Celebrating Supporters: 2-8 November

The work we do wouldn't be possible without our supporters who faithfully pray, campaign and give. This week we want to celebrate some of these amazing people who help us follow Jesus where the need is greatest.

Sunday 2 November

Our Supporter Services team has the privilege of spending time talking to supporters. One lady recently described how she had chosen to give out of the winter fuel allowance provided for her as a pensioner. Thank God for the way he uses people's generosity to change lives in poor communities.

Monday 3 November

At Tearfund, we love having the opportunity to pray with – and for – our supporters. It's a great reminder that we are all a part of God's church globally. Let's thank God that, as we pray together, our prayers are powerful.

Tuesday 4 November

Every week we receive letters from supporters which include messages of encouragement and prayers for us and our work. It is always such a blessing to us. Today, thank God for all those who, like you, pray faithfully for Tearfund's work through local churches across the world. Ask that they will be spurred on to persevere in prayer.

Wednesday 5 November

We are regularly amazed at the sacrifices our supporters make to help the millions of people across the world living in material and spiritual poverty. We spoke to one supporter who explained that, although she is past retirement age, she chooses to continue working so she can keep giving. Praise God today for our supporters' incredible generosity.

Thursday 6 November

One supporter recently received a sum of money unexpectedly. Rather than keeping it, he chose to use it all to increase a gift he had planned to give to support Tearfund's response to typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Thank God for those whose livelihoods have been rebuilt as a result of supporters like these.

Friday 7 November

It's not just adults who do extraordinary things to support our work. Recently, one little girl was so inspired hearing about Tearfund's work in Syria that she used her birthday party as an opportunity to raise money. Praise God for all those who, like her, choose to celebrate their special occasions in this way.

Saturday 8 November

As well as being so grateful for your prayers and financial support, we are always so encouraged to hear about supporters who campaign tirelessly on behalf of those living in poverty. Pray that God will guide and strengthen us all as we seek to be a blessing to others.

Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. Spend some time reflecting on the passage, and ask God to show you whether there are ways you can put this into practice with your time, abilities or resources. Choose one way you can do that this week, and place a reminder somewhere you will see it.

Treasures in Heaven: 9-15 November

What do our earthly possessions look like in the light of eternity? This week we celebrate faithful Christians who remembered Tearfund in their will, setting their hearts beyond death and loving others, even after their passing.

Sunday 9 November

Brenda Payne supported Tearfund in life and death. She sold greetings cards to raise money for our work. Friend Judy Atherton says Brenda would be 'delighted to know that [her legacy] will be used to bring transformation to so many people'. Thank God for all those with servant hearts who leave legacies to Tearfund.

Monday 10 November

Rev William Butland – Joe – and his wife, Joan, became supporters of Tearfund soon after it began, encouraging their church to support it too. The couple both left gifts to Tearfund, and their family and friends made donations at their thanksgiving services in 2007 and 2013. Thank God for those in leadership who inspire mercy.

Tuesday 11 November

Eileen Spencer remembered Tearfund because we help people 'no one else reached', especially through our work with vulnerable girls. Eileen has three daughters of her own. Lord, help us continue to follow Jesus where the need is greatest.

Wednesday 12 November

Joy Clinch was in the Auxiliary Fire Service during the war, then became a headteacher in inner-city London. She never married or had children of her own, but had a 'big heart for children'. She supported Tearfund and would be 'glad to know her legacy will be well used', says Elaine Myerscough, her niece.

Thursday 13 November

Joyce Hardie Aitken supported our work in prayer as well as through her legacy. A copy of the Tearfund Prayer Diary, opened at that day's page, was found beside her bed when she died. Praise you, Lord. You value everything we give: money, prayers, service, love.

Friday 14 November

Gordon Landreth helped found Tearfund in 1968. His wife, Rosemary, died in January 2013, after years of generous support and faithful prayer. Her family write, 'We are thankful that Rosemary's legacy can bring hope and transformation to those who so desperately need it.' Father, thank you that nothing we give you is ever wasted.

