schools, Montecute and Heatherlands. SM has had a reply from Montecute and a coffee morning booked for 16th March. SM To chase up the other schools.

EMN and DH would like to attend the coffee morning with SM at Montecute.

Sm to write out a plan of what to cover. SM has emailed Aimee at RR some ideas for a leaflet. EMN asked to see the draft leaflet before it gets printed. Cake required at coffee mornings. SM to design an Advert for Montecute school coffee morning.

  • 17/1/18 – Meeting with Sendiass-What can we do together? SM
  • 18/1/18- GDPR training, Hosted by Dorset Community Action, Run By Lacey’s Solicitors SM and LM attending
  • 19/1/18- Poole Send Strategic meeting. LM and NJ attending - Cancelled
  • 23/1/18- CCG Send Health MR and LM attending
  • 25/1/18- CCG Transforming Care LM and DH attending
  • 6/2/18- SW Regional meeting – Exeter –SM Driving – who else wants to come?
  • 20/2/18- SW cluster meeting and Pan Dorset feedback on ASD Pathways. SM and??
  • Short breaks – How do we proceed? – What is the Legal duty? We need to start with a survey, we need the evidence before we can approach the LA. Everyone to think of Q’s, Southampton PCF has shared theirs with us.
  • 11:00 – Claire Webb – Implementation plan– Lots of communication with Claire from the group, Claire explained that the plan is already a year in progress. What do parents want to get involved in?
  • Transition from preschool to school- support does not follow.
  • Send parents suffer from relationship breakdowns, which cost the LA more in the long run, parents need supporting more.
  • Early diagnosis, family and siblings get forgotten, they need support too.
  • Short Breaks has been reviewed recently, but was not co-produced with the forum.
  • Preparation for Adulthood – Needs to be co-produced. 16+ children, need a full programme of education, not 2 1/2 hours per week. Early intervention for preparation is paramount.
  • Attendance – Children with medical needs are being marked on the school register as absent when they are attending numerous Medical appointments.

A.O.B- We spoke about the extra funding that has come to LA’s Supported Internship - £39,591 SEND Reform - £87,429 SM has a copy of a letter that Dorset Used. SM to re word letter and send to LA.

  • Dates of next meeting: - 27th March 2018

24th April 2018

Future Meetings:

1/3/18 – SM meeting with Victoria @Sendiass – re arranged to 9/3/18

5/3/18 – PPCF hosting a coffee morning at Coping with chaos SM – Cancelled no heating at chaos

7/3/18 – Winchelsea Careers Fair 4:30-8pm?? & ??– LM and SM

12/3/18 – CCG – Send Health Forum 2-4?? &?? – MR &?? 1 more person needed

13/3/18 – Donna Murray from Poole FID and The Mix support group- The Mix moved to the 20th as Teresa Jones is now also coming on the 13th to talk about High needs provision.

14/3/18 – Poole Housing Information Event 10-1 – Anyone can attend

15/3/18 – Graduated Response – Jo Bispham -930-1130 - Everyone

16/3/18 – Participation Training @ Rose Road – Any new members??

16/3/18 – 10:00 Coffee morning at Montecute – SM, DH and EMN

22/3/17 – ASD Stakeholders 12-12 SM &?? –SM & EMN