Saturday 15 November

For many, our wills reflect what mattered most to us in life. A legacy offered for God's kingdom is a gift from a heart made flesh by his holy power (Ezekiel 36:26). We thank God that he offers us a crown of glory in his eternal kingdom.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do

Tearfund is blessed to have such faithful supporters, and we are so grateful to each person who leaves a gift to Tearfund in their will. Every gift helps to transform the lives of people living in poverty, enabling our work to continue for generations to come. Thank you so much,' says Kirsty Hawes, Tearfund's Legacies Officer. To find out more about giving to Tearfund in your will, contact Kirsty at or call 0208 943 7729.

Lord Most High: 16-22 November

'I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.' Psalm 7:17

This week we look back at some amazing answers to prayer from the Prayer Diary and other Tearfund prayer networks. Let's sing praises to our Father God ...

Sunday 16 November

In the Prayer Diary in June, we introduced 12-year-old Nang, from Laos, whose community is highly vulnerable to child trafficking. Nang finished primary school and is now at secondary school. She says, 'I am happy to know that people in the UK are helping Lao people – especially children like me. Thank you for caring for us.'

Monday 17 November

Last September, Sina, a struggling mother from Cambodia, told us, 'I feel I have nothing.' Since then, her local church, supported by Tearfund's partner, has been reaching out to her. Give thanks that Sina now rejoices, 'I've learnt that Jesus can show us the way through prayer. He is a God of love.'

Tuesday 18 November

This March, we introduced you to Doreen and Jouvllet, two teenage girls from Uganda who faced a 3km mountain trek to collect water every day. Join them rejoicing today as they now have a water tank near their home. 'We will be very, very happy to draw the first container from the tank,' says Vanessa, Doreen and Jouvllet's mum.

Wednesday 19 November

Last December we asked you to pray for Raju, Sarita and their two children, Usa and Kusal, from Nepal, as they struggled to provide daily food. Praise God that the family are happy and well. Sarita now has a pig that she hopes will have piglets to raise and which will provide more income for the family.

Thursday 20 November

Last year, we asked for prayer through our One Voice email for the release of Janet, Martin and Abdinoor of Tearfund partner International Aid Services: they had been kidnapped in Somalia. Praise God that this June they were released. 'The long dark night is over – praise God!' says Chris McDonald, head of Tearfund's work in Somalia.

Friday 21 November

This March, we sent an email letting people know about Streetbank, a new Christian initiative that helps people find and share things and skills in their neighbourhoods. Give thanks that more than 350 Tearfund supporters responded. Sam Stephens from Streetbank says, 'Please let people know how grateful we are!'

Saturday 22 November

Lord, we thank you for all you are doing to care for the poorest and most vulnerable people around the world through your body, the Church. We praise you for the 4,000 children that are now safe from traffickers thanks to the people who responded at BigChurchDayOut. Amen.

Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea

Put a jam jar and some notepaper somewhere you will see them every day. Every time you see the jar, think of something you are thankful for, write it down and put it in the jar. When it's full, spend some time reading the notes and thanking God.

Holding On to Hope: 23-29 November

Since March 2011, Syria has been gripped by a devastating civil war. As we pray into this heart-rending situation, remember: 'Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear' (Isaiah 59:1).

Sunday 23 November

The people of Syria desperately need the conflict to end so that they can begin to rebuild their lives. Ask Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to bring an end to the fighting. 'We need to cry out to God for a breakthrough,' says Tearfund's Claire Tiffen.

Monday 24 November

We're constantly inspired by the brave individuals who are providing help inside Syria. 'The only thing that keeps me staying in Syria is the people I minister to,' says John, who received training on disaster response from Tearfund. Thank God for everyone working in this perilous environment and ask him to keep them safe.

Tuesday 25 November

Refugees leaving Syria are often traumatised by the atrocities they've witnessed. A Tearfund partner is providing life-changing trauma care to Syrian women in Jordan. 'You bring back our dignity. You treat us like humans, like we have feelings,' says Afya, one of the participants. Ask God to heal people experiencing psychological distress.

Wednesday 26 November

Hawwa fled to Lebanon with her family. She is now taking English classes in a nearby church so she can help her sons with their homework. Thank God for the resilience of the Syrian people, and ask him to strengthen and sustain them.

Thursday 27 November

Ten-year-old Noora wanted to be a doctor when she lived in Syria. But after fleeing to Jordan, she was unable to join the overcrowded local school. Her father, Suleman, fears that his children 'will waste their future if they stay here'. Pray for better access to education for Syrian refugee children like Noora.

Friday 28 November

To mark the third anniversary of the conflict, Tearfund asked UK children to send cards to Syrian refugee children, decorated with their prayers. 'The children really enjoyed making the cards as their contribution to praying for and supporting Syria,' says Mel Cleveland, the vicar's wife. Give thanks for the encouragement this activity brought.

Saturday 29 November

As another cold winter kicks in, lift up the millions of Syrians struggling to keep warm, often in makeshift tents or unsuitable dwellings. Pray that Tearfund and other aid agencies will reach them with shelter, food and urgent provisions.

Welcome to the Weekend – Creative Prayer Idea

Using this prayer by a Tearfund partner in Lebanon, reflect on the truth that we are united as the body of Christ around the world. 'Heavenly Father, through all the hard situations we are facing in the Middle East, we believe your hand is here working in the shadows. Everything is destroyed, but we ask you to build it up again from the ashes. Fill us with your never-ending love.'

Names have been changed to protect identities.

Thanksgiving in Ethiopia: 30 November-6 December

In January 2013, Elfed Godding, National Director of Evangelical Alliance Wales and Tearfund Vice-President, visited Ethiopia. He says, 'The steady growth of self-help groups (SHGs) over the last few decades has resulted in thousands being lifted from poverty. Thank God for this simple but effective demonstration of his love.'

Sunday 30 November

Grinding poverty holds back countless families in the Arba Minch region of south-west Ethiopia. Through partnership with the Kale Heywet Church, Tearfund is working with Project Gilgal. Praise God for the sacrificial love shown by local churches in providing life-skill training through SHGs.

Monday 1 December

Ethiopia is one of the countries with which the Welsh government works, through Wales Africa Links. The Tearfund Wales-Ethiopia Partnership provides funding to Project Gilgal through Welsh churches over three years. Please pray for the target of £15,000 a year to be reached.

Tuesday 2 December

The work is growing rapidly because Tearfund is willing to utilise and mentor local Christians, including driver Ammanuel Endriyas, to reach poor communities. Praise God that, thanks to Project Gilgal, 60 new groups will help 1,200 new members or 6,000 new households lift themselves out of poverty.

Wednesday 3 December

Self-help groups are made up of about 15-20 people who agree to meet and save money regularly. It is one of the most effective strategies used by churches to overcome poverty. There are now 12,000 SHGs across Ethiopia. Thank God for the gradual rebuilding of self-esteem and confidence where hope had been abandoned.

Thursday 4 December

Self-help group members save the equivalent of 2p a month into a central fund. Rules, interest rates and repayment periods are set by the group. Then loans are offered to clear debt or to start a business like coffee making. Thank God for the entrepreneurial skill and business acumen that are emerging.

Friday 5 December

It is estimated that, in the past few years, 2,000 people have come to know Christ through SHGs. Project Gilgal leader Amme says, 'First they join a group and then they join Christ.' The marginalised are mainstreamed by escaping poverty and realising their value to their Creator.

Saturday 6 December

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are the repairer of broken walls and restorer of streets with dwellings. Please use the team in Ethiopia to seek first your kingdom by strengthening the movement of SHGs, demonstrating God's love through acts of kindness and justice at all levels of society and seeing your will done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do

Why not follow the self-help group model and save a small amount each week? If you saved just 50p, after a year you would have £26. Then you could pray and decide how to use that money to bless others.

Tearfund Prayer Diary November 2014–